Chapter 51

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

The following morning, as soon as I woke up I opened Twitter, I wanted to check if the little fucker had posted the photo she had taken the previous night. I was pretty sure I'd find it straight away if she did upload it, since my twitter was also dedicated to the boys, just like my TikTok account. And I was right, as soon as my homepage loaded there it was, the bitch had even included the location so everyone could know that Niall was here in Monterrey. I kept scrolling and saw that several Niall and One Direction fan accounts had already retweeted it. I then started reading all of the responses to the photo.

'Who the fuck is she?'

'Holy shit, Niall's in Monterrey already? His show there isn't until the 15th.'

'Why is she kissing my boyfriend?'


And several more comments like that, until one particular response caught my attention.

'Guys, compare this picture to the ones we have of Niall in Disneyland and Disney World. It's the same fucking girl!' *Attachments*

She then made a thread in which she explained how it was the same girl in all of the photos and that it was weird that we couldn't see her face. But she pointed out every similarity, circling each similarity she found in each photo in bright red, so that people could see it was the same girl. The account had a hefty number of followers and because of that, her tweet had already been retweeted hundreds of times and it had several responses by people that agreed with her. And I mean, she wasn't wrong, it was me in all of the pictures, but I still hated it that someone had connected the dots and posted it online for everyone to know. I had always been proud that directioners were better at investigating than the FBI, but on this occasion, I didn't like it at all. 

I kept on checking different tweets and then made my way to TikTok, where I found that several videos about the topic had already been made. Even including the explanation that the girl who had found the similarities had posted. At least you couldn't see my face in any of the photos because my account had become pretty popular in the directioner community and people would connect the dots pretty fast. My account now stood at a whooping 490k followers, and since I started gaining popularity I started including my face in some of the videos I made and people had started following my Instagram. So if my face was visible in any of those pictures, I knew one way or another they were going to find out it was me. Suddenly my phone started ringing, startling me, since I was so deep in my thoughts.

"Hi babe." Niall's voice greeted me.

"Hi Nialler." I put him on speaker so I could keep scrolling through twitter.

"You're checking to see if the girl posted the photo aren't you?" He asked. Fuck, he knew me too well.

"Yes." I admitted.

"And? Did she?"

"She did, and the bitch even included the location, so now everyone knows you're here in Monterrey."

"Fuck, why did she have to include the location? Now it'll be more difficult for us to go out."

"I know. I hate her." I stated.

"But don't get hooked on the comments babe. Don't read them, you know how mean some people can be online." I had already seen them, and most of them weren't as bad. "You already read them I pressume?" Niall voiced again when I didn't answer him.

"Yeah, I did. But they weren't too bad. Only a couple of them were harmful, but don't worry they didn't get to me."

"That's my girl." Niall answered. I loved it when he called me his girl. "So what's the plan for today?" He inquired.

"I wanted to go to the movies later tonight, but I don't know if that will be possible thanks to the girl."

"We can make it work babe. Don't worry. If you want to go to the movies, we'll go."

"And we could also take a plunge in the hotel's pool? They have an indoor one." I added. I would have invited him to my pool, but it was December, and even if it wasn't snowing, it was still cold.

"Yes, that'd be great. At what time are you coming over?"

"Before lunch? So that we can have lunch together?"

"Perfect, see you in a while."

"Yes, bye baby."


A few hours later Niall and I were in the hotels' swimming pool. We were the only ones there, because let's face it, no one comes to my city especially so early in December, and if they do, going for a dip in the pool is not their top priority.

"Hey baby so I was thinking..." I started speaking. I had thought of an idea for the fans and I wanted to run it by him.

"Yes petal?" He looked up at me, and he stopped splashing the water with his hands like a little kid to pay attention to me.

"You know how you do meet and greets in the US all the time, but here in Mexico we never get meet and greets. So I was thinking maybe you could have one for your show here?" I inquired.

"Absolutely, I would love to do it. But how would we do it. It's a bit late to release meet and greet packages."

"I was kind of wondering if you would do it for free. For a few lucky fans." I looked at him with my puppy eyes.

"Sure love." Niall responded as he smiled and looked at me with utter adoration. 

"Perfect. Then it's all set. I'll take care of it. Thank you so much babe." I swam to him and hugged him. 

"No problem, so how are you going to do it?" He asked me after kissing the tip of my nose.

"I'm in a few Niall Horan Facebook and Whatsapp groups, and some of them are for fans that live in Monterrey." I admitted, causing him to laugh. "And I'll ask who's going to your concert and who has floor tickets, since those are the tickets that can have direct access to backstage through one of the doors, so that we can meet up. I won't be telling them about the meet and greet until we're already there."

"It's unbelievable how much you care about the fans. I love you." Was all that Niall responded before he kissed me. 

"I love you too." I answered in between kisses. "And I care about the fans because I'm a fan too." I told him. I was still a fan and would always continue being a directioner at heart even when I was already friends with the boys and dating Niall. Even if I was living the y/n life, I still wanted to make the other fans feel especial as well. Whether it was with my 'exclusive' content on TikTok, giving some fans free tickets, making sure the boys interacted with them during their concerts (Niall mostly) and now I was going to get some fans to meet Niall. And that made me feel so happy, because when I was just a fan too, I would have loved it to have someone feed us exclusive content, or help us meet the boys. That's the only reason I'm doing it, because I would have loved it if someone did it for me.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! Thank you so much for all the love you're giving my story, can't believe it has surpassed 40,000 reads! It means a lot to me. How are you enjoying the story so far? If you have any suggestion about something you'd like me to include be sure to leave it in the comments! I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

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