Chapter 9 - The Mess of the Letters

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Dear residents of Dorm #081,

Congratulations Songsu and Seokjin. You have passed the 2nd and 3rd stage of the 7 stage competition. Sadly, one of you did not make it. Sanghyun, please pack your belongings. Your personal carrier will bring you back to your villa by dusk. Thank you for your dedication.

-Head of Administrations

=Songsu's PoV=
     I can't believe it. Sanghyun is getting removed. There must be something wrong. Me and him did great; almost the same as how Seokjin and Chinhae did. Why is he getting removed? Why isn't it one of the other less-skilled trainees?

     Before I knew it, I started to cry. I just couldn't keep tears from falling and my eyes from swelling. I made my way over to Sanghyun's side and stared at his sleeping body, unaware of what's going on. 

     I nudged on his arm softly to wake him up, "S-Sanghyun..." 

     Slowly, his eyes open and started to adjust to the brightness of the sun and my crying face. He sits up and puts his hands on my cheek.

     "What's wrong Songsu? Why are you crying?" Sanghyun asks.

     I was hesitant at first but I showed him the letter either way. He takes it from my hands, takes a moment to read it, and looks back at me with a saddened expression. 

     "Songsu... I didn't make it... I can't stay with you here anymore..." 

     We both broke into some tears and hugged each other. The way he holds me comforts me so much, but I get even more emotional when I realize that whenever I'm having a hard time he won't be there to hug me. I cried into his shoulder making his sweater wet and snotty.

=Seokjin's PoV=

     I'm so glad I got to the cafeteria earlier than everyone else. I got such a good breakfast menu compared to when I went late; some egg sandwiches, greens, miso soup, and a fish salad. It looks so good and my mouth starts to water; I even think of taking a few pieces from Sanghyun and Songsu's breakfast.

     I remember that I forgot to read and left the letter that was placed in our dorm mail, aish, I'll just read it when I come back.

     Before I could open the door, I heard loud sniffing and sobbing. I burst in cautious of what's going on inside the room, just to find Sanghyun and Songsu hugging each other with a piece of paper on the floor. 

    'What's wrong love bugs? Your honeymoon was cancelled?" I say jokingly, thinking that they were pranking me or some sort.

     Songsu looked at me and sniffed a couple of times, " I can't believe you Seokjin.... When we needed you the most you decide to joke around."

     I rolled my eyes and went over to look at the paper. I quickly realize what I've done wrong and looked straight back at them, with them returning a sharp gaze.

     "I didn't know that this happened- I was hurrying too much to get our breakfast that I didn't have time to read the letter. I'm sorry for joking, please forgive me."

     I shifted myself and went over to hug the crying duo. They let me hug them in return, which I'm a bit surprised about because I thought that I wouldn't be forgiven and they would be the main antagonist of the story or something.

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