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I got released from the hospital the next morning. Morgan came to grab me, giving me a warm hug the second he saw me. I hugged him back, pulling him in tightly as I breathed him in. I closed my eyes tightly. I never realized how good hugs felt when you really needed them. When he pulled away he ruffled my hair, still smiling. "How you doing?"

"Better." I nodded. "Actually slept, so that's good."


"So, uh, we heading out?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. The nurse is grabbing some crutches and a wheelchair."

"Where are we going?"

"Station," he replied, "everyone wants to see you. They're worried." He let out a small chuckle, turning to the doorway when the nurse walked through. She placed the crutches on the edge of the bed and helped me into the wheelchair. The whole process was pretty easy and once I adjusted myself she passed me off to Morgan who thanked her for everything.

"Alright, let's go." I was eager to leave. Like any other sane person, I hated hospitals.

Morgan handed the crutches to me. I held them tightly as he pushed me through the doorway and out into the hall. We caught the elevator just as it was closing. A couple of nurses shuffled over, giving us space as we rode down to the main floor. Once there we made our way out to the SUV, which was parked out front. He helped me in and tossed the wheelchair and crutches in the back before hopping into the driver's side. We buckled up and left, cruising down the road with the radio playing quietly.

"How'd it go yesterday?" I asked.

Morgan let out a heavy breath and shook his head. I could tell something was wrong just by the way he stared forward and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "It wasn't Berkley." He responded.


"He's had an alibi." He responded with an angry sigh. "We did some digging on Jessiks and figured out he'd previously treated Nicole, as well."

"What are the fucking chances of that." I mumbled, leaning back in my seat.

"Yeah, well, pretty low." He snapped. His jaw clenched tightly as he looked over at me.

"So he stabbed me for no reason." I shook my head in disbelief.

"I guess so." Morgan mumbled.

"So, it's Jessiks?" I changed the subject. I could tell he felt bad for what had happened, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"We think so. We got him in holding. Rossi's leading the interrogation, but the guy won't budge."

"Has he asked for a lawyer?"

He shook his head. "He's playing games."

I rolled my eyes.

Morgan pulled into the station not long after. He shut off the car and hopped out. He grabbed the wheelchair from the back and wheeled it over to my side and opened the door. Together, we sat me down in it. I groaned as I adjusted my leg and looked up at him. "Thanks." I said through gritted teeth.

He gave my shoulder a quick squeeze, nodding his head before pushing me up a ramp and through the doors. Everyone in the bullpen stared as we walked through. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared forward, feeling beads of sweat pool across my forehead. Up until now I hadn't realized how nervous I was to see everyone. I held out my hands, which vibrated. I wiggled my fingers a bit before crossing my arms again.

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