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Okay, first off, holy shit

Second, uh, THANK-YOU. The support I've received while writing this book has been absolutely insane and I genuinely can't believe it's done. I've spent a lot of time writing this thing and while it was definitely no walk in the park, I'm so proud of what I've accomplished. This thing is like my magnum opus and while I'm glad it's over the story itself is just getting started. 

If you read my previous story Unsteady you might know I was planning on giving it a sequel. Unfortunately, after rereading it I feel like it ended where it needed to so instead of beating a dead horse I'll be focusing my attention on other projects.

Such as this story's sequel.

So, uh, yeah, stay tuned for that I guess? I'll be posting the introduction (and possibly the first chapter) not long after I finish typing this so you can get a little bit of a preview, after that there probably won't be any for a while as I'd like to take a bit of a brain break. 


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