Chapter 42

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I woke up the following morning to find Niall complaining about his terrible hangover. I laughed at him for drinking too much but ultimately got up to get him some medicine and water. Good thing I always bring medicines with me when I travel, or Niall would've been stuck with a terrible headache all day long.

"Here you go." I told him as I handed him the pills and a bottle of water.

"2?" He asked me incredulous.

"Yeah 2. I always take 2 when my head hurts really bad. And yours hurts like hell am I right?"

"Yep, you're right petal." He spoke before chugging the pills.

We decided to order room service and stay in at least until Niall felt better. Besides, I was pretty sure the rest of the boys and some of the girls were in the same shape as him and they wouldn't be leaving their rooms soon. As breakfast arrived I decided to turn on the TV to try and find a movie or something. The first channel that popped up as soon as I turned it on was the news, and they were obviously talking about the boys' first night out in years. It was pretty big news and they were just starting with the story from what I could hear.

"and it's been the first time we've seen them together since their hiatus. Let's have a look at some of the footage we have." The female anchor finished before a video was played. The video was from inside the Club and you could pretty much tell who was who, it was pretty HD. Why couldn't this video have the Wellington quality? I spotted Liam and Maya trying to dance and it was obvious how intoxicated they were. Then they panned to Eleanor and Louis, they looked pretty decent considering the state Lou was in, and then finally the video showed Niall, thank god the person took the video from behind me and you could only see my back. But of course they had to record our kiss and it was pretty obvious we were kissing since Niall turned slightly sideways to kiss me and you could see about ¼ of my face. As the video faded away and the news anchors appeared on screen again they started to comment

"They all look pretty hammered." I heard the male anchor state.

"Yes they do, and we can see Liam and Louis are with their respective girlfriends. But who is Niall kissing effusively?" That caught Niall's attention, he finally looked up from his breakfast to stare at the tv. They were going to talk about me, I just hoped they wouldn't say mean things.

"Don't know, but they seem pretty comfy to be kissing like that in public." The male chimed in. "Maybe they know each other or it could have been a random girl Niall picked up at the Club and she just wanted to get it on with a celebrity, who knows." Leave it to the guys to patronize and diminish women. I felt Niall's hand make its way to my knee and squeeze it in a reassuring way and as I turned to look at him I could see his apologetic look.

"Who knows, but they did leave the club together. We have pictures of all the boys leaving the Club with girls. Let's take a look." The anchor woman spoke before they showed pictures of all of us leaving the Club. Making me turn my attention back to the TV. My face was barely visible in the photos, since Niall had instructed me to keep my head down until we got to the car. But you could see Camila's face, hope she doesn't get a lot of hate from Harry's fans.

"They all took a girl home, be it their girlfriends or randoms." Again with the mean comments towards women. I decided that I didn't want to hear anything more so I switched the channel.

"You okay?" Niall asked me as he saw me scoff before changing the channel.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just hate it when they diminish women and speculate."

"I know babe, but that's the way the news works. I hate it too, that's why I tend to avoid watching it. You should too."

"I will." I told him before kissing his cheek.

The boys finally showed proof of life at around 1:30 when they messaged us to go and get lunch together before going to the venue with Harry for soundcheck. After we were done eating lunch all together and Gigi, Eleanor and I were done laughing at the deplorable state everyone else was in, we headed to the venue. Harry did a closed to public soundcheck which was great for us because it meant that we could all hang out and goof around while he attempted to get his job done.

"Why don't we all sing a song? We can start warming up for our tour next year!" Liam suddenly spoke. And I couldn't help but fangirl on the inside, were they really going to sing all together after 5 years and I was going to be one of the few lucky persons that got to witness it?


"Let's do it." Were the boys' responses.

"Which one would you like to sing?" Zayn asked. I was hoping they'd chose one from their first four albums, since Zayn wasn't in the last and they still hadn't had time to adjust the songs to include him.

"Let's do No Control." Louis suggested since it was one of the songs he wrote.

"But you have to do the dance!" I hollered, cracking everyone up as they recalled James' dance routine during carpool karaoke.

"I don't remember it." Louis tried to get out of the situation, he was the one who hated dancing the most.

"Don't worry Lou. I'll refresh your memory." I smiled mischievously at him as I stood up. He just mocked me before reluctantly standing next to me and the boys so that I could refresh their memories. After going over the steps 3 times they were ready.

"Record us babe, for Tiktok." Niall instructed me with a smile. He knew how much the fans loved that dance and they would all go crazy if they did it again.

"Of course Nialler." I whipped out my phone, ready to record as they started singing and dancing. I couldn't believe I was watching them sing together again after all this time. It still felt so surreal to be here with them and be able to live these moments with them. I was living the y/n life and I was loving every second of it.

After being done with soundcheck, which took a lot longer since everyone kept messing around we all headed backstage to hang out before going to our seats. There was tons of food there so that's where Niall and I headed to first. We were both starving and started devouring everything we could.

"I'm so glad to have a girlfriend who loves food as much as I do." Niall said before stuffing a cookie in his mouth. I swallowed the one I was eating before I answered

"Me too honestly. But the question is, do you love me more than food?"

"That's a tough question." Niall joked as I acted offended by his response. "I'm kidding. Of course I love you more than food, food falls just a bit short though."

"Glad I'm more important than food." I laughed before kissing him.

An hour later, all of us except for Harry headed to one of the VIP boxes to see the concert. It was absolutely amazing. The crowd was all dressed up and it looked great. And of course Harry didn't stay behind, he had some killer costumes prepared as well. He joked with the crowd and interacted with them all throughout the show. And every now and then he would glance our way and blow out kisses, which I'm pretty sure were intended for Cami only and not for the whole group. It was such a fun concert and what made it even better was that I was surrounded by all of these great people. And obviously the fact that I had my boyfriend's arms wrapped around me the whole time and hearing him sing Harry's songs in my ear.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! WOW thank you so much for 20,000 reads! It means a lot to me, thank you for reading my story! How are you enjoying the story so far?  If you have any suggestion about something you'd like me to include be sure to leave it in the comments! Maybe I'll do another chapter for this trip and then I'll do a time jump since they tend to get quite repetitive and I run out of ideas. I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

Small Talk (Niall Horan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon