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Not long after returning to the rest of the group we were told to sit down. JJ disappeared for a while to get ready, while the rest of us got comfy and waited. I sat next to Reid, still feeling shocked over the bomb that Prentiss just dropped on me. I tried to pretend like I wasn't thinking about it, but I knew that he knew something was up. He sneakily grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze before quickly releasing it. I smiled in his direction. He leaned into me. "You okay?"

"I don't know," I responded. "We'll talk later?"

He paused for a moment, scanning my face, which I knew didn't seem right to him. Eventually though, he nodded and turned his attention away.

Garcia smacked my arm a couple of times, motioning me to look in the direction of the porch. I did the same to Reid and both of us looked over, gasping at the sight. JJ stood at the entrance of the house, smiling in her wedding dress. She looked up at Will, covering her mouth with her hands. JJ wasn't necessarily the crying type, but we all knew if there was time and place for her to do it, this was it.

She walked down the porch and onto the grass, following the line of chairs Rossi and the rest of the group set up beforehand. Once she reached the front she pulled Will in for a big hug, tightening her grip around him as she hurried her face in the crook of his neck.

Once the ceremony began the excited whispers of those around us died down instantly. We sat and waited, patiently listening to the words of the officiant, along with their vows. Their words flowed together effortlessly, proving even more that the two of them were meant for each other. By the time the kiss came along almost everyone was in tears. I held mine back, tightening my lips together. I knew no one would judge me for crying, but the second I started I probably wouldn't stop.

JJ and Will walked back down the aisle and into the house. The rest of the group stood up, clapping excitedly as they passed. Garcia sobbed next to me, wiping her eyes with a tissue as she turned to face me and smiled. "How are you not crying right now?" She laughed.

"I don't know," I responded with a laugh of my own.

Garcia sniffed, wiping the last bit of loose eyeliner from underneath her eye. "I can't believe it took them this long to get married," she shook her head.

"There's no right or wrong answer for marriage," I shrugged, "my brother dated a girl for two months before they got married."

"How'd that turn out?" Morgan peeked out from behind Garcia, raising his brow.

"They divorced," I laughed.

"Yeah, but JJ and Will have been together for like, years now." Garcia argued.

"They just weren't ready I guess." I sighed. I couldn't imagine myself getting married. Even as a teenager the last thing on my mind was boys.

"I say it's time we stop talking and start drinking." Morgan wiggled his brows and stood up. The rest of us agreed and followed him into the kitchen.

The party ended up being pretty fun. After taking a couple of shots with Morgan I was at that right headspace where I was still coherent, but drunk enough not to overthink everything. At some point in the night Rossi started up the music, ushering everyone out onto the lawn to dance. I tore off my shoes and ran out there, dragging Morgan with me. I threw my arms into the air, wiggling my hips and jumping up and down to the sound of Mr. Brightside by The Killers. I screamed the lyrics aggressively, while Morgan laughed and looked over at the rest of the team who'd gathered to watch. Eventually, Garcia and Prentiss joined in. The four of us dancing as song after song played.

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