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the fading light of the neon signs shined on hyunjin's face. he looked different with the black framed glasses over his eyes. seungmin liked it.

the hyunjin that was angry and scary was gone. this was a different hyunjin.

"i hope you'll remember this talk this time," seungmin whispered. the both of them sat next to each other at the back of venue. "what are you doing here?"

"i asked jisung where your next gig was," hyunjin said, playing around with the strings of his hoodie.

"you... you know jisung?" seungmin asked. the last thing he knew, jisung only knows hyunjin as the boy seungmin was interested in.

hyunjin shrugged. "i'm sorry for lashing out the other time."

"it's okay," seungmin sighed. "don't do that again, though. it's scary."

hyunjin scoffed. "everyone's scared of me. the only person i think who isn't is jeongin."

"is jeongin your brother?"

hyunjin let out a bitter laugh. "i'd give anything up for him to be my brother. but if that happened, he might not be alive now."

seungmin turned his head towards hyunjin. he wasn't sure what that was about, and hyunjin was breathing lightly. he hesitated but leaned on his shoulder anyway.

"you can tell me anything if you want to," seungmin said. "i'll try to understand. i don't like it when people are sad."

"but people like being sad sometimes," hyunjin said. "it's okay to be sad sometimes."

"but you're sad all the time and something's bothering you," seungmin said. "does jeongin know about it? what's bothering you and making you sad?"

"no," hyunjin said. "well, he does but he won't tell me. he knows something is up and i know it too but he's not telling me specifically what it is."

"ask him. i'm sure he'll tell you."

"i hope so," hyunjin said. "but right now, i want to remember it all on my own."

hi??? i'm sorry for the one month drought of no updates. i'm really sorry, but i hope you guys are all safe in your homes!! please be!

anyway, here's the new update! i hope you liked it. ♡


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