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"Isla," Reid whispered, "hey." I felt his hand grip my shoulder, shaking it lightly. I groaned, rolling to face him. I felt my forehead collide with his shoulder. I rubbed against it, feeling my eyes ache. I heard him chuckle nervously as he shook me a couple more times. "We, uh, landed."

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His eyes were wide and after a couple of seconds I realized why. I tore my body away from his, blinking rapidly as I looked at the rest of the team who were glancing over curiously. I cleared my throat and blinked again. I brought my hands to my face, which was growing hotter by the second. I couldn't believe they saw that.

"Do, uh," Reid paused, "do you need help getting off the plane? I can ask Morgan."

"Yes please."

Reid stood up and wandered over to Morgan who stared at him, mouth agape. He sat down next to him. The two of them talked for a couple of seconds, while Prentiss stood from her seat and sat down next to me. "What the hell was that?" She laughed.

"I don't know." I whispered, hands still covering my face.

"I know you said there was nothing going on, but like," she snorted, "that was definitely something."

"We fell asleep." I retorted.

"You're all red." She reached for my cheek, giving it a light pinch.

I swatted her away, narrowing my eyes. "Yeah, well, I woke up to everyone staring at me."

Morgan stood from his seat, shaking his head as he made his way over. He loomed over Prentiss and I, leaning his elbow against the wall as he flashed us a smirk. "Pretty boy said you needed help?"

I let out a nervous groan as I pulled my hands across my face. "Just get me my stupid chair." I grumbled.

Prentiss and Morgan both laughed as they left my side. I adjusted myself to the edge of the seat, glancing over at Morgan who wheeled over my chair. He offered his arm, which I reluctantly took, and together we moved me from one seat to the other. My leg throbbed. I tried to ignore it, but the pain shot up my leg, causing me to groan loudly. I doubled over in pain, swearing under my breath.

"You good?" Morgan questioned, leaning towards me.

"Yup, never better." I lied.

Reid stared at me from across the plane, concern coating his eyes. I tried not to look at him, but after what had just happened it was hard. I turned my attention to Hotch who, like everyone else, was staring between us curiously. I swallowed hard, watching him stand from his seat and walk towards the exit without saying a word.

We got off the plane and piled into our vehicles. I got in the passenger side of Morgan's vehicle, while Prentiss hopped in the back. For the majority of the ride we were silent. At one point Morgan turned on the music quietly, bobbing his head to the music. "So, are we gonna talk about what that was on the plane?" He finally asked. He pulled up to a red light, raising his brow in my direction.

"Uh, nope." I responded.

"And why not?" He pressed.

"Because nothing happened," I responded angrily, "He fell asleep on my shoulder last night and instead of being a jerk I just let him lay there, because yesterday was hard and I got tired and fell asleep on him and when I woke up I was embarrassed, because all of you assholes were staring at us like we'd just committed some sort of devious sex act!" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I frowned out the window. I didn't want to get mad, but sometimes people just didn't know when to quit.

"Okay, jeez." Morgan turned his attention back to the road once the light was green. He took a couple of turns and followed the road again for a couple of minutes until we pulled into the parking lot. He shut off the car and undid his seatbelt, but didn't move. Prentiss hopped out instantly, flashing me a smirk as she walked past the window.

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