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After Prentiss left Reid and I went to grab food. We went to a little cafe down the street, ordering ourselves a coffee and some breakfast. We sat on the patio in silence, eating as we stared off into space. Neither of us really knew what to say. This whole day, while expected, sucked so far and it was only bound to get worse.

Once we finished eating we went back. The feeling of dread gathered at the pit of my stomach as we walked back into the building and walked to Hotch's office. Reid knocked on the doorframe, while I stood out in the hall, clutching my stomach as I eyed Strauss's office door, which was currently partially open. I swallowed hard. In just a matter of minutes we'd be in there, talking once again about our relationship.

"Rafferty?" I heard Hotch calling my name, pulling me away from my thoughts. I walked over and peeked my head into the office, raising my brow. "Strauss would like to see both of you separately."

"Of course she does," I sighed. The second the comment came out of my mouth I regretted it. The last thing I wanted to be was a stuck up bitch. "Sorry." I cleared my throat.

Hotch ignored my comment. "Reid, you can head over to your desk. I'll call you when she's ready."

Reid nodded his head, giving my back a quick stroke before wandering over to his desk and sitting down. Morgan immediately got up, walking over to talk to him. I bit my lip, watching them for a couple of seconds before glancing back at Hotch and frowning.

"I know this isn't ideal, but it is protocol."

"I know," I shrugged.

"Whatever happens, just know that I support you," Hotch stood from his desk, walking towards me. He laid his hand on my shoulder, showing his support as he used his other hand to motion to Strauss's door. "Shall we?"

"Yup." I pressed my lips together and turned on my heel, moving away from Hotch's hand. We walked to her office together, stopping in front of the partially open door. Hotch gave me an apologetic look, rapping his knuckles against the wood before pushing it open and looking inside.

"Agent Hotchner," Strauss nodded her head.

"Strauss," he replied. "Isla Rafferty is here to speak with you."

She closed the file on her desk, angling her head so that she could see me. The second our eyes met I felt my fight or flight response kick in. My heart racked against my chest and while I desperately wanted to run I forced myself to walk in instead, clutching my hands tightly at my sides.

"Hello Agent Rafferty," she sighed. She glanced up at Hotch, nodding her head. Without hesitating he nodded back closed the door. "You're aware of why you're here?" She questioned.

"Yes ma'am." I responded.

"Good," she leaned over, pulling another file from her desk. She opened it up, scanning it just like Hotch had with his. "It says here you and Dr. Reid have been together for a total of approximately two and a half months?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And why is the bureau only hearing about this now?"

"I-I," I swallowed hard, "I don't know ma'am."

"We have a strict no fraternization policy," she responded, "I'm assuming you're also aware of this as well?"

I nodded.

"So, tell me, why do you think that this rule should be broken for the two of you?"

Her question caught me off guard. I took a deep breath, trying to remember all of the things that Reid and I discussed over the weekend. "Dr. Reid and I are professionals," I started, "despite our relationship outside of work being close, at work we're strictly colleagues."

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