S1 Chapter Four⚡️

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Princess POV

Me and the gang went to school happy as hell the next day , and it's funny cuz we all never really hung out but the super powers is the reason we even became friends and met, this is gonna bring us closer and I'm here for it.Everybody seem so lit and fun, so forget my old best friend , I got 9 new friends now.Angel made the doors fly open with her wind ability's, and me and the gang walked into the school like a boss, we were an official gang gang.Everybody stared us down , they never seen us hang out , I seen my old best friend with her boyfriend and new friends , she glanced at me , I glanced at her , she was rollin her eyes , I smirked , did a little wave and shot the bird at her , she gasped and frowned.We knew we was bad and we dare anybody to mess with us , we know were probably gonna be a bit reckless with these powers cus were young and learning but YOLO.Konine was making our super suits , we told him how we wanted it , and the colors , we will be able to pick them up after school.Also were still trying to figure out a super hero name.Me and the gang was at lunch discussing names.
"Maybe I should name my self Miss Spark ...or Zappy"
"Nahhh"Stephan said
"Ooh Electra Gurl" !
"Nahhhh...more bad ass" Stephan said
"Oooh I got it ...! The Electric Princess" !
"That's perfect" ! Stephan shouts
"I like that The Electric Princess , that is badass"
"I'm calling myself Lil Thunder , because I'm short for one and when I cause destruction , it's like thunder , Loud and powerful" Mario said
"Ooh I love that"
"You should call yourself fire boy"
"Nahhhh"Stephan said
"Omg Stephan"
"I want something better , it gotta be lit...."
"Call yourself lit than"
"You are annoying"
"Annoyingly cute right"
"You don't think I'm cute" ?
"Stephan figure out a name" !
He laughs.
"I think imma call myself Aqua Gurl" Sophie said
"Ooh that's cuteeee"
"Y'all like Cat Boy" ? DJ asked
Me and Stephan said "nahhhhh" at the same time
"Fast boy" ?
"No" Sophie said
"Too fast" ?
"That's already taken" Justice said
"Dash" ?
"That's already taken"Prince said
"No it's not"!
"The incredibles ...Dash the son" Prince said
"Fuck....Ooh since I'm fast as I cheetah maybe I can be Cheetah Boy" !!!!
"Ooh I kind of like that" Stephan said
"Yeah ...it's sticking right right" ?!
"Princeeee what you thinking about" ? Angel asked
"Uhhh I have no idea what my name should be..."
"It should be simple and sexy"
"Did you say sexy" ? Prince asked
"I said simple , but are you talking about" ? Angel asked
"Simple huh ? What about Vortex ...I mean that's what I do ...I think it's simple but it's powerful at the same time"
"I like it" ! I shouted
"Princess likes it"'Prince said
"That's cuteeeee boo and I think imma name myself Windy" ! Angel said
"Ooh that's kind of sexy" Prince said
"I knowwwww" Angel said
"Vortex and Windy sitting in a tree , K-I-S-S-I-N-G" DJ said
Angel hits his shoulder "shut up" !
"Ooh Ooh Imma call myself LEVITATOR" ! Justice said
"OMG I love that" Domonique said
"Thanks" ! Justice said
"You figure out your name Nikki" ? Mario asked
"I was thinking invisible gurl"
"Something better huh"?
"Ooh what about Disappearance" ??
"Oooh I love that" ! Mario said
"Yessss I Like thattttt"
"I like it" ! I shouted
"Princess likes it" Prince said
"FLAMEZ"!!! Stephan screams
Everybody jumped and glared at him.
"What" ? I asked
"That's gonna be my super hero name ...FLAMEZ" !
"Omg I love thatttttt" !
I gave Stephan a high five.
"You really like it" ?
"Yeah that's perfect , cuz your so hot"
"Oh you think I'm hot" ?
"I was referring to your super power"
"Of course you were"
He said smirking
I giggled and smirked.
Suddenly two kids sit next to us smiling.
"Hello" I said
"Hi , I'm Caroline and this is my brother QT" Caroline said
"Uh okay hey"
"We heard y'all have special gifts , we have special gifts too"QT said
"What kind of special gifts do y'all think we have" ? Stephan asked
"Super powers" Caroline said
"How the hell do y'all know we have super powers" ?
"Because our dad know you're parents , they used to be friends, our dad was experimented on just like your parents"
"So what kind of super powers do y'all have" ? I asked
"I have the ability to control snake venom and QT has the ability to control Bee Stings" Caroline said
"Whoa ! Do y'all have super hero names" ? DJ asked
"I'm Venom and hes Stinger ...but we really don't classify ourselves as super hero's...we just think we're people with special gifts"
"Well we're gonna be super hero's and help people"
"Oh well that's cute , how about we be friends...We're having an abandoned Warehouse party tonight , do y'all wanna come" ?
Stephan glanced at me slightly shaking his head.I think something is up , I don't think trust these two kids right here.
"Uh , we have power practice after school...we can't make it"
"Aw what a bummer ? Rain check" ?
"We will see" Stephan said
"And did you say your dad used to be our parents friends" ? Mario asked
"Uh yeah" QT said
"What happened"? I asked
"Listen we gotta go , but here's our numbers if you change your mind about that party"
Caroline and QT hopped up and walked away.
Caroline's POV
"They don't trust us yet"
"Well we need to make them trust us ...we have to get them alone at that party and kill them" QT said
"But they got powers too...and it's 10 of them"
"You know what I got an idea ...I know some drug dealers that could just shoot with some tranquilizer guns , capture them , and take them to the abandoned warehouse, tie them up and we kill them with my stingers and your poisonous venom"
"I like the way you think lil brother"
He grinned.
Stephan's POV
It was finally after school which means we go pick up our super suits , Konine made a group chat with him, me and my friends, he texted us saying super suits are ready come and get them.
"Yes" !
Our parents dropped us off to Konines house.I hopped out the car.I seen the rest of the gang hop out their cars , I knocked on the door.
I screamed
He came to the door.
"Your super suits awaits"
We all cheered and ran in the house.
"Follow me kids"
We followed him to his lab.We gasps , our mouths dropped, we seen 10 super suits in glass cases side by side to each other , our names were written in gold letters on the case.
"Omg" !!!
We ran to the super suit that belong to us.I smiled and admired my suit.
"This is lit" !!
Princess POV
"Omg this is so fuckin cute" !
Konines POV
The kids thanked and hugged me.
"Your so welcome kids" !
"You did it so fast" ! Sophie said
"I'm fast at what I do"
"Can we try them on now" ?! DJ Asked
"Of course" !
The kids cheered.
Princess POV
Everybody grabbed their super suits out the glass case and we ran to the back , girls went in one room and boys went in another.

POWERS IN THE HOOD:SERIES/REBOOT⚡️🔥💦🐆✨Where stories live. Discover now