Chapter 36

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The relationship between a husband and a wife should be like the relationship of an eye and a hand. If the eye cries the hand should always be able to wipe its tears. Just like the husband wipes the wife's tears.

“Wh-what do you mean? You just said that Rehan is your child.” Rida said her heart taking up pace. She did not know what she wanted to hear but whatever it was she wished it to be something that would not break her Rehan.

“He was never my child; all the while I was betrayed, betrayed by my own wife. How can I have a child when I am sterile?” He looked away from Rida and she felt her heart breaking into pieces, not because of the information but because her Rehan had been the victim to this man’s hatred from the very start for something he had never done.

“How? How could you do this to him? He was never to be blamed for something his mother did so how could you torture him his entire life?” Rida yelled inhaling deep breaths. She thought that she might end up having nervous breakdown at the moment but thankfully nothing happened.

“Because every time I see his face it reminds me of her and the pain she gave me.” He exclaimed making Rida to look at him in disbelief.

“Did you do a check-up? Did you do a DNA test?” Rida questioned him while he mock laughed at her.

“The moment I came to know that he is not my child I did every test I remembered, and every test told me the same thing and if you don’t believe me let me tell you it was his mother’s sister who happened to be a nurse gave me all this information while that…” She noticed him gulping hard trying to find words, “…lady did a great job of hiding it.” He said fisting his hands while Rida did not know what she was supposed to say.

“Then why did you not just give him to his father?” She asked trying to keep her words steady. She looked around to see if they were loud to gain attention but when she found silence around her she sighed. She was glad that their house was at the end of the road while the only building situated was a little at distance.

“That’s why I hate Saif.” He said with an evil grin while she furrowed her eyebrows. She had completely forgotten that Saif too was a victim to this man.

“What do you mean?” She asked and he raised his eyebrow at her, “I don’t know whether you are pretending to be dumb or are actually naïve?” He questioned making her angry.

“Saif’s father was my best friend, with whom she cheated me.” He said making Rida to gasp in disbelief.

“I trusted the two blindly to only be betrayed by them and I took my revenge on their sons. I might be satisfied torturing Saif but Rehan I can never see him live peacefully. I will destroy his life until my death or until his death.” He said and Rida couldn’t hold herself. She fell down on her knees rewinding his words.

She couldn’t stop her tears. She did not know how she was supposed to protect her husband from this evil man who had just confessed to make his life hell.

“Leave him, he does not even know about it. He knows nothing about his mother or her sins so why? Leave him on his own. You have tortured him enough to mark it on his soul.” She said looking up at him through her tears. He laughed at her condition making more tears to fall down from her eyes. She knew if this man tortures Rehan he would never voice it out to anyone because for him he still was his father.

“What will you take to leave him? I will give you whatever I have, my money, jewellery anything that you ask for but leave him. Go away from his life.” She said wiping at her tears standing up on her feet. She would do anything in her power to remove this man from Rehan’s life.

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