Chapter 12 - The Fixer-Upper

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=3rd PoV=

Seokjin was still in his pajamas when Taehyung woke him up. It came as a shock because just yesterday he was literally that aggressive kid at every street, but now he's quite comfortable around Seokjin.

"Seokjin, wake up, you're going to be late for Namjoon's Competition thing." He whispered into Seokjin's ears as he didn't want to give off that angry mom vibe.

Seokjin rubbed his eyes and ears from the whispering, "What do you mean, Prince Taehyung? It's only, like, 7:30 am. They usually start at 11."

"Well, yeah.." Taehyung said, rolling his eyes, "But it's good to wake up early to stretch and all.... also Namjoon, like, always wakes up early and does everything early."

"Hmmmmm... nah." Seokjin replied as he turned around and covered his blanket so that it covers his whole body including his head but leaves a little hole for his face to fit in because he needed to breathe in some shape or form.

Taehyung, who was obviously triggered, started to poke random spots on the blanket burrito, in which he got little twitches back. After a few more pokes Seokjin let out a sound of annoyance and threw a pillow at Taehyung, in which he caught.

"Seokjin, Seokjin, you wouldn't want to do that...." He teased, "I could cancel your whole career at any moment, you know that right?" He leans closer to the blanket burrito.

What he didn't realize was that Seokjin, under the blanket, was very hot.* He threw the blanket off of him and onto Taehyung, who surprisingly but not surprisingly liked the scent of.

*A/N: as in temperature hot I know you be thinking about something else

Seokjin rushed into the restroom to catch his breath and hide. It was as if he was playing tag with a murderer, but he wasn't.

"Well, since you're up now, I'll just tell you that since me and Jungkook are princes and all we can have your breakfast arrive to the room too. I don't really know what you like, I'll just get you the Standard plate. It's at 8 and Namjoon's thing is at 9, so use your time wisely."

Seokjin did everything that he could in that bathroom; shave, shower, brush his teeth, etc. He opened the door a little to look out to see if Taehyung's there, which he was, along with Jungkook. Seokjin couldn't really just use some magic spell book to transfers his clothes from one place to another so he walked out in defeat to get a nice outfit.

"Seokjin, we should really get to know each other better, We're dormmates, after all." Taehyung says after Seokjin was done with his morning activities, "Your breakfast is on the table, so enjoy it before it gets cold."

Seokjin went over and sat down. In front of him was the most luxurious meal he had ever seen; even better then that in the cafeteria.

He engulfed it faster than you could count to 3 which really shocked both Jungkook and Taehyung, because Seokjin while eating made sounds close to that of, well, euphoria for the two.

It was kinda sad when he had to go but that is what lies in a responsible person. Jungkook and Taehyung like responsible people.

=Seokjin's PoV=

I head my way to the 5th competition. I heard from Prince taehyung and Jungkook that the Prince for this Competition's name is Namjoon, a name I heard back when I just arrived at this castle. I already knew what he looked like because he introduced himself in the room.

When I got there, Chinhae wasn't there. I was frantic because I thought that Chinhae was also eliminated, but he arrived a few minutes after I did.

"Hey Seokjin-ah!" Chinahe said hopping towards me, "I heard every dorm got at least 1 person removed. In my case, it was Dongho. What about you?"

I looked down at my feet and sighed heavily. I explained to him everything. Well, everything, except for the part where I am now staying in the Princes' room.

"Oh... that's sad..." he said, "I also forgot to ask the entire time we talk. How old are you? Just wanted to know if I should call you hyung or not haha."

"I'm currently 27, what about you?" I asked.

Chinhae replied, "Oh, then that makes me your hyung! I'm 29."

"Oh then, sorry for not using the correct terms."

"It's okay!"

The conversation wasn't really that long, so I just stepped away and sat down on the floor. I took a PLaSTiC water bottle from the nearby staff handing them out and drank 1/3 of it. I stared at the other competitors, which there are around 16 of (including me).

I wondered if there were people like Sanghyun and Songsu who left together because they were so romantically touched and as if they had found their soulmate.

Now that I think about it, why am I staring at people? They would think I'm some maniac with a cute face. Indeed, I do have a cute face.

Like every time we have a competition, the announcer says his cheesy openings and welcome the new prince. The announcement was, well, boring, but once Prince Namjoon I'm guessing stepped out, oh my gosh I could've let my saliva run and drizzle. 

He explains to us that on a daily basis he breaks things very easily. I was kind of shocked at first, but I understood when he accidentally broke a chump of the stairs when we was coming off of the stage.

All we had to do was be able to sew, mend, glue, and repair. Not gonna lie it was pretty easy for me, and it looks like it goes the same for Chinhae as well. Since around 11 years old my mother taught me how to repair and glue and sew in case there ever were national emergencies or a war broke out and I have to go to the military. I should call her later and thank her.

When I glanced to the side I saw Prince Namjoon sitting on a foldable chair eating a slice of cheesecake. The fork he used was sort of bent which threw me off, but he seemed pretty comfortable just watching people messily glue things together while eating cheesecake. I could never.

He might have superpowers or something because he could tell that I'm staring at him and he returned a glance. I looked down to my masterpiece of some sewn pants, superglued dishes, and other nifty things in embarrassment.

After everyone was finished and they were putting the tables up. I felt kind of good today because of my conversation with Prince Taehyung, so I helped the staff. Nevertheless, I would say I did a pretty good job until Prince Namjoon returned and smirked at me. I ran off embarrassed straight to 'my' room.

A/N: I felt like a was a little lazy on Namjoon's competition part, (I'm sorry Namjin shippers!) and I also forgot to indent but for some reason it's not bothering me too much so I'm not going to go back and indent it.

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