S1 Chapter Five⚡️

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Dr Bobby's PoV
Me , my two kids and a gang of drug dealers that my son knows met up at my house to talk business.
"Now listen up , I need y'all to find those kids and kidnap them and take them straight to the abandoned warehouse , they will put up a fight , but I'm gonna give y'all tranquilizer guns to put them to sleep , and when they wake up , Caroline, QT scare them up a bit and kill them"
"I overheard Princess by the lockers saying she was having some sort of party at her place"
"Well crash the party and take them out, they won't know what hit them"
"We DONT know where she lives"
"Oh that's okay , I have men who know how to find that information , that's no big deal"
"Alright pops" QT said
"I won't rest until those little bastards are dead ...I can't believe they were on tv and getting recognition for their powers ....their parents must be so proud"
"Must be nice ...being in the spot light" Caroline said
"Don't worry , once those power in the hood kids are dead you and QT will become known and famous, everybody will know your name"
"Sounds good to me daddy" Caroline said
"Mhm , everybody get out , I need some sleep"
Everybody walked out.
Caroline's POV
Me and QT walked out the house.
"Daddy doesn't really seem like the type to be bullied don't you think" ? I asked
"What you mean" ?
"Daddy seem so tough and rough"
"What are you saying he lied about being bullied by those kids parents" ?
"No...I'm just saying...Idk...he never really said what they did to him"
"They bullied him ...simple at that"
"But what specifically" ?
"Well he said they were friends at first and then they basically got all fake and forgot about him"
"Yeah ...idk Maybe I'm being paranoid"
"Get your head in the game , we got a mission to complete..."
"Right...so where are we going right now" ?
"To get some McDonald's, I'm hungry"
I laughed "oh , I thought we were heading off to some big heist"
"No ..villains gotta way eat too sis"
"Wait are we super villains" ?
"Duh, what did you think we were" ?
"Uhhh ...idk"
QT chuckled.We hopped in my car and sped off down the street.
Professor Konines POV
I was in my lab working on the vaccine for the cure for cancer.I did some more mixing.I think it was time to test the product finally.Ive been working on this vaccine since I became a scientist.So you see it's been a while.I had a cage filled with sick rats with cancer.I placed the rat down on the small table , I hooked him up to some machines , so I can see inside his body , so when the vaccine run threw his body , I can see what it does.
"Alright little buddy only one pinch"
I filled the needle tube with the vaccine , and I slowly stuck the needle inside the rats belly.I glared at the monitor as it went in.I looked at the rats body for his response.He looked okay , like nothing was hurting or bothering him.But I did notice his cancer cells looking different as the medicine flow threw his system.His blood cells begin to look a bit better.I smiled.The real test is that I gotta give him a few days to see if the vaccine really works .And to make sure their aren't any side effects.Because this vaccine is gonna be tested by drug facility's first once released and once it's confirmed that its good , I can officially release it to the public eye and launch the vaccine to cure cancer.Im about to make billions off of vaccine , I just know it.And once I get that money in my hands , I'm gonna help my people even more , I'm gonna get my people out of poverty and make this city a better place.Im very excited for the new beginnings.
Princess POV

It was around 9pm , and I strutted down the street wearing my super suit.Fans took pictures and waved at me.I waved back as I smiled.I couldn't even flip my hair like I usually do , cuz I had it in a tight long braid but that's okay , I'm still cute and I'm still that bitch.I seen some random ass drug dealer men.
"Hey super bitch" !! One of them called out
"Can I get that super kittyyyyyy" !!
"Can you electrify this dickkkkk" ?! Another dude said laughing
I frowned so hard.
"Yep that's exactly what I'm gonna do" I whispered
I ran towards their ass , they gasped in fear and I begin to whoop their ass and I when I mean whoop their ass , I was besting they ass silly , and I zapped their dicks uncontrollably with my hot pink lighting, they shook uncontrollably and screaming , falling dead backwards.Some gurl ran around a corner shooting a glock at me , and those bullets fell off me like toys.I glanced at her , she gasped and backed up , I smirked and I immediately zapped her with my pink lighting.She shook and fell dead.
"Don't fuck with The Electric Princess Bitch" !
I strutted off like a bad bitch.
Stephan's POV

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