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the sun was setting when hyunjin and seungmin were finished with their little tour around the school. seungmin's felt his heart beat fast the whole time he was with hyunjin, but hyunjin acted like nothing like the boy in his dream.

the hyunjin he was with was so smiley, said lame jokes every nownand then, and was really talkative. seungmin liked it since it somehow took away his fear of the dream he just had.

they stopped by the field, where the sun was setting in front of their eyes. seungmin looked as hyunjin stared at the setting sun. his features were amazing, tall nose, a mole under his eye, smooth skin, too. hyunjin was beautiful in so many ways... and seungmin couldn't help but be attracted.

"you know what's something that motivates me the most in life?" hyunjin suddenly spoke, still looking at the sunset. he then fixed the bag that was slung over his shoulder.

"what is it?" seungmin asked.

"i don't remember when and who, but someone once told me smooth seas don't make good sailors," hyunjin said and then smiled, looking at seungmin. "and it makes perfect sense, right? like if a sailor goes through nothing but calmness out at sea, he wouldn't gain anything. it goes the same in life. if you avoid the obstacles and storms that come, you won't grow up as a person, and i like that saying that so much."

seungmin had felt the intensity of hyunjin's stare. it sent electricity throughout his body, and he couldn't look away. it wasn't until hyunjin had laughed, saying seungmin looked like he had seen a ghost. seungmin had laughed as well, choosing not to say anything else.

"hyunjin, do you wanna come home with me?" seungmin asked out of nowhere. even he was surprised, but hyunjin had nodded, saying, "sure. my mom did tell me to make friends."

"yeah, and two of my best friends are there, waiting, too," seungmin said.

"cool. let's go then."

seungmin's bedroom door was open when he got home, hyunjin following closely behind him. inside, jisung and felix were playing a cd of jisung's, one from a band called all time low. seungmin had heard of the band a million times because jisung would never shut up about them.

"hey guys," seungmin said, walking in.

"hey seungmin! glad you made it back from detention," jisung said, looking behind him as he noticed hyunjin's tall body frame. "and hi, new guy."

"wait i've seen him!" felix exclaimed, waving around one of seungmin's plushies. "hyunjin! we're in the same english class!"

hyunjin smiled, stepping foward a little bit. "hey."

"uh, yeah, this is hyunjin," seungmin said. "i met him at detention today, and he's new. so i figured maybe we could hang out with him while he doesn't have friends yet?"

seungmin then gestured towards jisung, who was holding onto the jewel case of his all time low cd. "this is jisung. we're kind of in a band together? we sing sometimes at cafes. and well," he pointed towards felix. "that's felix. he hates doing his projects so he makes me do them."

felix mouthed a not true! to hyunjin, who just laughed.

jisung then squinted, getting up from seungmin bed and walked towards hyunjin, sizing him up despite the latter being much taller than him. "hmmm," he said. "how do we know he isn't a mean guy."

"what does that supposed to mean?" hyunjin asked.

"why were you in detention," jisung asked, eyes still squinted.

"ah... i was smoking at the back of the school-"

"i knew it!" jisung exclaimed. "i knew we couldn't trust you!"

"jisung you're making no sense," felix laughed, getting up to pull the squirrel looking boy away from hyunjin. "sorry," he said to hyunjin. "jisung's weird sometimes."

jisung then laughed. "yeah, i was kidding. it isn't like he'll kill us or anything."

hyunjin laughed. "don't worry, i won't make it hurt."

seungmin gave him a look, as if saying don't encourage jisung to make more jokes or he won't shut up.

"right, so we have to rehearse," jisung said. "hyunjin, you staying to watch or...?"

"i'll stay," hyunjin nodded. "you guys are fun to hang out with."

"we're really good," jisung said, taking out his guitar from its case. "we're so good that you'd want to jump off a cliff. so don't get all too excited."

"jisung, you're weird," seungmin said, putting away his bag and taking off his necktie.

"it's okay," hyunjin said, sitting on the floor next to seungmin's night stand. "if i jump, i'll bring you guys with me."

there was a short silence before hyunjin said, "i'm kidding!"

the four friends started laughing. it was another normal day again, seungmin thought. and maybe that dream was just a dream, a product of all the stress he had been feeling ever since he and jisung had started to be recognized around the town.

and maybe, just maybe, hyunjin was an addition to their lives to mark the start of a next chapter in their lives. whatever was to happen, seungmin was glad his dream was just a dream. he couldn't handle thinking he started liking a murderer. it wasn't right for him.

and most of all, hyunjin was much different from the same one in his dream. so he had absolutely nothing to worry about. hyunjin got along with his friends almost immediately, and seungmin was relieved.

did i mention that this is the last chapter before the epilogue? .... heh, sorry if i didn't. but thank you SO MUCH for reading ?? i can't believe we're at 5K+ reads ?? i really didn't think anyone would really like this story.

thank you so much !!

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