S4 Chapter Five🐆

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Princess POV
Me and Prince had gave the gang the 411 , everybody was literally in shock , they aint know what to say or think.It was crazy , it was literally insane.
"Now all we gotta do is wait for the dna results"
"That birth certificate is basically proof that hes your cousin" Stephan said
"So technically y'all are second cousins" ! Angel said
"Yeah exactly" !
"Omg this is crazy , wow I'm in shock" ! Angel said
"Princess and Prince , I knew that wasn't a coincidence" DJ said
"Aw DJ hush , you ain't know nothing" Sophie said
"Shut up"
"But listen while we wait for these DNA results , we need to be working on our dance routines for the talent show"
"Oh yeah I almost forgot about it" Stephan said
"Well let's get to work, girls we practice in the gym and boys y'all practice in the football field"
"Why we gotta be in the hot sun" ? Mario asked
"Yeahhhhh" DJ said
"This is not up for a debate" ! I snapped
"Yeahhhhhhh"! Sophie said
"Ugh woman" Mario said
"Ugh men" Nikki said
We laughed and walked away with our groups.
"Let's change into some dance fits"
"Okay" the girls said
We walked into the locker room and changed.
"Lemme take this necklace off , I don't wanna jump the wrong way and it fly off and get lost"
"Good idea" Domonique said
I placed my necklace in my bag.
Bryces POV
I had slipped my ass in the girls locker room , but I didn't care because I needed that necklace.I seen Princess take it off and put it in her bag.I smirked evilly.I watched the girls run out the locker room , I quickly snatched the bag and opened it up , I snatched the necklace out , I smiled.
"Princess you are so lucky I didn't have to go with plan B"
I quickly called Queen Money.
"What" ?
"I have good news"!
"Say it"!
"I have the diamond necklace" !
"Put me on face time , I wanna see it"
I put Queen Money on face time, I showed her the necklace.She cackled happily.
"Bring it now" !!
I nodded quickly.
"Oh I'm gonna be stanken rich" !!
Princess POV
"Aye get it girls" !
We was twerking and hitting the split on the floor.
"Okay so left cheek , right cheek, and pop pop pop"
Sophie and Domonique was catching on , but Angel and Nikki wasn't, Christina and Caroline was trying.
"Okay let's do it again"!
Stephan's POV
"Alright niggas we gotta come up with some fire dance moves"
"Yeah let's do everything" DJ said
"Everything as in what" ? Justice asked
"Everything nigga" ! DJ said
"Anybody know how to do back flips" ? QT asked
"I doooo0"
"Anybody else" ?
"I can try" Mario said
"Well I don't want you to try and die or hit the ground and cause an earthquake" QT said
"I am not gonna cause an earthquake" Mario said
"If you take a deep breath and hit that ground, it's over with"
"Watch this" !
Mario tried to do a back flip and landed smack on his back.
"I'm okay" he said groaning
We died of laughter.
"Watch this" ! DJ said
He did a forward flip.
"Man we need to be coming up with a Choreography instead of doing all these flips n shit" Prince said
"Fr cus I sho can't do know flip" King said
"Aight I got some moves in mind come on"
Bryces POV
I arrived at Queens Money mansion.I knocked on the door.
"Come in now" !
I walked in , holding the Diamond necklace.
"Give it to me , give it to me now" !
I handed her the necklace.
Queens Money POV
I smiled and admired the necklace .
"It's even more beautiful in person"
"I'm ready to cash this bad boy out"
"Are you gonna share some money with me" ? Bryce asked
"And me" Swan said
I glared at them both.
"Of course" I said grinning
I was lying of course, once I get my 6.6 million dollars in my hand, those two minions are dead.
Princess POV
Everybody met back up , we was so sweaty and tired from all the dancing we was doing , feet hurt and all.We hopped in our cars and pulled up at McDonald's for a bite to eat.
"I want cheese burgers , Big Macs , fries and a big ole sweet tea"
"Mhmmmmmmm" ! Sophie said smiling
"So how did y'all routine come along" ?
"Good , what about y'all's" ? Stephan asked
We seized each other.
"I swear this is a competition" Domonique said
"It is" Justice said
We laughed.Our food came out and we tore it up.
"Where is your necklace Princess" ? Sophie asked
"Oh I had put it in my bag"
I opened my bag up and I begin to search for it.
"Omg where is my necklace" ?!
I begin to panic.
"Omg what do you mean" ? Sophie asked
"I can't find my necklace, I know I put it in my bag before we left the locker" !
"Okay calm down, don't panic" !
"I'm already panicking, omg omg omg" !!
"Lòok in your bag again , it has to be in their" ! Domonique said
I continued to search ; I dumped everything on the floor.
"Omg it's not here , I don't see it" !
"Aw hell naw" ! Stephan said
"We were the only ones in that locker room" !
"Unless we wasn't, what if we was followed and somebody stole the necklace" Angel said
"But who" ?!
"Maybe some girl idk" ! Angel said
"Yo what if Bryce snuck in the locker room and stole it" Stephan said
"Omg your probably right , he could have been in the locker room the whole time watching and listening, just waiting for me to take it off" !
"Why would Bryce steal her necklace tho"' ? Nikki asked
"Think about it...he kept asking her about it" Stephan said
"That's true and we don't know nothing about that dude" DJ said
"He just came Outta nowhere talking about he a exchange student from Puerto Rico" QT said
"Yeah some don't seem right about that fool" Justice said
"Yeah he's been too nice" Christina said
"We need to get Konine to look up him up"
Everybody nodded.

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