Chapter 19

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

I was just so happy to be able to spend an afternoon with my bandmates, I had missed them a lot. And it was awesome that Harry and Zayn agreed to a tour, I honestly thought that they would say no, but I'm sure glad they didn't. I can't wait to go back on tour with the lads, it's just different and it's much better when you get to experience that with 4 other people. Soph and I got really late last night from Harry's house, so we headed straight to bed, to sleep of course. I wasn't going to pressure her into having sex, as much as I wanted to, I respected her and I was going to wait for her for as long as she needed.

"Morning." She mumbled as her eyes fluttered open laying right next to me. This is something I'll definitely miss when she goes back home and I'm back on tour. We haven't talked yet about what we're going to do to see each other while I'm on tour, and we seriously have to talk about that, because I've become so dependent of her, I'll need to see her at least once a month.

"Morning beautiful." I responded. "Are you hungry?"

"Always." Was her come back. I loved that she loved food as much as I did, I swear that we were meant for each other.

5 minutes later we were downstairs making some egg sandwiches, to change things up a bit.

"So, did you have fun yesterday?" I asked her, we barely got a chance to talk when we got home.

"Yes, everyone was really nice. I had such a great time. Did you?"

"Yeah, I'd missed them like crazy. It felt good to be all together again and be able to spend time together just lounging and reconnecting."

"And you're going on tour together! That's the most amazing thing, I'm so happy about that."

"Me too, I'm stoked! It'll be great to be back on tour with the boys, we still have to talk to management about that so that we can figure out the details, but we'll work everything out." And as if on cue, my phone started vibrating, it was Harry calling me.

"Hey Haz, how are you?"

"I'm great and you?"

"Me too."

"So listen, I've already spoken with the other boys and management, and we'd like to get together as soon as possible to start planning everything while we're all still here in LA. I know you only have a few days left with Sofia, but could you possible meet with us this afternoon? At around 4, it won't take more than 2 hours, I swear." I wanted to spend as much time with Soph as possible of course, but I also wanted to sort everything out with the boys.

"Sure, just give me a sec." I responded as I muted the call to talk to Soph. "Hey, so the boys set up a meeting with management at 4, would it be okay if I went? Harry says it won't take more than 2 hours."

"Of course Niall, you don't have to ask me for permission." Soph replied while letting out a small laugh. "Go to the meeting, I'll catch up on some work."

"Perfect." I unmuted the call. "Yes, see you there Haz."

"Great, see you later. Bye."


The meeting actually went great, the new management was pretty understanding and willing to adjust to our ideas and inputs, which was a very good sign. We discussed possible tour dates, the types of venues we wanted and even the possibility of releasing a whole new album instead of just a few singles, even if that meant longer concerts. Which if you see it from a fans perspective, it's actually better. The guys and I even agreed to meet tomorrow at my place for a pool party with our girlfriends, so that we can all spend time together before Harry, Louis and I go back on tour.

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