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the rain was pouring hard when seungmin arrived at the cliff. hyunjin was standing on the edge and he struggled to get through the muddy ground just to get to him.

there was a car nearby, and seungmin never even knew hyunjin had a car.

"jinnie!" he called. "i'm here. you're safe. you'll be saved."

hyunjin slowly turned around. seungmin could only see his silhouette and in hyunjin's hand was... a knife.

he brushed his wet hair away from his own face, trying to see hyunjin properly.

"don't seungmin," hyunjin yelled through the harsh rain. "i don't want to hurt you."

"hyunjin stop," seungmin said. "don't do this. don't leave jeongin."

"jeongin will leave me soon anyway!" hyunjin yelled, swinging the knife. seungmin kept his distance. "you all are supposed to leave me! you can't hang out with someone who killed three people! you can't like someone who's done nothing else but hurt other people! jeongin got kicked out of his own home for having me! he had to find multiple jobs to get us an apartmemt, clothes, food! i did nothing! i'm pathetic!" and softly, hyunjin added, "deserve to die."

"you don't."

but seungmin wasn't sure about what to feel about hyunjin anymore. he had just told him everything that bothered him. and now it bothered seungmin as well.

"you can't be interested in someone like me," hyunjin said. "you can't like a murder, a psychopath-"

"but i do!" seungmin yelled, shocked by his own words. but it kept coming. "i do like you and i don't know why! everything seems to be different now. i seem to be different now but i'm not regretting this!"

"you should've forgotten me a long time ago," hyunjin said.

seungmin stepped close when he noticed hyunjin lowering his knife. "you never wronged me."

"i did."

hyunjin pulled him in and kissed him. seungmin's world seemed to light up in the rain. he loved how hyunjin's lips felt against his. hyunjin's hands held him tight, resting on each side his neck. seungmin had forgot about the knife that was in his hands but that didn't matter.

he loved the feeling. his world was dancing with a knife; he was having fun while he was in danger.

hyunjin pulled away and left more short kisses on his lips.

"you haven't wronged me, jinnie," seungmin repeated.

hyunjin stepped back, letting go of the knife. it was when the lightning struck, when seungmin saw his blood-stained face.

"oh, i have."

"hyunjin, i know you've experienced a lot in life. i know... you've done things that are wrong but you don't have to give up. smooth seas don't make good sailors, jinnie. and i'm happy you're here. you've done well."

"i haven't minnie," hyunjin sais. "stop trying to make things better. you're too late!"

"it's not. you can find work, too, so you and jeongin can help each other pay for the apar-"

"seungmin, stop!" hyunjin yelled, putting both hands at the sides of his head. "you're not going to fix this! i won't let you!"


but seungmin was too late. hyunjin stepped sideways, causing his foot to slide off the edge, which gave him more momentum to jump.

"no!" seungmin screamed.

and without thinking about anything, not even his parents or his friends, felix, jisung, changbin, minho, or what would happen after all of this...

he followed hyunjin and jumped.

climax chapter help my poor soul

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