S2 Chapter One🔥

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     I was in my office at my big lab.I hear a knock at the door.
"Come in" I said madly
My female lab assistant walked in.
"This better be important or your fired"
"The bots are ready to be shipped to La"
I glanced up at her.
"Excellent, put Madam ZZ on the phone right away"
"Yes sir" she said quickly as she walks out my office.
I continued doing some paper work.She walks back in handing me a phone.
"Madam ZZ is on the line sir"
I snatched the phone.
"Hello Raz" Madam ZZ says
"Madam ZZ the bots are complete and ready to be shipped, go to the airport in 6 hours , a man will take you to the boxes of bots , and after you've gotten the bots , power them up , and seek them on the super hero children to kidnap them , I need those kids here ASAP so I can get started on my experiments"
"Yes sir & are you sure these bots will be able to go up against those kids" ?
"Of course , these bots are made and programmed to accommodate each child power , their made of steel , and their very powerful , almost invincible , they are undefeated"
"Well that sounds amazing , so they shouldn't have no problem kidnapping those kids"
"Okay good , thank you Mr Raz"
"No thank you Madam ZZ"
I smirked and hung up the phone.
Princess POV
        Me,Stephan,Sophie , DJ and the rest of the crew was chilling at the powers in the hood HQ in the backyard playing in the pool.We was giggling and splashing each other.
"I got you" ! Stephan shouts as he splashes the water in my face
I screamed and giggled.
"Noooo" !
He laughs and grabs me from the back as he kisses my neck.I smiled so big.I turned around to face him and we kissed.
"Get a room love birds"DJ said as he chuckled
"Mind ya business" Stephan said
"Imma go get some lemonade" I said smiling
"Okay babe"
I hopped out the pool , I seen Sophie hop out the pool too, she follows me.We walked into the house.
"Omg I can't believe y'all are dating" Sophie said
"And I can't believe you and DJ aren't"
She rolls her eyes.
"I don't know if he's into me"
"Omg it's so obvious"
"I think he just wants to be friends"
"No way"
"I don't think I really want a boyfriend right now"
"Oh plz ...I've been seeing the way you look at DJ , it's obvious your into him , and I know he's into you"
"Well I would have to talk to him , even tho I'm scared"
"Gurl , don't be scared, sometime girls have to make the first moves"
"Ugh true, but I'm really happy for you and Stephan"
"Thanks" I said as I grabbed some lemonade
"So have y'all ...you know ...did it" ?
"Nope, I'm a Virgin , I'm not ready yet"
"Oh okay, I'm a Virgin too...do you think Stephan is a Virgin"?
"He actually told me he's not, he did it with Monica"
"Ew aka the Monica that we hate" ?
We rolled our eyes.
"Do you think DJ is a Virgin"?
"You have to ask him"
"I'm scared"
"Aw Sophie , what am I gonna do with you" ?
"Love me forever"
I laughed.
"Yeah I can do that"
I hugged her , we giggled.Mario walks in.
"Hey girls, what are y'all talking about" ?
"Why are y'all always talking about dicks" ?
"Because we like them"
"Whatever, I've come to get a popsicle"
Me and Sophie laughs.
"Shut up" he snapped
We laughed uncontrollably.He walks out after he grabbed a popsicle.Me and Sophie walked back to the pool , we sat by the edge drinking some lemonade.
"I miss you" Stephan said
"Awww I wasn't gone that long"
"Well it felt like a century"
"Omg y'all are so cute" Sophie said
I giggled.
Sophie's POV
I seen DJ looking at me.He hops out the pool and sits next to me.
"Can I have some lemonade" ?He asked
"No get your own"
"Danm , why you gotta be like that" ?
"Cuz of what" ?!
Princess POV
Konine walks in the backyard.
"Kids it's time for power training , let's go" !
"Aww just 5 more mins" Stephan said pouting
"Pwessseeeee" DJ said as he did the puppy dog face
Me and Sophie laughs.
"Okay fine , just 5 more mins , and that's it"
"Thank you Konineeeee" ! Stephan said
Nikki,Mario , Angel , Prince , Justice , Domonique,QT & Caroline swims towards the edge near us.
"Whos excites for the pep rally Friday" ? Mario asked
"Meeeeee" ! I said happily
Me , Sophie , Domonique, Nikki, Angel & Caroline are cheer leaders.Stephan and the boys are on the football team.Remember I said a lot happened in a year and plus we're sophomores now and we're pretty danm popular in school and super hero's ....and nobody knows who we are tho , because it's still very important to keep our identity safe.
I glared at those kids on my laptop, me and Madam ZZ are Razs spies , we secretly broke into their HQ and placed cameras all over ,we've been watching,listening , snooping and putting the pieces together on who are behind those masks and we finally found out.And not only can those cameras see but they can also hear everything those kids and Konine has to say.And the bots will be able to detect who to kidnap , because their face has already been programmed inside the bots.So when the bots see the kids , it will scan their face and kidnap them and take them back to Dubai to Raz to be experimented on.Raz has some crazy shit up his sleeve.So once the kids are in Raz hands , me and Madam ZZ will get our billion dollars, we're gonna be set for life , we can't wait to get that money in our hands.I don't care what happens to those kids , as long as we get our money , I'm good , I'm great.
Princess POV
5 mins was up , me and the gang headed to our training stations.
I was busy zapping targets with my electric bolts.Stephan was aiming fire balls at his targets , Sophie was splashing targets with her water.DJ was running fast on a special treadmill made by Konine , it's literally programmed to match his speed.Dominique was aiming targets with her ice , Justice was levitating objects , Mario was aiming his thundering ability's at his targets, Nikki was in front of a big mirror controlling her invisibility, Prince was aiming his vortex rings at his targets, Angel was controlling her wind speeds, Caroline was aiming her venom at her targets and QT was aiming his stingers at his targets.It was pretty tiresome but we know it's always worth it.
Madam ZZ POV
I walked towards the airport , I seen a man wearing a all black suit and glasses , he signaled for me to follow him , I strutted his way.
"Where are the boxes" ? I asked
"Right this way"
I followed him to a back room , where the boxes of bots was loaded.
"Right in here"
We walked into a back room.12 Tall long boxes stood side by side.The man opened the boxes up , and walla , it was like opening presents on Christmas Day, 12 human size robots stood tall.I gasped.
"They look so real" I said as I admired the bots
"Here's the controller to power them up"
I took the controller, I took each bot out of the box.They can literally stand on its own , the bots looked so realistic , the details are fascinating, you wouldn't even think that's a robot , these things can pass right by you and you would think their actual human beings.
"This some crazy shit" I said laughing
The man nodded and grinned.
I touched a green button that was blinking on the control device.Me and the man glared at the bots.We waited for the bots to come alive.I glanced at the man, he glanced at me , suddenly all of the bots opened their eyes at the same exact time.I gasped and glared at the bots with evilness and amazement.
"1 billion dollars here I come" ......

POWERS IN THE HOOD:SERIES/REBOOT⚡️🔥💦🐆✨Where stories live. Discover now