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I opened my eyes and sat up abruptly. I felt dirty, like I'd just seen something I definitely wasn't supposed to. I breathed heavily, my stomach tightening nervously as I pushed the covers off my bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the light, gripping the edges of the counter as I stared at myself in disgust. "Gross." I muttered, recalling the dream I'd woken up from.

Thanks to last night's thoughts I'd somehow manifested this disgusting idea of having sex with Reid. The dream felt it like lasted forever. It started off pretty normal, we were working a case together and eventually we caught the guy. After it was over, we headed to our hotel room, but instead of separating and going to bed like we usually did, we kissed at the doorway of my bedroom and ended up fucking. It was reasonably tame, but the idea made me want to vomit, despite the fact that my panties were soaking wet and I'm pretty sure I'd woken up to what felt like an orgasm.

I splashed some water in my face, feeling my face grow hot just thinking about it. I tried shaking the feeling off as I threw on fresh outfit and pulled my hair back into a bun, but it didn't work too well. I kept feeling his hands on my waist and his mouth on my neck. I shuddered, shaking my head as I gathered my stuff and packed it all away. I threw my bag over my shoulder and left the room, closing the door behind me. I let out a small yawn. Despite sleeping for most of the night I still felt pretty tired. "Morning."

I jumped at Reid's voice. "Uh, yeah, yes," I coughed, "morning."

"You good?" He raised his brow.

"Y-yes, good. Real good." I nodded.

He gave me an odd look before walking away. I let out a sigh of relief. One thing I was thankful about was that even when everyone knew something was going on they never really asked about it. I wasn't sure if it was some unspoken profiler rule, but regardless it made things easier for me.

I went outside, catching up with Prentiss and JJ who were chatting amongst themselves. "Morning."

"Hey." JJ waved.

"Good morning," Prentiss smiled, "how was your sleep?"

I bit my lip, wondering if she somehow could read minds or something. Out of everyone I felt like Prentiss knew what I thinking before I was thinking it. I wasn't sure why, maybe because we talked a lot or we had similar personalities; either way it was frustrating. "Yup, good sleep."

Her and JJ gave me a weird look.

When we got on the plane I sat in the back with my earbuds on. I listened to some music, closing my eyes. I figured if I looked like I was busy doing something nobody would bother me. For a while it worked until Morgan sat next to me, ripping one of my earbuds out. "Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"Probably drinking on my couch and watching Netflix." I responded flatly.

"Prentiss and I are going out, you in?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

Morgan motioned for Prentiss to look in our direction. He gave her a big thumbs up. "She's in."

I sighed, grabbing my earbud out of his hands aggressively. "Woo."

"Don't be like that. It's gonna be fun. Penelope's coming too."

"JJ are you going?" I asked desperately.

"Not a chance." She laughed.

"Reid, you coming?" Morgan asked. Reid looked up from his book, giving him a shrug before returning back to his book. "See, Reid's coming too."

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