S1 Chapter Three⚡️

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Dr Bobby's POV
"Caroline , QT bring your ass into the kitchen" !
Both of my kids headed into the kitchen.
"What daddy" ? Caroline says
"Yeah pops" ?! QT said
"I need y'all to do me a favor"
"Ugh what now daddy" ? Caroline pouts
"Hush that noise and listen young lady , I think their are some other super kids running around town ,their names are Princess Joy , Stephan Henderson, DJ Collins , Sophie Thomas , Domonique Lovett, Justice Gray , Nikki Perez , Mario Martinez, Angel Holland's and Prince Lopez"
"Aren't those your old friends kids" ? Caroline asked
"Wait you think they got powers like us" ? QT asked
"I'm sure they do , their parents and me was experimented on back in the day ...we were effected and I'm sure they passed down the super gene to their kids too"
"So it's more kids like us" ? Caroline asked
"Yes but don't get happy , I don't get along with neither of them ...yes we were once friends ...but they forgot about me ...they turned their back on me ...made me feel like an outcast...Like I wasn't wanted,so they bullied me...so now I wanna get revenge on their kids"
"So what do we need to do pops" ?
"Seek those little bastards out , pretend to be their friend , and once you get close to them , kill them with your powers , Caroline you have characteristics of a snake , use your venom , and QT you have the ability of a bumble bee , use your stingers"
"Why don't you just get revenge on the parents instead of their kids" ? Caroline asked
"Because that's too simple , I rather hit them where it hurts....threw their kids of course"
"Well those ass holes shouldn't have bullied our pops" QT said
"No they shouldn't have , and now they have to suffer the consequences threw their kids, they Killed my childhood , so imma kill their kids ...simple"
I smirked evilly.
Professor Konines POV
"Thank you all for coming"
"Professor Konine, we know we have super powers" Princess said
All of the parents gasped and glared at me and the other kids.
"Well Princess you took the words right outta my mouth"
"Aren't y'all scared" ? Princess mom asked
"No mama , this is so cool"
"Didn't y'all think it was cool ...when y'all first discovered y'all had powers" ? Stephan asked
"Not really , we were scared" Stephan Mom said
"Did y'all use y'all powers ? Didn't y'all wanna help people" ? Mario said
"No we decided not to use our powers...we thought it would be best , and we think that's what's best for y'all"
"No way dad, this is a gift from God , we should take advantage of this and use this to help people" Mario said
"My little delinquent son wants to do good for a change"
"Ugh yeah dad ...I owe you that"
"Well I'm proud of you"
"Moms ...dads ? Listen I know having super power could be really challenging and a big responsibility but we're willing to face this ...we want to help our community...we want to make a difference and make some change around here...we wanna do what y'all couldn't" Princess said
"She's right , I think you should give the kids a chance"
"Konine ...you know how dangerous this world is ...and it's crazy people out their ...who would love to get their hands on a child like that and make profit from them" Sophie's mom said
"I believe in these kids , they seem passionate about this...before y'all decided to not use y'all powers ...remember I helped y'all control it ...I can do the same with your kids ...I can help them control their powers ...I'm sure their powers are very strong and their not probably fully aware of how much they can really do"
"Yes mama let Konine help us" ! DJ said
"Yeah mama , we wanna help people" Stephan said
"I wanna be a super hero" Sophie said
"Well let's just take one step at a time kids...just first thing first ...Konine will teach y'all how to control y'all powers and then we can go from their ...because without control you can get somebody hurt or killed...by accident"
"Already did that" Princess said
"Yeah me too" Prince said
Me and the parents gasped.
"Oh dear" Prince mom said
"So what can you guys do" ?
Princess POV
"Well here's the funny thing ...last Friday is when we all discovered we had powers"
"Oh wow that's funny ...because your parents powers were activated on a Tuesday when they were 15...the same thing that's happening to them , is happening to y'all"
"That's amazing" Stephan said
"OMG that's so cool ...so here's the thing i think I can control lighting"
"I think you can control more than lighting ...you probably have the ability to control electricity" Konine said
"OMG what" ?!
"Listen how about we all meet in plains field , I want to see what you can do , were gonna need a big space for this" Konine said
Everybody nodded.
"I'll bring my note book" ! Konine said
I glanced at Sophie.
"I can't believe we have super powers" Sophie said
"Omg I know right, this is so cool"
"It's funny how we never really talked"
"I know right, we should have been became friends"
"What y'all ladies discussing" ? Mario asked
He walks away.
Me and Sophie dies of laughter.
"That's how you get a boy out your business"
"Only if he's not gay" Sophie said
"Oh well duh"
We laughed again.
Everybody hopped in their parents car and headed to plains field.
"Mama I cant believe y'all didn't use y'all powers "
"We were scared baby ...we didn't want people to treat us differently"
"But who caress what people think, like mama this is a new generation, having super powers is fun"
"Well I don't want you having too much fun ..,it can get really dangerous and crazy..."
"Not if you can't control it"
My mom sighed deeply.
"Just promise me you won't get carried away"
"I promise"
"And never use your powers for revenge"
"I'll use it for self defense"
"That's fine , just not revenge"
"Okay okay"
"Just show me your responsible"
"I'm gonna be responsible"
"You better young lady"
Stephan's POV
"How come y'all kept this a secret from us for so long" ?
"We didn't know y'all would get the powers"
"Well It's pretty obvious if y'all had powers too"
"We just thought it would be best if y'all didn't know and just live a normal life"
"I can still live a normal life with powers"
"Yeah baby you can ...but this what you have dont go away , it sticks with you forever ...and sometimes it will be stressful because you feel like you have to save everybody ...but you need to know you can't...and some people don't wanna be saved"
I glared at her.
Mario's POV
"Am I still grounded" ?
"Yayyy , thank you super powers"
"Uh Btw son if your gonna be a so called super hero you gotta seriously act like one, no more bad boy acts...your a good civilian now"
"I know dad"
"Yeah you better know , because imagine a super hero going to Jail for stealing when it's your job to get somebody for stealing"
"Dad ....I know"
"Well you better son ...and you need to control your anger too ...that hole was powerful ...what you can do is crazy , because trust me I know...you just don't realize how insane your powers is boy"
"Well I cant wait to find out"
Professor Konines POV
Everybody finally arrived to plains field.We hopped out our cars.
"Everybody form a circle over here" !
Everybody formed a circle.
"This is the first part of your training , see what you can do....Princess let's start with you first"
Princess POV
"How do I get it to come" ?
"You have to concentrate and focus on what you wanna do , just relax and let your mind and body take control , your like a car, you have to steer in the in right direction"
I raised my arms and I extended my hands , I begin to focus and concentrate on that one thing , I suddenly begin to feel sparks of energy flow threw my veins.
"I feel it" !!
"Now keep it , hold it and conquer it" ! Konine shouts
I begin to feel the electric energy build up in my hands , and suddenly ZAP !! A big pink lighting bolt struck the tree , and the tree burnt and fell down.Everybody gasped.
"Whoa" !!! Stephan screams
Everybody clapped and cheered.
"Mama did you see that" ?!
"Yeah and that was stronger than what I ever did"'
"Princess you have a very strong powerful electrical energy ...you can fry and destroy things within seconds"
"You can control electricity like lights , TVs , even the satellites"
"Whoaa" !! I screamed happily
"Stephan your turn...let's see what you can do"
Stephan's POV
I knew I had to consecrate and focus , I aimed my hands and suddenly blue sparks of fire begin to form inside my hands and suddenly blue flames begin to appear and shoot out , everybody had to duck , the fire burnt the grass.
"Stephan you can control fire" ! DJ shouts
"Not only can he control fire but he is immune to it too"
"Wait so you mean I can walk inside a burning building and I won't get burned"
"Exactly , matter a fact that's how your mom discovered she had those powers , she had to save your uncle in a house fire , everybody thought she and your uncle was dead , but she was okay , he was injured, but no burn marks , nothing was on her body"
"Wow" !
My mom smiled.
"Sophie bring it"
Sophie's POV
I aimed my hands towards the grass , I felt a weird sensation flow threw my body and suddenly a flow of water sprayed from my hands, everybody gasped and cheered.
"Now let it stop" ! Konine shouts
I focused hard and the water suddenly stops.
"I did it" !
"You can talk to sea life too, and breath under water" Konine said
"Omg so I'm like a fish...a mermaid" ?
"Well not exactly but you do have their characteristics"Konine said
"So cool" !!
"DJ your next"
"Alright here I go, everybody move out the way" !
Everybody backed up.I begin to run and I flew so fast all around the entire field within seconds.I made wind fly past everybody , that's just how fast I was running.I suddenly stopped.
"Tada" !!!
"Yoooo you was gone ....you fast as a cheetah dude" !!! Stephan shouts
"Omg all we seen was legs" ! Sophie said
"You ran that field within a blink of an eye" Prince said
"I know this is crazy"
"Well here's something even more crazier , not only can you run fast , but you can shape shift into a cheetah itself"
My mouth nearly dropped.
"So I can bite my enemies heads off too" ?!
"Now let's not get crazy"My dad said
"I can't believe I can't shape shift too...I gotta think of a super hero name" !
"We all need super hero names" ! Princess said
"And super suits" ! Stephan said
"Whoa whoa whoa ...let's take one step at a time , that will come eventually" Konine said
Everybody was so exited and jumping up and down.We honestly couldn't contain ourselves.
"Domonique your next" Konine said
Domoniques POV
I aimed my arms out , and I begin to focus on what I needed to do , I felt a cold sensation threw my body, my veins in my hands were turning white , and suddenly white snow shot from my hands , it was more powerful than before , half of the grass was frozen.Everybody gasped and glared.
"Domonique you can freeze things within seconds...and not only can you freeze stuff but your also immune to the cold , you can be in Antarctica wearing a bikini"
"OMG are you serious Konine" ?!
"Your mom was thrown into a tub of ice as a prank , and it didn't even bother her , she didn't scream or flinch , that's how she discovered her powers"
"Whoaaaa mama you a baddie"
"Gurl whatever" she said laughing
"Alright lets go Justice" Konine said
Justice POV
"I can make things float ...I don't see anything out here I can make float"
"The tree , make the tree rise" Konine said
"I only made a jug of milk and a ball float ...I don't know if I can make a tree float"
"Yes you can , you can do it"
"That big ass tree" ?!
"I know you can do it Justice , remember focus and concentrate"
I sighed deeply"okay here I go"
I aimed my hands towards the tree , I begin to focus on the tree only, I had to Focus hard , suddenly the tree begin to lift from the ground, me and everybody gasped , the tree begin to lift in the air.
"Their you go Justice , you can do it" !!
The tree begin to rise in the air , and I made it fall back into the same spot , everybody clapped and cheered.
"I did it" !
"I told you can do it Justice" Konine said
"Wow ...I cant believe it ...I wonder what else I can make float"
"Trucks , Buildings , airplanes , anything..."
"What" ?!
"You have the ability of levitation"
"Ohhhh shit that's wassupp" !
"Alright come on Nikki"
Nikki's POV
"Well y'all not gonna see me in a min"
"What do you mean" ? Domonique asked
"You will see"
I begin to focus on what I wanted my body to do and suddenly I disappeared.
"Omg where did she go" ? Sophie asked
"Wait I think she's invisible" ! Mario shouts
"Yep she's invisible" ! Konine shouts
"I'm right here y'all" !
I said laughing.
"Oh that's so cool" ! DJ said as he jumped Up and down
"Y'all can't see me but I can surly see y'all" !!
"Okay then what am I doing" ?! Mario says as he waves
"Your waving"
"Whoaaaaa" !
I laughed.
"Nikki you have the ability to become invisible ; that power is no joke, you can get away with many things , you can do a lot being invisible" Konine said
I begin to re appear.
"Ooooooohhhhhhh I'm so exited" !!
"Nikki slow down" my dad says
I giggled "dad it's so exciting" !
"Mario your next" Konine said
"Can I be last plz" ? Mario asked
"Sure" Konine said
"Well Prince your next" Konine said
Prince POV
"Oh yeah my turn" !!
"Do your thing Prince" ! Stephan shouts
"Imma try ...I'm still learning "
I begin to focus and concentrate, I aimed my hands towards towards the field and suddenly a big round force of red energy appeared and zapped the grass.
"Whoa" ! Angel shouts
"Prince you have the ability to control and Create vortex , you can make them as big as you want , the more the energy the more powerful it is , but either way somebody dead if it hits them"
"Yooooo is my power similar to Princess" ?
"Not quite , yes y'all both produce powerful energy but not only can you create energy vortex but you can also create traveling vortex"
"Wait do you mean traveling vortex" ?!
"Think of anywhere you want to go in the world , make the vortex appear and so would your location appear in the circle and you just jump right in ,and your their"
My mouth hung.
"Omggggggg" !! Princess shouts
"I wanna go to New York" !!
Suddenly my vortex forcefully appeared and New York appeared inside the circle , I seen the statue of liberty and all of the buildings.Everybody gasped.
"So I can jump in if I wanted to and I'll be at New York"?
"That's right , but I want you to gain more control before doing that , I don't want you to get stuck in New York"
"Oh shit , that's true , wouldn't wanna do that "
"No you wouldn't"
"Man once I learn how to do that properly , I'm going everywhere, and y'all coming with me" !
"I'll travel with you anymore Prince" Angel said smirking and flipping her hair
Did she just flirt with me? I smirked back at her.
"Let's see what you got Angel" I said
"Oh watch this" ! She said switching past me
Angels POV
"You ready Angel" ? Konine asked
"Yes" !
"Alright lets go" !
I extend my arm and raised my hands , I felt a strong sensation threw my body , I felt the wind coming , the wind begin to build up and suddenly wind begin to forcefully fly from my hands.Everybody went screaming and blowing sway.
"Omg sorry"!!!
I ran towards my mom and dad.
"Are y'all okay" ?!
"That's the same thing I asked my parents" My mom said
"Aw you blew them away"?
"I blew them away "
We laughed.
"Angel you have a very powerful ability , your winds can get so strong , you can cause a hurricane...and I mean literally...that's how strong your winds can get"
"Can I make tornados too" ?!
"You can" !
I gasped "I love my power" !
"Mario your last but not least"
Mario's POV
"Come on Mario you got this" ! Nikki shouts
I smiled at her.
"Come on boy" My dad shouts
"You ready Mario" ? Konine asked
"Yes sir I am"
"Alright good , show us what you got" Konine said
I nodded.
"I need everybody to stand back ...like way way back cuz I'm not sure what's about to happen"
Everybody quickly backed up.
"Alright here goes"
I made sure I focus and build up my strength , I breath deeply and I hit the ground with my fist and the entire ground spilt wide open in two pieces.I gasped , everybody fell down because it was so strong.I glared at the ground with my mouth dropped.I glanced at everybody, they glared at me.
"THAT WAS LIT AS FU-Stephan says

POWERS IN THE HOOD:SERIES/REBOOT⚡️🔥💦🐆✨Where stories live. Discover now