S4 Chapter Four🐆

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Princess POV
I was having a conversation with my mama.
"I'm so proud of you baby , it took guts to reveal yourself like that in public eye"
"Yeah I was so scared , still a bit scared"
"Yeah but everything will be okay , it takes so much courage and strength to do that , and as long as you feel in your heat that you and you friends did the right thing , then that's all that matters"
"Yeah I do feel we did the right thing , we just got so much attention from it , fans screaming and wanting pictures , it's been crazy"
"It's something y'all will get used to, this is all very new to y'all , having so many cameras in your face without your masks and super suits on , its a lot of take on"
"Yeah but I'm willing to get through it"
"Yeah because it might seem crazy now , but as y'all get older , y'all will go on with yall lives and do normal things , nobody will ever forget y'all and who y'all are and what y'all did , but you guys will have more peace"
"Yeah that's true"
"But don't get me wrong , y'all will always be celebrity's to the world , even your future kids"
"I know"
"But I know it's a lot to think about , so let's just focus on the now and get through that"
"Definitely and thank you mama for being so supportive"
"Of course baby, I might not always be their , but I will be in your heart forever and always"
We hugged tightly.She kissed my cheek.
Konine walks downstairs.
"Hey daddy"
"Hey baby girl"
He hugs me.
"Wow ...I'm so proud of you , you made such a big decision"
"I know ,it was pretty hard but it's something we all wanted to do"
"Yeah I understand and get why you did it , nothing last forever they say"
"True but our legacy will live on forever"
"Amen to that" my mama said
"Anybody want whine" ? Daddy Konine asked
"She can't drink yet Charles"
"Shes 18, she can have a little"
If only my mama knew I was already drinking.
"Yeah mama I'm 18 , lemme have some"
"Okay fine , just a small glass"
I giggled.Daddy Konine poured us some white whine
"Uh mama I need to ask you something" ?
"Wassupp baby" ?
"Where did grandma get this necklace from" ?
"She said it's been in our family for years, our ancestors used to be Kings and Queens , it belonged to your great great great great Ect Ect grandma , Queen Rosa Joy"
"Omg are you serious" ?!
"Wait a min ? Is that why you named me Princess" ?
"That's exactly why I named you Princess, our family have Royal blood"
"Omg ! Whoa ! Is Prince related to us" ?!
"Your friend Prince" ?
"Yeah" ?!
"I don't know honey hmm that's funny his name is Prince and It's funny because I remember my big cousin having a baby around the same time as me in the same year , and she could have named him Prince idk"
"What happened to her" ?
"She died in a car crash , and her baby was given up for adoption"
"Omg ....what happened to the dad"?
"He was murdered in a shoot out"
"Oh shit...do you think Prince is my cousin" ?!
"Danm he could be , we're black and the man she went with was Spanish , so it's possible...you might have to talk to him and get him to DNA test"
"Omg , this is so overwhelming right now , I need to call him right now" !
I called Prince to come over and he did.
"Hey Princess wassupp" ?
"I have to talk to you about something really important..something so crazy but possibly true , and I think you need to sit down for this"
"Uhh okay"
Me , mama and Prince sat around the sofa.Konine had to go out and take care of some business, he couldn't stay.
"So ....I asked my mama about my diamond necklace and she told me my ancestors were Kings and Queen, and that this necklace belonged to my great great great great great Ect Ect grandma Queen Rosa Joy , this necklace belong to her"
"I'm confused...what do I have to do with this" ?
"Mama tell him"
"Well sweetie ..we don't know if this is true or not , but I had a big cousin that had a baby in the same year I did , but she died in a car crash like a few weeks after she had the baby , and the baby was put up for adoption and in and out of foster homes ...and I never knew what the baby name was ...we didn't even know she had the baby until she passed away, she was a very secretive person and she barely associated herself with the family"
"Wait ? What are you saying" ?
"We think you might be my cousin"
"Omg, are you serious" ?
"I know this sounds crazy but do you remember going from foster home to foster home" ?
"I think so yes , I got stable parents once I reached middle school"
"Omg so you are adopted" ?
"Yeah, I thought you knew"
"No way" !
"So your real name is probably Prince Joy , not Lopez, and since we got Royal blood in our family , your mama could have named you Prince"
"Omg ...wow this is a lot to take in"
"We know sweetie , do you need some water" ?
"Yes please"
"You have to take a DNA test"
"Yeah I know...so where is my real dad" ?
"He got killed in a shootout"
"Oh man"
"Your foster parents never told you any of this" ?
"No, I've always asked how my real parents died and they say they didn't know"
"We'll probably because they didn't know"
"You need to get your original birth records"
My mama brought Prince some water.
"Listen sweetie , we know this is a lot , just take a deep breath so you can think straight"
He nodded.
Bryces POV
I knocked on Queens money door.
"Who is it" ?
"You May enter"
I walked in.She was eating some crabs.The room smelled horrible.I nearly gagged.
"What's going on , where is my diamond " ?
"I couldn't get it yet"
"If you cant get it the easy way , you're gonna have to go with plan B"
"Are you sure" ?
"Of course I'm sure , now go , and don't come back until you have my diamond necklace"
"Yes mam"
I walked out and shut the door.
Prince POV
I end up taking a DNA test at the hospital I was born at, we gave them all the tea.We asked for my original birth certificate.A nurse walked out with a file.We was shaking and nervous.Me and Princess was on pins and needles , we didn't know what was on this file.
"Is this my original birth certificate" ?
She nodded and handed me the file.I opened the folder up and my certificate was right their in my face , my heart was beating so fast.I seen my name at the top.My heart fell into my feet.
"Oh shit"
"OMg what does it say" ?! Princess asked
"Prince Joy"
She gasped and glared at me.Her mom mouth dropped.We just was at a Stand still glaring at each other in shock.And to make this official, all we had to do was wait for the DNA results.

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