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"jisung, i can't rehearse today."

"why's that?" the squirrel-looking friend asked. "you can't not rehearse today, the gig's tonight!"

"seungmin, what's up?" felix said, standing up. he stepped near him, holding on to both seungmin's shoulders. "tell us. you've been so distant lately."

"something's not right," seungmin said, putting a hand on his forehead. "something isn't right, guys. someone slap me, please."

"minnie, calm down," jisung said, walking towards the two friends. "if you're nervous, we both are."

"no!" seungmin exclaimed. "you don't get it. i have to go. cut off the gig."

felix and jisung had no time to catch up to seumgmin. he was already running out of the front door. he knew where he had to go. everything felt weird, like it all wasn't real. maybe it's because i'm scared, seungmin thought. but he couldn't stop thinking of hyunjin and those last words he had said before leaving seungmin's house.
"then please, forget about me."

he ran and ran, even though the rain started to soak his clothes. he hated that he chose to wear a leather jacket that day. it was starting to weigh him down.

the apartment was open by the time seungmin arrived and he ran straight inside, despite his dripping figure.

the inside was trashed. Everything was out of place. the living room was full of broken glass from picture frames and glasses. the sofa had been pushed out of its own place. was jeongin here?

seungmin hoped he was.

he ran around the apartment, looking for any sign of hyunjin and jeongin. the kitchen was empty, the bathroom was empty, and he didn't want to barge into jeongin's room, it was locked anyway. but hyunjin's bedroom door was wide open.

and jeongin was in it.

"oh my god, thank goodness you're safe," seungmin exhaled. he didn't know why, but jeongin gave him a tight hug, almost like he didn't want to let go.

jeongin held him, well, he held jeomgin and he was sobbing into seungmin's wet jacket. seungmin was getting tired of all the crying but at the same time, he was getting used to it.

he pulled away from jeongin and both hamds on his shoulders.  "Where's hyunjin?"

he couldn't stand jeongin's crying fox-like eyes. it hurt him. seungmin felt a connectiom so strong, it almost felt comforting being with him.

jeongin coughed and then took a deep breath. "he's... he's gone. he ran."


"he threatened to kill me if i tried to stop him," jeongin sobbed. "i-i'm such a coward. i should've stopped him but-"

"shhh." seungmin rubbed his back. "you did what you could, jeongin. i'm going to go and find him."

"seungmin," jeongin exhaled. "hurry... before it's too late."

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