Chapter 72

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

We finally got home, and all throughout the ride I kept looking over at Soph, I saw her checking social media every once in a while during the ride, and I just wanted to make sure she was okay. She seemed fine, but as soon as we walked through the door I couldn't help but ask

"Are you okay?" 

"That's why you kept looking over at me?" She asked back. "I thought you were looking longingly at me, not checking if I was alright." She acted as if she was offended, but her serious look turned into a grin a few seconds later. 

"Sorry. I was checking up on you, but that doesn't mean I wasn't also admiring your beauty." I admitted. I was obviously checking up on her, but she was absolutely gorgeous and I intended to remind her as often as I could. I saw her cheeks flush as she blushed thanks to my compliment. "But you still didn't answer me though." I pressed on. Last time in New York she had assured me she was fine until out of the blue she broke down, and I didn't want that to happen again. i wanted her to feel comfortable enough to share her feeling with me so that I could be there for her.

"Yes baby. I'm perfectly fine. I mean, it would've been better if we were the ones to tell everyone we were dating as we had planned, but I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked once more, still not totally convinced.

"Yes Niall." She stated as she stared into my eyes.

"Okay, I'm here for you and you can tell me anything you want, you know that right?"

"Yeah, thank you!" She stood on her tiptoes before lightly kissing my cheek. And that simple kiss was all it took for my desire to ignite, that's how much of an effect she had over me. Before she could back away, I grabbed her neck and pulled her to me, I leaned in to kiss her. The all too familiar sensation of her warm lips against mine overcame me. Without breaking from the kiss we make our way to the bedroom before collapsing in the bed. She stops kissing me for a brief second, resting her forehead against mine, leaving me with a confused look on my face.

"Thank you." She spoke in barely more than a whisper.

"For what?" I replied, my voice low and husky.

"For being you." Her voice wavers, and before I even have a chance to respond she presses her lips back onto mine. The kiss becoming more passionate with each passing second, and soon turning something more.

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

As Niall and I laid in bed, we stared deep into each other's eyes. No words were spoken, but a story worth of them was communicated. Just by staring into his eyes, I knew that Niall would always be there for me and that as long as I was by his side I would be safe, no matter what the 'fans' and media were saying online. Niall starts to lean in to kiss me again, but he's interrupted by the grumbling sound produced by my hungry stomach.

"I forgot we haven't had dinner." Niall spoke.

"You forgot we haven't had dinner? The Niall Horan? You must love me very much to forget about not eating dinner."

"Yes, I do love you very much. But now that your stomach reminded me, I realized that I'm starving."

"Baby, when are you not?"

"Touchè. Now come on, let's go make something." Niall stood up from bed in nothing but his boxers, and I must admit, he looked pretty hot. I decided to follow his lead and followed him to the kitchen in just my undies. "Fuck." Niall spoke as soon as he saw me and checked me out. As if he hadn't seen me naked for the past hour. He started to lean in to kiss me, but I stopped him, placing my hand against his bare chest.

"Baby, we have to make dinner." 

"Fine." He pouted as he stepped away.

"Well, one kiss and then we can start making dinner." And as soon as the words left my mouth, Niall's lips came crashing to mine. Obviously it wasn't just one kiss, but 5 minutes later, Niall's stomach started grumbling. 

"We should start making dinner." Niall spoke after breaking from our kiss, making me laugh.

"Let's prepare something cold. I don't want to be working my way around pots, pans and oil while we're in our undies, we don't want any accidents."

"You're right." Niall agreed before we started making some sandwiches.

That night as I laid in bed while Niall took a shower and got ready for bed, I couldn't help myself and started scrolling through twitter. To my surprise, I found a lot of positive comments about our relationship, most of the fans were supporting us and I was so happy because of that. Some of the bigger accounts had already posted all of my social media accounts and they had even pointed out that I was the one feeding them the exclusive content through TikTok. That made the fans realize that Niall was dating a fan, hence why there were so many positive comments. 

But of course for every 5 nice comments there was a hateful one, and some of them were pretty bad. I still don't understand why people feel the need to judge people they don't even know based on absolutely nothing. They just throw hate around, not caring that the person they're directing their hates towards has feelings and emotions, that we're human too. I tried to get past the hateful tweets but I found myself reading them nonetheless. And I'll have to admit, even though I kept repeating to myself over and over again that I was strong and that I shouldn't let these people bring me down, they did affect me. Not as much as they had last time, but it still hurt. I heard Niall open the bathroom door and I quickly switched tabs, not wanting him to know that I was scrolling through Twitter yet again. But of course, I wasn't smooth and he noticed right away.

"What were you doing? You were scrolling through tweets again weren't ya?" He teased as he got in bed with me. I couldn't help but laugh, he knew me too well. Instead of being a normal boyfriend and ask me what I was hiding, or who I was talking to or something, he knew exactly what I was doing, and I loved that. That's how well he knew me.

"You got me." I admitted in between laughs. 

"You're okay? Are the fans being nice?"

"Most of them are, yeah."

"Really?" He sounded surprised.

"Yeah, someone linked the TikTok account to me, I mean, it's not that hard, it's basically my name, but they saw that I was a directioner and that I kept feeding them exclusive content and that's why most of the comments are nice."

"I'm glad babe." He kissed my forehead. "So you're okay right?" He asked once more, he was so caring and I loved it.

"I mean, I won't lie to you, I did read some bad comments and they did hurt, but I won't let them get to me like they did last time. I'm stronger now."

"That's my girl. Now come 'ere." He voiced as he opened his arms. I moved closer to him and let him embrace me. Being right here, right now, in his arms, was all I needed to feel happy, I didn't care what the fans thought of me, and I wasn't going to let the hateful comments get to me. I'm going to enjoy the time I have left here with my boyfriend and I'll make sure every moment counts, because when you're in a long distance relationship, you have to cherish the moments you have together and create new memories to remember when you're apart. And that was exactly what I was going to do.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! Thank you so much for all the love you're giving my story! Can you please help me get it to 100,000 before I finish it? It would mean the world to me. Also don't forget to help get SOML and Drag me Down to a billion views before July 23rd. We only have 51 days left!! For all the new readers, I update daily! How are you enjoying the story so far? If you have any suggestion about something you'd like me to include be sure to leave it in the comments! I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

Small Talk (Niall Horan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें