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"Shhhh." I brought my hand up to Reid's face, smacking him at an attempt to stop him from snoring. Instead of that though, he woke up, pushing my hand away as he groaned and rolled onto his side. He pulled me into him, leaving a trail of kisses along my back as he moved up to rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Rude." He said, planting a kiss on my neck.

"You're rude." I retorted lazily. I grabbed the hand that was wrapped around me, lacing our fingers together. His hand fit perfectly into mine.

"I'm trying to sleep." He pressed his lips against my cheek, attempting to wiggle closer.

"You're the one who's kissing me."

"Maybe if you turned around you could kiss me."

I brought his hand up to my lips, planting a quick kiss on it before doing as he said. I rolled over to face him, slowly opening my eyes. He looked so peaceful lying there. I brushed some air out of his eyes as he pulled me in. "You're actually kind of cute when you're sleeping." I said after pulling away.

He half opened his eyes, giving me an unimpressed stare. "Am I not cute otherwise?"

"Nope, not at all."

"I'm too tired to argue with you." He responded.


We laid there for a while, holding each other tightly. I knew by the time the sun was pouring through my window it was probably time to get up, but I didn't say anything. I wanted to enjoy this for a little while longer.

He rolled onto his back to stretch, rubbing his eyes before reaching his arms upward. They cracked a couple of times, causing him to let out a satisfied sigh.

I heard my phone ring, which caused my body to stiffen. "Can you pass me my phone?"

He nodded, struggling to glance over at my bedside table. He threw his arm out mindlessly, struggling to get a whole of it. Eventually he groaned and rolled over so he could easily grab it and hand it to me before returning to his stretching regimen.


"What are you doing right now?" Prentiss asked.

"Uh..." I struggled to sit up. I leaned my back against the wall, crossing my arms over my bare chest as I glanced over at Reid who gave me a confused look. "I'm just getting up. I, uh, had a long night."

"Oh?" She sounded surprised.

I gave Reid a panicked look, trying to come up with something on the spot. "Uh, yeah..." I let out an uncomfortable laugh when I finally thought of something. "Reid got really drunk last night so I had to take him home." I held back another laugh, watching as he narrowed his eyes at me.

Prentiss laughed. I shoved the phone towards Reid so he could hear, which caused him to roll his eyes and give my side a light shove before he hopped out of bed and wandered into the bathroom. I stared longingly at his naked body he disappeared behind the door. "Is he at your place right now?"

Her words brought me back. I shook the naked sight out of my mind, chewing my thumbnail as I spoke. "Uh, yeah, he crashed on my couch." I lied.

"Perfect. JJ just called me."

I frowned. "Seriously?"

"It's not case related, don't worry."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"She wants to do breakfast. Says she has news." Prentiss sounded excited.

"Oh?" I examined my thumbnail, which looked pretty gross. I really needed to stop chewing on it. "What's the plan then?"

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