S3 Chapter Four💦

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Princess POV
"I'm not going back in that cave" !
"I'm with Princess , y'all know what we saw" ! Stephan said
"Victoria is in trouble , we have to stop her , whatever happened to that gurl , can happen to her" QT said
"T is right , we have to save her" DJ said
"What's so special about Victoria" ? Sophie asked
"That's a really mean thing to say , and I really like her ,we gotta help her , I know we just met her , but I don't want to lose her" QT said
"Last time I check we were super hero's and our job is to help , save and protect, we should not be backing down on a mission" Prince said
"Prince is right, we're powers in the hood, we can do this" Angel said
"Wild animal , Bahamas Zombies or whatever is in that cave , we should be able to kill and destroy it" Justice said
"Yeah Justice is right" Domonique said
"Now let's kick whatever ass and get Victoria out of their" QT said
"Princess it's time to be Electric Princess" Stephan said
I smirked "good thing we packed our super suits just in case, let's suit up"
Everybody smirked at each other , we knew it was go time.
Victoria's POV
I was getting a eerie feeling as I wondered threw the cave , but I've come too far and I can't turn back now and I'm really determined to find that treasure.Im scared but I have to be brave , I know this treasure is hidden somewhere down in this cave , it would be amazing to make a discovery like this , I would be the first , this would be Extraordinary.Ill be rich and famous, everybody would know my name.Victoria Hope , the 17 year old girl that discovered the hidden treasure in Bahamas caves.My flashlight begin to flicker.
"Oh pls don't give out"
I tried not to panic.I tapped it and it came back on.I sighed in relief and continued to walk and wonder threw.
Princess POV
Our parents was out at this bar , we told them we was gonna get into some fun things today.The gang was suited up , We walked off like a boss , down the hallway of the hotel.Some people seen us and gasped with smiles.
Konines POV
"Charles I haven't been this happy since my husband cheated on me"
"Aw well he did not deserve you , your so beautiful, and you deserve the world"
"Awww Charles"
I kissed Princess mom on the lips with passion.I tried to remain calm and have fun , but I kept thinking about the kids , Princess was stressed about something, I have to know what's wrong , I mean it could just be hormonal teen changes ...omg what if she's pregnant ?! No way I doubt that , i DONT know what's going on wit those kids , but I have a bad feeling their up to something.
"Charles you okay" ?
I gulped down some whine.
"Yeah I'm okay ; I just hope the kids are okay"
"Oh Charles their okay , I know their teens ...but their getting older , we have to trust them , and we have to let them live, grow and learn by their mistakes"
I chuckled "yes your right"
I said smiling
She smiled.
"Now drink some more whine and meet me back into the hotel room" she winks
"Ooh okay" I smirked and seized her.
"Let's go get my future wife" I said smiling
"Are you in love T"!? Caroline asked
"Maybe" I said smiling
She laughed.
I texted Victoria saying we're coming.But I didn't wanna tell her we coming to stop her.Its best if we leave that part out , and besides she don't even know we're super hero's and have powers.And she won't even recognize us with these suits and masks on.
Princess POV
Suddenly I felt my feet lifting off the ground.I screamed.And I realized my super suit could fly.Me and everybody else gasped.
"Omg we could fly"!!
"Yo remember when Konine said something about he was adding a extra upgrade to our suit , I think this is what he was talking about" ! Stephan said
"Omg he added flight to our suits , this is crazy cool" ! DJ said
Everybody lifted up into the air.We laughed and glared all around the sky.
"I can't believe we can fly" !! Sophie said
"Now I can say we are real super hero's" ! Prince said
"Yessss , this is so beautiful" ! Angel said
"Can we stay up here forever" Nikki said
"I just wanna fly and explore all of Bahamas" Domonique said
"I wish we can , but we got a mission to complete" QT said
"Well after this is over with , let's do it" Justice said
"Do y'all think we can go into space if we tried" ? I asked
Everybody glanced at me.
Stephan's POV
I glared at Princess like she was crazy.
"Theirs no-
Before I could finish my sentence, Princess was flying away more further into the sky.I gasped.
"She's doing It"!! I screamed
"Well let's follow her, even tho we might die"! Sophie said
"Were super hero's , we can do it" ! DJ said
Everybody flew further up into the sky.
Princess POV
I flew above and beyond the clouds and I suddenly gasped , because I realized space was all around me.I seen the stars , the galaxy and the big globe , I smiled in disbelief, and I was actually breathing normal.Suddenly I seen the rest of the gang fly out of the globe and into space , they flew towards me.I smiled and waved as they approached me.We glared around with smiles.It was such a quiet , peaceful moment.
"I can't believe we're in space" I said
"This is unbelievable, I can't believe our bodies can take this" Stephan said
"I'm completely mind blown right now" DJ said
"How do we tell our parents we went to space" ? Domonique asked
"Idk but this is scary beautiful" Sophie said
"The fact that we're actually breathing up here" Prince said
"Omg let's try to use our powers up here" ! I said
Everybody gasped.
"That's a great idea" ! Nikki said
Everybody begin to activate their powers , our bodies begin to activate and light up.My body glowed pink , I aimed and shot my electrical energy bolts into the atmosphere , it sparked all across the atmosphere , it looked almost like fireworks.Pink electrical energy sparked into the atmosphere uncontrollably, i could do some real damage if I did this on earth , but I'm sure it would come in handy one day , and matter a fact , my electric energy never became this powerful.I gasped and smiled with disbelief as I glared at the pink beautiful fireworks of lighting bolts.
Stephan's POV
My body glowed blue and I aimed and shot my flames into the atmosphere , my flames grew larger and larger , almost tall as a volcano wanting to erupt, it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw , the flames burst into the atmosphere and begin to slowly turn into big blue stars.
"Omg" I whispered in disbelief
My body glowed orange , my cheetah speed was activated and I ran across the globe as fast as I could.And I came back to the same spot in space.
"I just seen every state and country within seconds" !
Everybody gasped.I was going crazy and laughing with disbelief.
Sophie's POV
I shot and aimed my water waves across the atmosphere , the waves formed into a beautiful pattern across the atmosphere, almost like a tsunami , I didn't know my waves could get that strong , high and powerful , it was unbelievable to see!! I couldn't believe this was happening!!
Domoniques POV
My body glowed white , and I shot my ice into the atmosphere, the ice just froze into the atmosphere , it didn't fall or nothing , all you seen was ice crystals all over the place , it was so beautiful.
Prince POV
My body glowed red , and I quickly aimed my energy vortex into the atmosphere, I gasped because I never made a vortex so huge , the vortex was so big , all you seen was a big ring of radiation, it was honestly so beautiful, but that fact that I could probably take out an entire big building or city with what I just did , is insane.Like the ring was that huge , but I guess when your in space you have all the "space" you need.
Mario's POV
My body glowed black , my strength and energy flowed threw my body.I seen a huge Astroid.It was so big , but I attempted to pick it up.I took a deep breath and I grabbed the Astroid and I found myself picking it up with no problem or hesitation.I gasped in disbelief.
Nikki's POV
I went invisible and suddenly I noticed my body blending in with space itself , I gasped with disbelief.I never did that before.
"Omg your like a Chameleon, you can adapt and blend into your surroundings"! Angel said
"I didn't know I could do this" !
My body looked like just space itself.
"Space is literally activating the crazy shit out of us" !
Justice POV
My body begin to glow green , I glared all around to see what I can levitate, I seen the moon.I flew towards it , it was so huge , and really scary up close but I was gonna attempt to levitate it in the air.My strength begin to build up and I found myself slowly making the moon rise up , I gasped with disbelief, Everybody stopped with what their doing to watch me , everybody clapped and cheered me on, I managed to levitate it in the air of the atmosphere.
"YOU DID IT" !! Domonique screams
"I can't believe I just levitated the moon"!!!
I was kind of freaking out , even tho this was the most coolest , littest and craziest thing in the whole wild world!!
Angels POV
My body glowed purple , and I begin to aim the force of wind into the atmosphere, my winds grew stronger and stronger , and more powerful , almost the wind speed of a hurricane, my winds got so strong , I begin to Create a tornado, I gasped , this never happened before , I knew I could do this , I just never knew how I could control and make this happen!!
Princess POV
The rest of the crew activated their powers , you seen venom flying all across the atmosphere, Caroline was doin her thing and and stingers flying across the atmosphere , QT was doing his thing.Christina controlled the galaxy's across the atmosphere, she made them fly across and rotate.King couldn't use his powers in space , because he couldn't do anything physical.He can only make people tell the truth.But I'm sure his powers will come in handy soon.Everybody flew back down to earth , we landed down in the same spot.We was so excited and happy.
"I can't believe we just went to space and used our powers" !!
"Omg I know , that would seriously be an experience we would never forget" Stephan said
"Oh yeah definitely, how you can you forget the time you went into space, this was unbelievable and breathtaking and such a beautiful experience...I'm so happy I got to do this with y'all , the people I love"
"Awwwwww, we love you too" Sophie said
Everybody hugged me.
"I don't think we realize how powerful we are" DJ said
"Yes we are way beyond this earth , if you can go up into space without gasping for air , no telling what else we're capable of , because did y'all see what our powers did up their" ?!
"Yes that was crazy, we did even more stuff that we thought we couldn't" !! Sophie said
"Man it was amazing , but now I think it's time for us to see about Victoria" QT said
Everybody nodded.
Victoria's POV
I honestly hope those kids don't come looking for me , I was never gonna split anything with them, I was just using them as bait to find the treasure , but unfortunately we had to run into that dead stupid girl , she messed everything up , i DONT care about no Bahamas Zombies , I don't even believe in that shit , and even if it was real , ain't nothing Finna get me , I got my handy dandy glock in my bag , so I'm ready for war , just in case I see something strange and need to protect myself from danger.I went deeper into the cave , past that dead girl , the treasure had to be close , I just know it , I smirked happily and evilly.

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