Chapter 25

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu everyone!

I hope you all are doing well. We all know about the corona virus aka covid-19 that has spread around the globe.

I would request you all to be safe and be home. Pray and seek for forgiveness. He is the most merciful and the greatest and death wouldn’t come to us until and unless he the almighty wants.

Try feeding the homeless and the stress animals and do not overstock your homes with unnecessary groceries, there are people who might suffer because of you. Think about others too.

May Allah subhana watahaalah make it easy for all us and protect us all and forgive all our sins.


The prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place.” (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)


Rehan glanced next to him to notice Rida sitting with a constant blush on her face. He couldn’t help but spare a few glances all throughout the drive. He was hardly driving at a high speed, enjoying the silence between the two. He could see Rida playing with her fingers. Smiling, he realised that they had almost reached her house. He applied the brake making Rida to glance up. She looked at her house and then at Rehan.

“Jazakillah Khairan Khair for dropping me home.” Rida said smiling at him and he grinned at her.

“Wa iyyaki.” He said showing his dimple and Rida could hear her heart beating loudly.

“And also for tonight.” Rida whispered loud enough for him to hear. He looked at her, his eyes shining at her.

“It was my pleasure being with you.” He said and Rida looked away a blush creeping up her face. Rehan looked at her flushed face happy that he was the reason behind it.

“See you tomorrow.” He said ruffling his hair embarrassed at his own thoughts and Rida looked at him surprised.

“We are still going out tomorrow?” She asked and Rehan looked at her dejected. Though he hadn’t planned anything for tomorrow he still wanted to go out with her. He wanted to spend as much as time he could with Rida.

“You don’t want us to go?” He asked with his lips in a thin line and Rida looked at him nervous.

“No nothing like that. I thought that since you came today you wouldn’t….” Rida stopped midway ashamed at her own thoughts. She was more than happy to spend as much time she could with her husband. She found peace being with him.

“Be ready by 12. I have a meeting early morning so we will go directly for lunch. I have also taken permission from mom and dad so I don’t think there is any problem.” Rehan said calculating everything in his mind and Rida felt her heart beating rapidly. She was glad that he was thoughtful enough to ask permission from her parents.

Rida nodded her head giving him one of her shy smile. Rehan smiled at her and got down of the car jogging towards her side. Rida looked at him with creases on her forehead but she smiled when she noticed him opening the door for her with bowing her little. She giggled a little making Rehan to show her his perfect set of teeth. She got down and Rehan closed the door behind her. They both stood there neither of them uttering a word.

“Take care.” Rehan said and waited for Rida to go away while Rida did not move, standing still at her place. Rehan looked at her trying to read her mind. She shook her head and smiled at Rehan but he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

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