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**Urie's Pov.*

"Well that's good everything seemed to work out with you and your brothers." Chloe said inside the cafeteria at school.
My eyes fell from my tray onto the blonde haired brown eyed cheerleader.
"Yeah.. I don't know what Jason or anyone else could of said to Jackson that would of made him suddenly want to apologize or even own up.." I thought for a minute as Alex glanced to me.
"Don't question it."
I looked to him with a small smile.
"You're right, plus now that they know. I have bigger problems." I took a drink of my water as Mateo looked to me.
"He's talking about Nathan." Alex smirked as I nibbled my lip.

Mateo blinked.
"Oh! The age gap-"
"Not to mention he's Lawson's best friend." Chloe sipped her juice looking at me.
I nodded as Alex thought for a minute.
"It's dangerous but you could always secret date." He suggested.
I made a face as Chloe's eyes lit up.
"Oh my god yes! Just like in the books." She grinned.

"No no no." I shook my head rejecting that idea completely.
"You guys don't know my brothers or my uncle, if I even try to see Nathan like that, it'll be the last thing I do. I mean I just got Jackson back as my brother so I can't kill that." I frowned.
Chloe made a face.
"But you deserve actual happiness too Urie, what's going to happen when you actually start seeing someone and they're the one? Are you going to depend on your brothers to make a decision for you on whether you should marry them or not?" She asked.

Mateo nodded running a hand through his black hair.
"I have to agree with Chloe here, you depend on them too much not to mention you always go with that they declare is right for you. If you want to see someone who you like and who you think will last, don't ask your brothers if you should keep seeing them, because they're the older siblings who either won't care or will care too much and tell you no." He said.

"I actually agree with that statement."

My blood ran cold looking over my shoulder to Devin who was at the table behind us with his group of friends, he turned with a small smirk.
"You were wanting to talk to me about Nathan right?" He asked.
Alex and the others looked like they had been caught in headlights from the fact.
No one knew my brother was seated right behind us.

I slowly nodded as Devin smirked.
"Well lets talk little brother." He told his friends something before getting up and squeezing between me and Alex who had no problem moving over for the other blond.
"So." Devin frowned.
"I'm not huge on the age gap, you're serious jail bait for Nathan if you were to get caught by the police, I also don't like our siblings dating our friends but you can't help who you like." Devin thought for a moment.
"I think the main problem any of us would have with you trying to see Nathan, is the fact he's eight years older than you. If you were twenty and he was twenty eight, it wouldn't be much of a problem, plus you may be moved out or in a dorm if you go to college." Devin looked to me.
"All I'm saying is, be smart about this and don't think you'll ever have the upper hand when it comes to our brothers." Devin patted my shoulder.
"That'll get you killed." He smirked leaving our table and returning to his own.

I sat there thinking for a minute before my eyes fell on my three friends.
"Maybe I should try this secret idea."
"After what your brother just said?" Alex asked confused.
I shrugged.
"I don't want to wait until I'm twenty to date someone I like." I told them.
Chloe smirked.
"But there are other guys available who you can date without any issues, why does it have to be Nathan Hendrix? The only attractive thing about that guy are his eyes, his smile and his body." She arched a brow.
I made a face.
"I like his personality, it's not always about looks, Chloe." I told her.
Chloe raised her hands in defense.
"No I know that, but seriously. Are you that attracted to him you're actually considering secretly dating him?" She asked me.

"Yeah I was joking about that, I didn't think you'd take me serious." Alex frowned.
I frowned softly.
"I just have to think about it I guess, are you guys still going to support me no matter what?" I asked them.
Chloe nodded quick.
"Of course! It's your life Urie, you live it however you want to, and if that means rebelling against you know who and dating who you want despite the age gap, then go for it. I'll always be your cheerleader." She smiled.
Mateo nodded in agreement.
"We've been supporting each other since day one, don't know why I'd quit now." He shrugged.

I looked to Alex who was thinking before he smirked.
"What the hell? Go wild or go home, we're here for you if things go wrong." He told me.
And that actually made me feel better.
It even boosted my confidence a bit.

When school came to a end I decided to walk home for once.
It's just been a while and I really didn't want to ride home with Devin and Rhys.
It was nothing against them.
I just wanted to think more about this about Nathan..
What was I going to do?
Devin gave me his honest opinion on the subject.
And the idea of hiding my relationship from my brothers seemed exciting.
I just didn't know.

"Hey it's one of the brothers." I paused walking next to an alley way that had a few older guys down in it and their eyes were locked on me.
Part of me said to stay still while the other screamed to run as fast as my legs would let me.
Or at least run into a building where bystanders were so they could maybe keep me safe or something.
They screamed trouble.
And my legs weren't moving.
This wasn't like thunder.
But it was close to it.

"Come here for a sec kid, let's talk." This guy who stood maybe six three stood up after being knelt down.
He had ear length black hair and cold blue eyes.
"Come over here." He told me again.
I wanted to move.
I wanted to run.
But I caved and walked into the alley knowing I could easily be killed from how careless this was.
Who willingly walked into a alley to be talked to by a bunch of street punks?
Oh yeah.

"Your Jackson's younger brother aren't you?" The guy smelled like a mix of alcohol and cigarettes and they all reeked from it.
My eyes were burning just standing near them.
The smell was too much.
I frowned softly.
"Are you mute?" The black haired guy demanded glaring and I shook my head quick.
"I am." I answered.
"Oh shit." Another black haired guy smirked as the blue eyed guy grinned.

"Is he still doing drugs?" He asked.
I blinked.
"Drugs?" I frowned.
"Yeah you know, pill popping." This blond held up a small orange container full of muscle relaxers.
"Jackson doesn't do drugs." I denied frowning which only earned the six of them to laugh.
"Of course he does at least he did in school, that's why they expelled his ass." The black haired guy shrugged.

I stepped back.
"I don't know why you're telling me this but you have the wrong guy and I need to get home, my brothers-"
"Will start to worry? How about you let them worry and have some fun with us? We're chill." The other shrugged walking up to me.
I shook my head.
"No that's okay." I turned around to only freeze at how fast his hand landed on my shoulder.
"How about you stay anyway because it wasn't a suggestion." He pulled me back towards his group and I felt fear take over.

"Let go!" I demanded trying to rip back but only cried out in pain feeling the others fist connect to my face sending me to the ground.
"God that's annoying how much you act like a chick." The other growled reaching for me but my eyes grew wide at how fast this foot met the others chest sending him flying into the group of friends behind him.

I cradled my cheek with wide eyes before looking to the left of me.

Nathan stood there glaring harshly.
"Are you a bunch of idiots? Wait don't answer that." He growled before looking down at me.
His brows knitted.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
My face was burning and when I moved my hand there was blood on my palm.
It was enough to set the other over the edge because he brought me to the entrance of the alley before going back in and his fists were meeting all of their faces.
It was a huge fight before these bystanders jumped in to break it all up.

The cops were called but we were free to go and I had what felt like a million missed calls from my brothers.
I sat in the passenger seat of Nathan's car who had the music on low with his own face a little bruised and cut up.
His lip was busted but the blood had finally stopped dripping.

"Are you okay?" He asked me at the stop light.
I glanced to him.
"Yeah.. thanks." I looked away frowning as my arms crossed.
He frowned deeply.
"Those guys are no good, trust me. I went to school with-"
"Do you know if Jackson ever popped pills?" I cut him off frowning.
Nathan blinked but then frowned.
"Honestly Urie that's not my business to share nor is it yours to know, what Jackson did in the past was on him and if he did that sort of thing. It's in the past because he's good as far as I know, why? What did those guys tell you?" He asked.
I frowned.
"They asked if he was still doing them." I frowned as he began to drive again.

Nathan frowned in response.
"Word of advice? Don't believe everything you hear, especially from perfect strangers. Let me ask you, do you see Jackson as someone to do drugs?" He asked me.
I blinked but shook my head.
He smirked.
"Well then there you go." He drove right by our house and my eyes widened.

"Hey where-"
"We're going to my place to get you cleaned up, pretty sure Jason will pass out if he sees your cheek as bad as it is." He told me pulling into the apartment complex just down the street from my house.
I wasn't aware we lived so close..
It made my face grow warm as I got out of the car and followed the other towards the home he rented.

"Just go into the kitchen." He told me walking down a hall that lead to the bathroom.
I walked into the kitchen looking around for a table or a chair at least.

"Oh right." Nathan rubbed the side of his neck.
"I actually just got this place and still in the process of moving in." He laughed looking around.
"Just hop onto the counter." He told me.
I looked behind me before getting on the edge of it.
He stood close as he applied the medicine.

"What were you doing walking home alone anyway? Don't you know how dangerous that is?" He asked me completely focused.
I shrugged.
"I just wanted to walk for once." I told him honestly.
He frowned but didn't push the subject before dabbing my cheek as I hissed in pain.
"Stay still, I'm more banged up then you are." He smirked as my face grew red.
"I know that.." I felt bad as my eyes fell on his face.
"You're staring." He pointed out.
"Sorry." I wanted to look away but couldn't so it was plain to see that I was blushing now.
My face was burning from both pain and embarrassment.

I went to look back at him but my breath hitched feeling his lips on mine pushing me back as he deepened the kiss.
My brows were knitting as my eyes burned.
His hands were on my hips before he broke the kiss.
"You should of known this was coming." He smirked looking at me as my face burned a bright red now.
"We can't." I frowned as he smirked softly.
"We can't or you don't want to?" He asked me.
I looked at him.
"My brothers-"
"You're your own person Urie, don't let them decide who you can and can't see." He told me caressing my swollen cheek.

"Do you like me?" He questioned next.
My eyes burned but with what confidence I had.
I managed a soft nod.
He smirked softly.
"Then that's all that should matter, right?" He asked.
I bit my lip looking at him.
"I think so." I felt excited but at the same time nervous before his lips were back on mine.
He licked his lips.
"Let's get you home." He pulled me off the counter and headed out of the house.
I didn't want this to end.
I was actually happy for a moment.
Being with him.
Everything felt right with him.

When we got in the car I felt disappointed knowing this wouldn't be as often as I'd like it to be.

The house came into view and his hand was on my thigh the entire time.
I frowned softly as he got out first before I followed after him.

Immediately the front door swung open and Jason was the first face I saw before they all piled out.

"Oh my god what happened?" Jason demanded storming up to me like a mom would before his eyes fell on my face with concern.
"Did you two get into a fight or something?" Rhys asked with crossed arms.
"Looks like Urie won." Jackson smirked.

Nathan smirked back as his eyes fell on Lawson who looked far from pleased.
"What happened?" He asked.
Nathan crossed his arms.
"Urie was walking home and pretty much almost got jumped by Rodney and his gang." Nathan told the other.
Lawson glared at me then at Nathan.
"Looks like you tried to take them all on yourself, Nate." He frowned.
Nathan shrugged.
"Urie's a little kid compared to those guys Law, I was driving by when I saw that bastard luring him into that alley. If it weren't for me I don't know what would of happened, nothing good I can imagine though. It's Rodney." He glared now.

Lawson pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to me with a glare.
"Why are you walking home alone in the first place or not answering your phone? Do you realize how worried you had everyone? Especially after yesterdays episode, I would of thought-" he stopped himself as if needing to breathe.
I frowned deeply.
"I'm sorry I didn't know I would get caught up in that.. if it wasn't for Nathan.." I nibbled my lip as Lawson inhaled sharply looking at the other.

"Yeah thanks man." He fist bumped the other with a look of gratitude.
"I appreciate you looking out for Urie not to mention getting him out of that mess, even if you took the bigger fall." He cringed.
Nathan smirked.
"Nah I wouldn't say it like that, you should of seen the few I managed to knock out." He shrugged.
Lawson smirked.
"Well our uncle is making supper, you gonna eat? I mean you earned the shit." He told him now.

I felt Nathan's eyes on me before looking back to Lawson.
"What's for supper?" He walked in with the other as the two caught up on something ignoring the rest of us.

"Urie." I turned to Jason who's brows were knitted.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
I blinked but nodded.
"Yeah.. do we have any pain meds?" I asked the other.
Jason nodded as the rest of us headed inside and my chest was squeezing me tight.
I wanted to be where Nathan was.
But it wasn't possible.

We walked into the kitchen and uncle turned to almost dropping the spoon.
"Your face! What happened to it?" His brows were knitted.
"Some guy hit me, I'm okay." I lied as Jason looked through the medicine cabinet before grabbing me some water walking us into the family room where the other two were.

"So.. who are those guys anyway?" I took a seat holding my glass as Lawson's eyes fell on me.
"Just people in the past, from now on you're not walking home. Someone will drive you." He told me.
"What?" I frowned.

"Urie, Rodney and his guys are nothing but trouble. They cause a lot of problems for people not to mention tend to get violent." Jason explained frowning.
"It's not a punishment that Lawson wants someone to bring you home, but look what happened today? You got dragged in some massive drama and thankfully Nathan was there, but if he hadn't been.." He frowned deeply rubbing the side of his neck.
"I also think it'd be best if you stayed off the streets for now-"

"I'm not some chick." I found myself stating which earned their eyes on me now with slight shock.
"No one said you were-"
"That's how you're acting!" I yelled glaring at them.
"So what if I got hit? Boys get hit by other boys! I can take care of myself." I frowned deeply.

"They would of drug you and then raped you, Urie."
My blood ran cold and I felt light headed looking at Jackson who was staring hard at the carpet.
He frowned deeply looking up at me.

"You know why I was so harsh about the idea of homosexuality? And why I was so disgusted by it?"
"Jackson, don't-"
"I had a friend." Jackson glared at Lawson who tried to stop him.
"Caleb." Jackson looked at me.
"A guy just like you, careless and gullible. He wanted everyone to like him because he tried so hard, by the end of sophomore year he was so popular, even the parents liked him." Jackson got to his feet coming right up to me.

"But popularity can get you the wrong attention you don't want, see Caleb was straight and he knew that much, he had a beautiful girlfriend named Carly. She moved away to get away from here but that isn't the point, the point is. Caleb caught Rodney's attention and one day it was raining so because he was such a safety nerd, he wanted to walk home just like you and because of that, he ran into Rodney and his pals." Jackson frowned deeply.

"Jackson you're going to scare him-" Jason protested but frowned at the glare shot his way by the other.
Jackson looked at me.
"Rodney convinced the guy to do some drugs with them, drinking was also involved and once they knew Caleb was completely mellowed out, they beat the living shit out of him until he couldn't think before they raped him where no one could see what was happening, and once they were done. They left him there." Jackson frowned at me.
"He had internal bleeding so when the medics arrived, he was announced dead on the spot and had been for at least an hour or two." He told me.

My brows were knitted with burning eyes as the tears begged to fall.
"It has nothing to do with your gender, if those guys start to go after you or if Rodney has interest. He'll keep coming for you until he has his way." His brows knitted looking at me.
"Like Jason said, it's not a punishment, it's our way of keeping you safe." He put his hand on my shoulder and I wished I hadn't.
But I flinched.
He frowned.
"I also don't want you walking around alone or even with your friends, not with knowing Rodney and those guys are still around. I never ask for anything, so please at least do that much for me. Alright? I act like I don't care but if I lost my youngest brother over guys like that? I think I'd lose my god damn mind for real." He confessed.

I just stood there and everything officially ached.
Both with the story.
And the fact how sincere Jackson sounded just now.

"Okay." I said at last.
"I'll stay off the streets." I told them and they all sighed with relief.

"It's okay if you're with us though because we can handle those guys." Lawson said now as Nathan smirked at me.
I nodded and smiled softly.

I excused myself from the room and made my way towards the bathroom to breathe for a second.
The room honestly felt too heavy to breathe in after Jackson's story.
I just wanted a minute to collect myself instead of breaking down in there.

I leaned against the door frowning before I heard gentle knocks.
I pulled the door open to Nathan standing there.
"Are you okay?"
"I want people to stop asking me that already." I frowned.
"I'm fine." I smiled softly.

Even if I had to lie just for them to back off.
I'd lie.
Because honestly.
I wasn't sure if I was okay.

I looked up at him and his lips fell on mine.
I smiled softly.
But with Nathan.
I think I would be okay.
He made me feel okay.

I just hope.
My brothers will be understanding the moment the two of us actually tell them.
And no one tries to kill the other.

And most importantly.
I hope I never run back into Rodney and those guys again.
I feel like the next time?
Could possibly be my last.

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