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"Motherfucker." I sat up in bed, throwing my covers aside. I jumped out of bed and began pacing around the room, steadying my breathing as my mind raced. I'd had that fucking dream again. The same stupid one about Reid in the stupid hotel room with the stupid lack of clothes.

I grabbed my phone to check the time, realizing it was almost six-thirty. The fact that JJ hadn't called severely surprised me. Maybe for once we'd get to stay in town for a day. It was highly unlikely. I'm sure the second we arrived at the office we'd get a distress call of sorts.

I rubbed my eyes as I walked to the bathroom. I peeled off my underwear, scrunching up my face in disgust as I tossed them into the hamper. I couldn't believe it happened again. Once was bad enough, but twice? My subconscious had to have been messing with me.

I tore off the rest of my clothes and hopped in the shower. I scrubbed my body aggressively, trying to get the disgust I felt far away from my body. It didn't work too well though, the second I got out I started thinking about it again. The way we'd linger in the hallway, staring at each other, until he ultimately pushed me into the room and up against the wall.

I ran my fingers through my hair, glancing at my naked body in the mirror. My nipples could cut through glass. I frowned, turning on my heel. I stomped into my bedroom and found some clothes. I threw them on and tied my hair back as I wandered into the kitchen.

I made myself a pot of coffee and sat on the couch, sipping my first cup in complete and utter silence so I could actually think. Maybe he was right? Maybe that whole energy exchange quality bullshit was real and I just wanted to be like him? It sounded ridiculous, but so did everything else about the situation I was in. Or maybe I really just wanted to have sex with him.

I threw my head back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Why did people even have to feel things? Why couldn't we all be mindless robots who only had sex to procreate? It would make things so much simpler.

Once I finished my first cup I went in for my second. I took large gulps as I walked back to my bedroom to grab my phone. I checked to see if anything had changed, surprised when I still had nothing. I pocketed my phone. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my hand. It looked pretty gnarly. My thumb was covered in tiny reddened blisters. It didn't hurt too much, which I was thankful for, but I knew the second Reid saw it he'd probably get mad at me. I figured it would probably be best to wrap it, especially since it was on my dominant hand. I grabbed my first aid kit out of the bathroom and set my cup on the counter. I wrapped it up pretty quick, wiggling my thumb, which was about twice the size now.

My phone rang in my pocket. I sighed knowing my relaxing morning was officially over. "Hey JJ."

"Who's JJ?" It was Issac.

I checked the time on my phone, making sure I was reading it right. Issac was one of the laziest people I knew and him being awake earlier than noon by choice was nothing short of a miracle. "What are you doing awake?"

"Going into work..."

"You have job? Where at?"

"You know that comic book store downtown?"

"The one we used to steal from?" I put my phone down on the counter, throwing Issac on speakerphone as I started on my makeup.

"Yes, that one." He laughed.

"That's sick," I responded, "are you just working the counter and stuff?"

"Yeah, but they also offered me a sort of book deal. The guys who own it also help run this independent publishing company and they need a colourist for an upcoming release." I could feel his excitement through the phone.

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