Chapter 16

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*Sofias's P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning and felt disoriented when I first opened my eyes, not realizing where I was nor recognizing my surroundings. And then, it hit me, I was in Niall's room, I had slept here with him, duh. I can be so stupid sometimes. Niall was still sleeping besides me, his arm still draped over my body. Quietly and moving as slow as I possibly could I turned around to watch him sleep, not in a creepy way or anything, but he just looked so peaceful when sleeping. I wasn't staring at him or watching him sleep, let's call it admiring him as he sleeps, it sounds less creepy. I felt him start stirring next to me and a second later he opened his eyes a bit, clearly still sleepy.

"Morning." He mumbled with a light smile across his face.

"Morning, do you want to sleep some more?" I asked him while he yawned.

"Just a couple more minutes." He now spoke with his eyes closed, clearly he was still tired.

"Sure, go back to sleep Nialler. I'll go and make us breakfast."

"You're the best girlfriend ever." I heard him mumble as I got out of bed.I headed downstairs, trying to be as quiet as possible to give him a chance to sleep more, after all he was going back on tour in a week and he barely has time to rest. I decided to cook eggs, bacon and waffles, a typical American breakfast, but with a twist, I liked my waffles with Nutella not syrup, so that's how I was going to make them. I suddenly remembered that I still hadn't called my mom, better get it done now, it's better now than later. I checked the clock, it was 9:30 am, which meant back home it was already 11:30. I grabbed my phone and called her, silently wishing she wouldn't pick up, but of course she did, after the 2nd ring.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" I heard her speak through the phone in Spanish.

"Hi mom, I'm doing great. What about you? Is every one okay?" I decided to put the phone on speaker so that I could continue making breakfast.

"Yeah, we're all good here. Can't wait to see you."

"Neither can I. So...I've got to tell you something." I admitted.

"Did something bad happen?" She asked concerned.

"No, not at all.It's just that I kind of met someone and that's the reason I decided to stay more time in LA."

"Really?" She asked incredulous yet sarcastic way.

"Why did you use that tone?" I asked her curiously.

"Because I already knew honey. I mean come on, you aren't good at hiding things. You were on your phone all day long, texting and talking to someone in English. You didn't think we would notice?"

"'re right." I laughed.

"Besides, no offense, but you're not really that much of a social butterfly. The minute you asked me to stay in LA for a couple of weeks with your friends I knew something was up. I knew that you were going to LA to meet with someone, I presumed the person you were talking to all day long for all those months. I was just waiting to see how long it took you to come clean. You took quite a while." Phew, so she wasn't mad, thankfully.

"Yeah, sorry. I just figured you wouldn't let me, or well, at least dad wouldn't let me."

"You're already 23, almost 24 years old I think you're old enough to make your own decisions. And you payed the whole trip with your own money."

"Well yeah, and besides, you know me, and you know I always meditate really hard before making decisions and I wouldn't do anything that would put me in danger or ruin my life."

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