Chapter 1 - Out of the House

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=3rd PoV=
Early sunlight hit Seokjin's face as he gets up from his dusty musty bed. He stank of odor from his body and of his job but hadn't taken a shower in a week due to the fact that his fiance has been hogging the bathroom.

"Hey Seokjin, are you up yet?" Whined Hyoju.
"Oh I don't know, am I?" Replied Seokjin.
"Stop being so annoying."
"Then stop being so arrogant."
For a slight moment, you could hear the sound of a kettle over-heating, except it was coming from red-faced Hyoju. She was so angry that all her wrinkles came out, and if you didn't know her well you wouldn't have thought she was the same person.
"Ugh! I've had it with you!" Exclaimed Hyoju, "get out of this house!"
Seokjin sighed, "Hyoju, this is my house, which means you have no authority to kick me out. However, I could kick you out."
"Well guess what," She stopped, then took her phone out to scroll possibly half a mile on her phone until she reached what she had wanted, "I have permission from- who's this? Oh right! Your mother!" She smirks.
And just like that, seokjin was out onto the streets without anything except for his clothes, phone, and wallet with eight dollars.
Being the man that he is, he didn't give up so easily. He got up and dusted himself, then made his way to the nearest Seven-eleven.
When he got to the Seven-Eleven, it was already six in the evening. He welcomed himself inside and was amazed by the smell of the place. The clerk was frying chicken and he could spot the fishcake laying against each other waiting to be bought and eaten.
Seokjin got very excited at the thought of eating everything the store has the offer and started to grab as much as he can. He went to the cashier but realized that his total was around twenty dollars, something he couldn't afford.
"Can I perhaps do some work as a way to pay back all the money that I do not have?" Seokjin pleaded to the clerk.
The clerk stood there for a moment, hesitated, and then said, "why not. I need an extra hand right now. Enjoy your food and get back here to restock, clean the floor, and then dump the trash."

Seokjin ate faster than he had ever eaten before. His stomach was at its limit, and he was about to go to his old house before he was stopped.
"You weren't about to forget our deal right?" The clerk chuckles, "welcome to whats known as 'behind the counter'."
Seokjin tried and hurried through the list of things that needed to be done. He swept right past cleaning and stocking to checking the fryers to taking out the trash. When he finished, he tried to find the clerk but he had gone out. During that time, Seokjin was bored so he looked around. That's when he spotted the flyer.

Dear Citizens of the Bangtan Kingdom,

It is to our concern that our butler had to retire from his position due to a very tragic event that is beyond our power to speak about, as it is private. Due to this, we need a new butler. Auditions will be held in 3 weeks, and only 1 will be chosen.

-The Royal Family

"I see you saw the flyers," Said the clerk. Seokjin jumped and landed on his bottom from the surprise.
"Aish! You could've killed me!" He said, a little annoyed.
The clerk just grinned, "well, since you've finished, you may leave. Take one of those flyers, if you must." He then waved away and snorted into a tissue dramatically.
Welp, seems like destiny's calling.

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