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The building was packed when we arrived, which wasn't surprising. It was Sunday afternoon, which as most people knew, was the perfect time to get together with friends for some brunch.

The team occupied a large table near the back of the building. Prentiss knew exactly where she was going, which made me guess this was their meet up spot sometimes. She sat down next Rossi, giving him a warm smile as Reid and I took the last available spots on her other side. Half of me was glad I got to sit next to him, while the other half wanted to stay as far away as possible in case I did something out of the ordinary.

"How you feeling Reid?" Morgan laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm fine."

Everyone collectively chuckled, including me who immediately earned a glared from Reid. I smirked back at him. "JJ you had news?" Reid said, turning the attention away from him.

"Uh, yeah." She was smiling so wide it wasn't hard to tell that her news was good. I figured it was another baby, maybe even a wedding proposal. The later proved to be correct, because without a word she raised her hand, flashing us a diamond ring.

Garcia squealed excitedly. She jumped up from her seat and scurried over to her. She wrapped her arms around JJ who jumped in surprised, but returned the exchange almost immediately.

"He finally asked you," Rossi nodded his head, "took him long enough."

"Yeah, well, we wanted to sort out some stuff first." She responded, adjusting the ring on her finger. You could tell she wasn't used to it. The way she stared and twirled it continuously.

We ordered drinks. I jokingly asked Reid if he wanted a mimosa, but he politely declined, overplaying how hungover he was. Regardless of the amount of alcohol I consumed last night I ordered one for myself, downing the entire thing before our food had even arrived. It made my stomach feel warm and fuzzy, which was exactly what I needed to calm my nerves. When our food did arrive we all stopped talking. Instead, we ate, shovelling forkfuls into our mouths as quickly as possible. Being around them somehow made me feel like I needed to eat fast. I figured it was because during work hours we were always rushing. At one point Hotch looked over at me and shook his head. "You're going to choke if you keep eating like that." He said.

I looked up at him, mouth filled to the brim with waffles. I chewed slower, watching as he just laughed and continued eating.

"How was the rest of your night?" I whispered to Prentiss, elbowing her arm. I wiggled my brows, laughing when she wiggled her's back at me.

"Very good." She sighed.

Rossi snorted.

"Who was the lucky guy?" I ate another bite of waffle, making sure to the cut the piece smaller in case Hotch decided to scold me again.

"Oh I don't know his name." She laughed.

"Of course you don't." Reid interjected.

Prentiss leaned towards him, narrowing her eyes. "At least I went home with someone."

I wanted to laugh in her face and tell her everything, but I didn't. Instead, I kept my eyes on my plate and continued eating, trying not to look at either of them. I knew if I did I'd break. It wasn't because I was a bad liar or anything. In fact I was quite good. It was more because I'd barely had time to process what exactly had happened just hours before. Yes, I had sex, but emotionally I wasn't sure what that meant other than that I liked it and I'd like to continue doing it.

"Fair enough." Reid responded. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him go back to eating.

I took a sip of my second mimosa and glanced over at JJ was talking to Hotch and Garcia. She looked really happy, which I figured was hard to do when it came to this job.

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