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//GREETINGS! Hello my fellow readers, Celty here with a few announcements before I even begin this mess of a story.
First things first.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe with this mess going around, corona is seriously ruining 2020 for so many people. But I hope you're all okay and not rebelling by going out (likeIhavelol moving on).
I'm sure a few of you may of read my older version of "Brotherhood."
This is basically a massive fix.
I read my old version of the story and I cringed.
So I'm redoing it completely.
With the story line and the characters.
11 year old me wasn't very creative with my names and 22 year old me is like.
Let's change all of this up and make it more interesting, somehow.
Although the story will have abuse and stuff.
It will not stop me from throwing in comedy, fluff and feels with the characters you get introduced to.
Honestly I look forward to where this goes as the writer.
I have been planning on redoing my old version for some time now.
So if you see names from my other stories.
I apologize but I for one love the names I use and if they have the personality I want for this story.
Their names will be in other stories, it's just how things are. *Shrugs.*
So I thought long and hard about this and I'm preparing you guys.
One of the brothers is a very affectionate guy.
Like he has no problem walking up and kissing his other brothers.

Technically it's not incest? So please don't see it like that.
He just like's being open about his sexuality and doesn't mind being affectionate towards anyone that'll let him be.
So with that said.
Let's get this story going, shall we?


"I'm going to be a big brother?" The five year old questioned outside on the porch where his mom had been rocking, smiling softly at the brunet who's eyes were locked on her belly.
"That's right." She smiled looking to him as his hazel eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"Are they going to be big?" He asked her carefully.
She blinked but then let out a soft laugh.
"No Lawson, they're not going to be big. The only reason my tummy is big is because there are two babies inside." She explained.
He blinked before his mouth formed an 'oh.'
"Does it hurt?" He asked next.
She smiled shaking her head.
"No my sweet, it does not hurt. Do you want to feel?" She offered now.
He hesitated before nodding.
She smiled taking his hand in hers and placed his hand on her belly.
Lawson's eyes were wide before he smiled softly.
"Wow.." He looked at her smiling brightly.
"I'll protect them for you, momma." He told her.

She blinked clearly thrown off before smiling.
"Thank you, baby."

*Four years later.*

"Momma!" A boy with blond hair wailed loudly sitting in the muddy puddle as the tears rolled down his cheeks.
Kimberly stood on the porch looking out in the yard as her nine year old ran out.
"I've got it, mom!" Lawson announced running out into the grass where the twins were.

"What happened?" Lawson asked with his arms crossed looking down at Jason who was soaked and Jackson who stood at a distance, not even looking their way.
"Jackson shoved me!" Jason cried covering his eyes as he tried to hide the fact he was crying.
"What?" Jackson spun around frowning deeply at the other.
"I did not you big baby! You were walking too close to me so I just eased you over-"
"Nu uh! You shoved me." Jason cried louder now.

Lawson frowned.
"You two need to make up before dad gets out here." He looked over his shoulder now frowning.
Jason sniffled with a cough.
"It hurt's." He cried.
Lawson looked back to his brother frowning.
"Come on, I'll clean you up." He offered his hand to the blond, his brown eyes bloodshot.
Jason wiped his eyes with a nod as he took his older brothers hand.
Jackson stood there glaring softly.
"What a sissy." He rolled his blue eyes walking away as the duo walked towards the house.

But the sound of a loud pick up truck, stopped all three of them in their tracks.

Jackson refused to move and the hold Jason had on Lawson's hand tightened as the truck drove up to the garage.
And out walked their dad.
Mitchell Pierce.
An evil man.
Lawson would never wish him as anyone's dad.
That was worse than wishing death on someone.
Mitchell was an abusive drunk who always hit them and even hit their mom when she tried to protect the other three.
Lawson wishes she would leave him.
But their mom is always going on about how they'd lose everything and to make matters worse.
She thinks she's pregnant.
He over heard her talking to their uncle Jacob about it.
And she's scared but she doesn't want to get an abortion.

She already had five boys.
Lawson was the oldest and the twins were four, Rhys was two and Devin was the youngest.
He was only one and a half years old.
So why did she have to get pregnant again?

At times Lawson wondered if him and his brothers were enough for her.
Why would she let herself keep ending up pregnant?
Were they not enough?
The question kept repeating itself and it got to the point Lawson had to shut off his thoughts before he fell in a dark hole.
He had to protect his brothers.
He promised he would.

"Why in god's name are you soaking wet?" Their dad demanded as Jason practically shoved himself against Lawson who didn't object before frowning at their dad.
"He fell." He lied straight to the adults face as their dad glared softly at them.
"That looks more like a shove than a fall, what happened to you boy?" He asked.
Jason flinched.
"I fe-"
"Don't lie to me, I'll beat your ass faster than you can spit that sentence out. That'll give you a real reason to cry." Their dad growled.
Jason's eyes grew wet.

"I pushed him." Jackson came up with his hands shoved in his pockets but his eyes were locked on their dad.
Lawson looked to the brunet and just from where they were standing, he could see it.
Jackson was trembling.

Their dad turned to him before pulling off his belt.
"Get your damn ass in the house then, you know what you did and now you know what's coming." He stated.
Jackson frowned deeply as he bawled his hands into small fists.
"Jack-" Jason reached for his brothers hand but Jackson just kept the best blank expression he should show, ignoring everything else.

The two just stood there before they heard the sound of their mom yelling followed by their dad yelling at her.
Then the sound of Jackson followed after that came out more like screams than it did cries.

Jason covered his ears crouching down as the tears reformed.
"Make it stop." He cried.
Lawson stood there his own eyes burning but he blinked them away before kneeling down in front of Jason.
"It's going to be okay, don't worry." He tried to reassure the four year old, but his words fell flat.
He honestly wasn't sure if things were going to be okay.
Their dad terrified him.

That night Jackson lied in bed on his stomach, his face stained with tears.
Jason sat in the corner with Lawson.
"This is my fault." Jason whispered.
Lawson glanced to his younger brother frowning.
"It's not your fault, Jack knew what he was doing but dad.. he went too far." He looked off as Jason's bottom lip quivered.
"Are Rhys and Devin going to be okay?" He asked quietly.
Fear struck Lawson for a minute.
He just sat there with knitted brows.
Were they going to be okay?
They were still babies.
Surely that man wouldn't lay a hand on either of them..
But still.
He had his doubts.

He looked to the door where their mom had been.
Her arms crossed and she looked tired.
"Dinner is ready kids, if you're hungry." She told them.
Lawson's eyes fell on his brother who refused to move.
She noticed this and frowned.
"Boys, I need you to listen to me." She walked in and closed the door behind her.

Jackson lifted his head so his eyes would meet hers.
She let out a soft sigh.
"You're going to have a new little brother and I think he's going to be the last one of the litter." She tried to make it sound cute.
But they weren't as excited as she wanted them to be.
Lawson's eyes just fell on her belly and he nodded.
"Do you have a name picked out?" He asked her.
She smiled softly.
"I was thinking.. Urie, wouldn't that be a cute name?" She questioned her three oldest.

Jason shrugged looking away.
"At least it's not a girl." They heard Jackson comment and their mom frowned in response.
"Why do you say that?" She asked.
Jackson's brows knitted.
"Momma, I'd have to hurt daddy if he touched her like he touched us." He said with so much seriousness in his voice.
But Lawson had to agree with the other.
If they had been given a little sister and that man had hit her in any way.
Lawson would have to hurt their dad as well.
No man should lay his hands on a girl.
It wasn't right.

Their mom's expression fell but it lifted back into a soft smile.
"Well at least you'd be protective of her, but I hope you're protective of your younger brothers." She said now with crossed arms.
Jason tilted his head.
"But we're boys, isn't that weird?" He questioned.
Their mom smiled.
"No baby, it's not weird at all. It makes you good big brothers by caring for the younger ones, you three have to watch out for Rhys and Devin like they'll have to watch out for Urie. And in a way, he'll have to watch out for you five once he's older." She explained.

Lawson looked at her.
"I'll protect them all, momma. You don't have to worry." He told her.
She turned to him and smiled.
"You're such a good big brother, Law. I trust you'll keep them all safe for me." She came over and kissed each of their foreheads, of course Jackson rubbed her kiss away with a flushed face.

"Come eat." She smiled.

There was exactly one month before Urie was born and Kimberly knew she would pop any minute.
Her doctor had already warned her of the possible outcome once he was born.
That was why she had been talking to her brother and why they went to court about giving him custody of her children if she didn't survive during child birth.
She was grateful for her brother and his generosity.
She just hoped her kids would understand that if their brother was brought home and she wasn't.
She was honestly scared though.
Her final kid and she wouldn't get to see any of them grow up, not the way she wanted at least.

"Wow momma your belly is really big!" Jason giggled inside the kitchen as she smiled softly cutting the carrots up for the soup.
"I know, I'm like a balloon." She told the other as Jason smiled looking at her belly but then his smile died down.

"So..momma, do you think I'll be a good big brother like Lawson?" He asked her.
She paused and turned to the other before smiling softly.
"You're already a great big brother, Jason. You care and love Rhys and Devin just fine, I'm sure Urie will be no different." She told him.
Jason's eyes lit up.
"You think I'm a great big brother?" He grinned as she laughed softly resuming lunch.
"Yes baby, now go and play while I finish up. Okay?" She suggested as Jason nodded running off to find his brothers.

Kimberly smiled softly humming to herself before the knife slipped from her hold at the sound and feeling of something popping.
She looked down and felt nauseous.
It's time.

Out of all of her kids.
She thinks Urie's was the most painful time being pregnant.
Maybe it was because her body was exhausted and her health was already bad but she made it worse by never telling Mitchell no.
And when she did tell him no, he ignored her and continued having his way with her anyway.
She never would claim it as rape.
Because no one would believe her.
There was no point.

So the one she called to bring her to the hospital was her brother, Jacob.

"Kim, what happens if you survive this pregnancy? Are you really going to go back to Mitchell?" Jacob asked on the porch.
Kimberly rocked slowly as she fed Devin his bottle, she smiled softly cooing at the sleeping baby.
"I haven't decided but what can I really do, Jacob? I don't have the money to move-"
"You can move in with me." Jacob protested, his brows knitted as he looked at her.
"It's not a problem, I have the room-"
"Jacob." Kimberly laughed softly.
"I've told you time and time again, six more people would be a pain for you and once Urie is born. That'll be eight people in your home, I wouldn't want to burden you like that." She told him.
"It's not a burden Kimmy, you're my little sister. I want to help you in any way I can-"
"I appreciate that, Jacob." She cut him off with a smile.
"But if you want to help me, please be there for my boys in the future if for some reason I don't survive in the delivery room. Let them know you will always be there if things get bad." She stopped rocking as she pulled the empty bottle away from Devin's mouth who was fast asleep.

"All I want is for my boys to be loved and cherished, as well as protected and guided in this messy life. I know they'll be confused and full of questions as they grow older." She smiled softly as Devin's small hand grabbed her finger.
"So if it comes down to it and Mitchell acts out, I want you to take my boys far away from this place." She looked at him with a serious look now.
"Never look back and never come here. Start a new life somewhere, I know you have the money and if I were to die.. I would only feel terrified in the afterlife knowing my boys are suffering, so please Jacob." She took his hand with her free one.
"Take care of my boys if you can." She smiled.
Jacob studied her before forcing a smile.
"I promise." He told her.

"It's a healthy boy." The nurse handed the blue bundled baby over to Jacob who stood in the hallway, his knees feeling like jelly as he stared inside of the delivery room where the doctors were.
The tears fell as he watched them pull the light sheet over his deceased sisters smiling face.
He looked down at the sleeping baby in his hold and his brows knitted.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor stood in front of him now and Jacob's eyes met the doctors and all he could see was pity.
"Thank you." Jacob managed to get out and now it was up to him.
To break the news to those boys.
And to that man.

When he drove up with the baby in the backseat fast asleep he hesitated behind the wheel as he sat in the driveway.
The twins were out in the grass while Lawson held Devin with a free hand and held Rhys's hand with the other while he watched his brothers play.
Jacob sat there before sighing.
It's now or never.

He got out of the car with the car seat in his hand and immediately the boys were heading over.

"Oh wow, he's so small!" Jason cooed with a grin.
Jacob smiled softly before his eyes fell on Lawson who was looking around.
He looked back to his uncle confused.
"Where's mom?" He asked him.
Jacob's chest grew tight as he frowned.

"Let's go inside." He told them.

"Your mom wanted you three to know she loved you very much." Jacob explained as he looked at them hoping they'd catch on.
Their eyes never left him as he frowned and just as he went to speak.
The door slammed open and in walked Mitchell.

"Why the fuck am I getting a phone call that Kimberly is dead?" He demanded looking at Jacob and all of the younger boys eyes grew wide.
"Mommy's dead?" Jason asked as his eyes swelled with tears.
Lawson stood there stunned, his eyes fell on the baby in the car seat.
And everything was now making sense.
But he didn't want to acknowledge it.

Jacob stood as he frowned.
"Lower your voice, Mitch-"
"Don't tell me to lower my voice in my own god damn house." Mitchell stormed up to Jacob roughly shoving him back.
"Why the fuck were you at the hospital in my place? Huh? Why didn't you call me the moment she died? Why the hell are you telling my boys in my place? You're not their dad, you're a faggot. You don't get to tell someone else's kids important shit like that. Get the fuck out and don't come back you piece of-"

"Stop it!" Lawson finally yelled as the tears fell.
He looked at Jacob.
"Why did mom die? She was fine this morning." He frowned deeply before looking to the sleeping baby.
"Is it because of him?" He pointed at the baby.
Jacob flinched before frowning.
"No it's-"

"My wife is dead because of that baby?" Mitchell growled storming over to the car seat and Jason panicked running over and opening his arms in a way to protect the baby.
"N-No daddy, he's a baby h-he's-"
"He's the reason your mom is fucking dead." Mitchell growled as Jason flinched as his brows knitted looking over to the baby.
"He didn't mean to hurt momma." He cried.

Mitchell glared at Jacob.
"The runt should of died instead of her, piece of shit. Get it out of here." He stormed out of the house slamming the door that only woke both Rhys and Devin up who started crying loudly.

It took Jacob an hour to calm the boys down before he had them all sitting back down on the couch, Mitchell was gone thankfully.

"Do not blame your brother for your mothers death, do you boys understand me?" Jacob asked them frowning as Lawson just stared off.
"Your moms health was already bad and she knew the risks-"
"So we're just supposed to accept that she's dead?" Lawson asked him frowning and the tears finally slipped.
Jacob frowned.
"It's going to be hard for all of us, but yes. Your mother is gone but she loves each of you, so never forget that okay? You have to be the big brother Lawson, you have to keep your younger brothers safe and sound. And if I need to step in, I will." He told them.

They just stared before nodding.
And just like that.
Each of their worlds slowly began to turn upside down.

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