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Our night out ended up being strictly for the girls. We met up with JJ at some pub downtown. She smiled excitedly once she saw us, ushering us into the booth closest to the bar. Unsurprisingly, there were already shots waiting for us on the table. Prentiss smirked at JJ, shaking her head as she reached to grab one of the glasses. I joined her, gripping it carefully. It was filled to the brim with what looked like tequila.

"I'm driving so no shots for me." Garcia protested.

Almost immediately, Prentiss pushed the shot my way, wiggling her brows as her arm lingered across the table.

I rolled my eyes and took the first shot. A shiver ran up my spine and my throat burned, but I played it off like it was nothing. I grabbed the second one, raising it into the air slightly. JJ and Prentiss did the same and we gently clinked glasses before downing the contents. This time, I couldn't help but cough. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand and cringed at the overwhelming taste. Prentiss laughed, which triggered me to laugh as well. Despite not really wanting to be here I knew it'd end up being a good time. Going out was a good way to blow off steam, which was something I definitely had a lot of lately.

"Beer?" Prentiss eyed everyone curiously, watching as we all nodded. She slid out of the booth and walked up to the bar, which was thankfully pretty empty. Like usual, she laid on the charm, twirling her hair around her finger as she playfully flirted with the bartender.

Garcia shook her head in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape. "She's way too good at that."

"I mean she did work for Interpol." JJ shrugged.

I looked at her, eyes wide. "She what?"

JJ and Garcia shared a strange look, nodding slightly. "It's a long story, but she did a lot of undercover work." JJ replied.

It definitely made sense. Prentiss could switch personalities at the drop of a hat, so it was unsurprising that at one point she did it as a job.

She returned not long after, gripping two bottles in each hand. She sat three on the table and slid back in next to JJ, pulling the fourth to her lips. She let out a satisfied sigh, glancing between the three of us. "So, what are we talking about?"

"How you worked in Interpol." I responded.

She rolled her eyes and took another sip. "Old news."

"I mean for you, yeah," I scoffed.

"Honestly it's not all that's cracked up to be," she responded sourly.

I could tell at that point it was probably a sensitive subject so I didn't say anything else. Instead, I merely nodded my head and sipped my beer, turning to face the rest of the bar. A small group college kids poured in, yelling obnoxiously as they met up with a couple sitting at one of the bigger tables.


I turned to face JJ who's brow was raised. I gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, what?"

"I was wondering if you were interested in bringing a date," she responded.

My brows knitted together in confusion as I brought my beer to my lips to take a sip. Garcia and Prentiss laughed at me, while JJ cracked a smile. I must've zoned out pretty hard, because I had no idea what she was talking about.

"For my wedding?" She questioned.

I opened my mouth and nodded my head in understanding. Instead of answering though, I took a sip and looked away. The last thing I wanted to think about was finding a date to the wedding, especially considering the only person I wanted to take was someone I couldn't.

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