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"Reid?" I shot upwards, scanning the hotel room. Unsurprisingly, Reid was no longer laying beside me and by the looks of it had disappeared from the room all together. I rubbed my eyes, letting out a loud yawn as I pushed away the covers and moved to the edge of the bed. My heart racked against my chest, causing me to feeling slightly panicked. Even though I knew Reid wouldn't lay around waiting for me to wake up I still felt uneasy at his lack of presence.

I tried to wrap my brain around what exactly had happened last night as I got ready. Up until this point I was sure the feelings between us weren't mutual. Now I wasn't so sure. The way he kissed my face and held me close; it definitely seemed like more of a romantic gesture than a friendly one. Regardless, I figured it was probably best to talk to him first. Reid was still a relatively new person in my life and even though we seemed close there were most likely still things I didn't know about him.

Once I was dressed I smoothed out my hair and let out a sigh. I grabbed my crutches from the edge of the room and left the hotel room. The hall outside was empty. I raised my brow and wandered down to the main floor. Prentiss and JJ were standing just outside the building. I pushed through the doors, flashing them a small smile as I made my way over to them.

"How you feeling?" JJ asked, a flash of concern washed over her face.

"Better," I sighed. Thanks to Reid I'd actually managed to get some sleep, which was something I was extremely thankful for. Sleeping, at least lately, was hard for me so when I managed to get it it felt like nothing short of a miracle. "How about you guys?"

"Ready to get home." JJ responded.

"Same," Prentiss sighed. "I can't wait to lie in bed and do nothing."

"You mean you're not going out to get completely obliterated tonight?" I asked jokingly.

Prentiss rolled her eyes, cracking a small grin. "I mean, obviously that too."

Hotch walked out of the building, clutching his phone in his hand as he walked up to meet us. He made eye contact with me, raising his brow, but said nothing. I figured it was his own little way of asking if I was okay, so I responded with a smile. He seemed to accept my answer by nodding his head. "Let's get home." He said, walking away to meet Rossi in one of the SUVs.

We piled into the vehicles and drove to the airport. The whole way there Prentiss kept asking JJ about wedding plans. The two of them gushed over various details, excitedly discussing decorations and food options, while I sat in the back, half listening as I stared out the window.

"Oh, I totally forgot. I'm making save the date's when I get home." JJ said. She smiled wide, her eyes darting between Prentiss and I.

"Does that mean you hate a date picked out?" Prentiss asked excitedly.

JJ nodded. "September seventh."

"JJ, that's like three weeks away." I pointed out.

"I know," she sighed. "It's soon, but Will and I are ready. We've been together for years and it's not like either of us are interested in anything special." She shrugged her shoulders. "Plus, Hotch and I looked over the vacation schedule and it's one of the only dates that'll work where everyone's in town."

"Ah, I'm so excited." Prentiss wiggled in her seat as she pulled into the lot. We all jumped out in unison and made our way to the plane. Once inside, we all sat down, huddling together excitedly. "Do you have a venue?"

JJ looked over at Rossi and smiled. "Rossi said we can use his house."

I raised my brow, wondering what exactly his house might look like. From what I gathered, Rossi was quite the ladies man. Having been divorced three times, I assumed he probably had one of those rich looking, man caves full of expensive furniture and too much space.

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