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I stumbled into the debriefing room, my body smashing against the door as I lost my footing. I swore under my breath, correcting my footing as I tossed myself into the nearest chair and tried to catch my breath. Thankfully, Reid was the only person in the room. We made eye contact and for the first time in a while I felt somewhat calm looking at him.

"How's the hangover?" He asked.

I threw my crutches against the wall, raising my brow. "How did you..."

He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped and looked down at the table in front of him. I could tell he was hiding something, because eventually his mouth closed as he held back a smile.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"You, uh," he forced out a chuckle, "called me last night."

My eyes widened in horror. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, racing to check my outgoing calls. When I saw his name I panicked even more, trying to remember what I had said. I looked back up at him, watching as he stifled back his laughter. "I was trying to call Garcia."

"Well, you didn't," he stated matter of factly. "You called me."

I dropped my phone on the table, running my fingers though my hair. "Oh, my god."

"It's no big deal." He shrugged.

"For you." I responded. "I don't even remember what happened."

"Did you know that studies show that significant percentages of people who use electronic forms of communication while drunk regret said decisions later?" He responded, still smirking. "In fact, one study looked at the drunk dialling behaviours of college students and claimed that they found five primary reasons for said phone calls."

I rolled my eyes, opening the file in front of me. I tried to tune him out, but he kept on going. "Entertainment, outburst of confidence, confession of emotion, plan coordination, or sex." I heard him over pronounce the last reason, causing me to let out a frustrated sigh.

"I didn't call you for sex." I whispered angrily. "I was calling Penelope. Her name is right above yours on my contact list and I must've accidentally clicked it."

He said nothing, still holding back a smile as Morgan walked in. "Morning." Reid looked up at him, biting his bottom lip.

Almost immediately Morgan knew something was up. He looked between the two of us, brow raised as he sat down.

"Hey Isla, I heard you went out last night, how was it?" Reid asked. He released the smirk from his lips as he looked down at his case file to avoid my gaze.

Morgan laughed and looked over at me. "Yeah, how'd that go?" Before I could answer Reid started laughing. Morgan looked back him curiously. "What?" He asked.

Rossi and JJ piled into the room. Rossi quickly sat down, giving everyone a small nod before we focused our attention on JJ who looked rough for wear. Her hair was tied back in a messy bun and the bags under her eyes were large. In her hand was a glass of water which she drank as she organized the files in front of her.

For a couple of seconds Morgan got distracted, but ultimately looked back between us and repeated his question.

"Oh, I'd love to tell you, but maybe Rafferty would like to do the honours?" Both JJ and Rossi seemed equally interested and before I knew it they were all staring at me curiously.

I sunk in my seat, shooting daggers over at Reid who responded with crossed arms and a smug smile. I let out a sigh of defeat, closing my eyes. "I drunk called Reid last night."

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