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**Devin's Pov.**

"Do you think that Jason was acting weird tonight?" I questioned Rhys inside of the room we shared.
I was on the bottom bunk and honestly wished uncle would have those guys come in from last time and build onto the house again just so we could have an even amount of rooms and sharing didn't have to be optional.
I didn't mind sharing a room with Rhys.
But we're guys.
And I'll be frank.
We have dang needs.

"Like more weird than usual? Or his basic weird?" He asked sitting in his chair at the desk turning to face me with a book in his hand.
"Like more weird than usual? He seemed frustrated not to mention was wanting to know Jackie's and Lolly's whereabouts." I crossed my arms as Rhys made a face.
"Please don't call Lawson, Lolly. That's weird."
"I want his nickname to be unique." I argued.
Rhys smirked.
"Trust me, our oldest brother does not want his nickname to sound like it came from a hooker, figure something else out for his nickname. Like Law-"
"Law is boring." I whined.

"Wow, thanks." 

I sat up to the guy himself at our door, Quinn trying her best not to laugh as she looked at her offended boyfriend.
"I didn't mean it like that." I told the other.
"Yes he did." Rhys grinned.
"Hush!" I got up.
"Have you seen Jase?" I asked the other now.

Quinn arched a brow.
"I saw him earlier with Briar which is a bit odd because those two never hang out." She said running a hand through her blonde hair that had fallen from its bun and now it just looked like a birds nest.
Lawson made a face.
"That is a little weird." His eyes fell on us.
"Did Urie drink?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"I've been in the kitchen most of the night." I told him.

"You may want to check on him though, I think Jason and Urie got into it or something earlier today." Rhys said and my eyes widened.
"What? No way, they never fight-"
"I didn't say it was a fight." Rhys frowned then looked to Lawson.
"He just seemed off is all." He said now.
Lawson frowned with a nod.
"Yeah, I'll check on him later. I need to bring Quinn home, uncle will blow a fuse if she's caught here over night." He smirked taking the other by the waist leading her out of the hall to only hear a fit of giggles soon after.

I sat there.
"You go check on Urie." Rhys told me leaning back in his chair looking to me.
"You know the guy gets quiet around Lawson, he's more open with us but I don't really understand what's going on." He said now.
I thought for a minute before nodding and got to my feet.
"You're right, plus it's just Urie. With me he's like an open book." I smiled.
"Because you dig and dig without knowing when to stop." The other pointed out.
I smirked.
"I know." I said walking out of our room before making my way down the hall.

I went to knock on the others door but stopped at the sound of the other talking to someone.
"He likes me Alex, and to make it worse. Jason pretty much walked in on the other actually flirting." I heard the other say and frowned.
Urie was bisexual?
Talk about a hard book to read.
He didn't seem like the type who was into guys.
Then again none of us really fall on the subject to talk about who we're into.
I can't judge him.
I'd be a hypocrite to myself.
I was gay after all.
Which was something hard to swallow.
Especially with the brother's we had.

But still.
Who could of possibly been flirting with Urie?
I smirked being the noisy older brother by listening in on the conversation.
"I like him, but it's Nathan, someone all of my brothers will freak out about over the age gap." He said and my eyes grew wide.

"Whatcha doing?" I turned to Jackson before trying to breathe.
"Just checking on Urie." I smiled knocking on the others door.
Jackson arched a brow as Urie pulled the door open with a confused look, no longer on his phone.
"Hey baby brother." I allowed myself in his room as Jackson continued to walk down the hall.
"Let's talk." I smiled.

"What did you want to talk about?" Urie frowned crossing his arms as he closed the door behind him.
I turned to him.
"I don't mean to be a noisy neighbor but you should really be careful with who you hold conversations with over the phone, especially when its about a certain crush of yours." I told the other taking a seat on his bed.
Urie's face drained of color.
"Please tell me you weren't eavesdropping just now." His brows were knitted.
"No." I lied.
"I was just coming to check on you, Rhys thought it'd be a good idea since Jason wanted you to be watched like a hawk tonight for some reason, what's that about?" I asked him frowning now.
I just wish he'd be honest with me.
Even if it bothered him.
Bubbling it all in like he's doing.
Isn't going to make this any easier.
He should know that.

Urie frowned deeply.
"Did Jason say why?"
"Well I wouldn't be in here trying to talk to you about it, if he had." I smiled softly.
"This is so frustrating!" He cried now throwing his hands in the air.
"I can't tell who's supportive, who's acting and who's in the middle about any of this."
My expression morphed into more of a confused one.
"What do you-"

"I'm gay." He told me and his face was burning as he announced it.
I blinked just staring at the other.
"So go ahead and be disgusted, tell me how wrong it is to like guys." He raised his voice and I frowned getting back up.
"Urie-" I reached for him but he stepped back.
"Either you're homophobic or you're not, so tell me Devin. Did I just lose you? Do I disgust you?" He asked me and he actually cradled himself as his eyes began to burn.
And it actually pained me to see him like this.

"How about we have a family meeting as soon as uncle comes home tomorrow? I feel like you'll feel better not just telling me." I came up to the other and felt relief knowing he wasn't backing away.
"I will support you all the way tomorrow if that's what you want, after all I am your older brother and it's my job to be there for you. Right?" I smiled softly as his eyes burned with tears.
"Jackson will-"
"You don't know until you tell them, if you want I'll let Rhys know because you know we've always had your back since you were born." I brought the other into an embrace and was happy to know he wasn't ever disgusted by my affection I gave him.
The others well besides Rhys and Jason always protested.
But to me it was just me loving them.

"Don't lose sleep over this." I kissed his cheek smiling.
"Once you come out to our brothers tomorrow, I'm sure you'll feel better." I told him.
His brows knitted.
"You know about Nathan, don't you?" He questioned.
I blinked but sighed softly.
"I do but let's save that for another day, tomorrow's much bigger than talking about who you're into." I hugged him.
"Get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning." I walked out of the others room and exhaled sharply.
What have you done, Devin?
Jackson was sure to freak out.
But maybe.
Just maybe.
It'll go over smoothly.
I hope.

When the morning came.
My stomach was twisted in painful knots.
I probably created a ulcer with the fear of this going wrong.
My hair probably grayed over night from the stress of worrying.

"Devin, it's ten." Rhys nudged me to get up and in truth.
I didn't want to.
This was my idea.
But Jackson's anger terrified me.
At times it reminded of dads..
I felt cold shivers run down me as I sat up.
"I'm up." I said getting out of bed and headed out of the room.

"Family meeting in five minutes!" I announced knocking on everyone's door but stopped once Urie pulled his open and his eyes were puffy.
I frowned.
"It's going to be okay." I took his hand in mine and walked us into the family room where the others were already at.
Uncle was home early and on the couch with his brows knitted.
"What's this about, Devin?" He asked.
I smiled softly.
"It's not for me, its for Urie." I said taking a seat beside Lawson and Rhys who were both looking at me confused.

Urie's face was completely flushed.
"Um.. so I know a few of you are okay with this.." He began to fidget standing in front of everyone and I regretted this idea because I forgot Urie hated public speaking, that was why he always failed presentations at school because he refused to do them.
"Urie we know its okay." Jackson said now and my heart made its ways into my throat.
Urie's expression changed.
"You do?"
Jackson nodded.
"We all still have accidents in bed and you were always the-"
"No." Urie cut him off frowning.
"It's not that.." His confidence died now and he looked to me.
I smiled softly motioning for him to continue.

Urie closed his eyes.
"I've always supported you guys and I hope you'll still support and love me after this, but.." his eyes opened.
"I'm gay." The tears slipped and no one said anything.
They all just sat there but I felt proud of him.

"This is your fault." I heard Jackson comment and his eyes were locked on me with a angry yet disgusted look.
"My fault?" I frowned deeply.
"Yes, it's your fucking fault-"
"Jackson, watch your mouth." Uncle Jacob hissed at the other.
"I'm sorry uncle but Devin has pretty much corrupted Urie into liking guys, it's all because he's so affectionate that it's confused Urie." 

Jackson's eyes locked on the younger brother.
"You're not gay, you're just confused." He told the other.
But now it was Urie's turn to look angry.
"I'm not confused-"
"You are." Jackson got to his feet cracking his knuckles as he frowned at the other.
"You can't go around saying you're gay when you haven't even had sex yet-"

"Well wouldn't the same thing go for straight people then?" Rhys arched a brow clearly on Urie's side about this.
"I mean," he laughed rubbing his neck.
"How do you know you're straight until you've had sex with both?" He asked the other.
Jackson narrowed his eyes at the other.
"Because I know what I like, Urie's still young-"
"That doesn't mean crap and you know it." Rhys hissed.

Jackson glared at him.
"So what about you? Are you gay Rhys? Do you like it up the ass-"
"Uncle, please!" Jackson actually glared at our uncle.

"Jackson." Jackson whipped around to Lawson who's hand only connected to the others cheek, looking irritated.
"How about you show some respect to our uncle? Not to mention respect our brothers a little more, coming out is a very personal and serious thing not to mention takes a lot of guts when Urie clearly knows how you feel about it. But here he is, trying to talk to us without sinking for once. The least you can do is support him or at least hear him out." He told the other.

Jackson glared harshly at the other before looking Urie's way.
"I'll support him when I'm dead." He spat storming away from us.
"Jackson!" Jason called after the other but sighed softly.

Urie just stood there and I couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"I'll go get him." Lawson walked off and I got to my feet walking over to the brunet.
I reached for him but my eyes only grew wide at how fast he slapped my hand away.
"Don't." He glared at me as the tears fell and without warning he ran out of the house.

"Oh goodness." Uncle got to his feet as he grabbed his car keys.
"Where are you going?" Rhys asked him.
"Your brother just ran out of the house, where do you think I'm going?" Our uncle headed out and Jason was right behind him.
This was my fault.
But still.
When did this start?
When did Jackson begin to hate Urie the way he does now?
Every time they're around each other.
Jackson acts like Urie is trash and not worth being around.

I frowned deeply walking down the hall towards Jackson's room to only hear the older two yelling at each other.
Inhaling sharply I banged on the others door to only have it ripped open.
Lawson stood there glaring but it died down.
"What is it?" He asked me but I could hear the anger trying to rise.
I frowned at him.
"Urie's gone." I looked at him.
"He ran out of the house and we don't know where he ran off to." I told the other.
Lawson pinched the bridge of his nose.
"For fucks sake you guys, one peaceful morning is all I ever ask for and even that is too much to ask for." He looked to Jackson.
"If he gets hurt its on you." He told the other.
"No one told the dumb ass to run away." Jackson shouted as Lawson slammed the bedroom door as hard as he could.
"Let's go." He told me as I nodded going out of the house with Rhys behind us.

"What even possessed Urie to come out to start with?" Lawson questioned behind the wheel staring hard at the road as we looked out the windows.
"I may of suggested it last night, he seemed like he was struggling and I thought-"
"So you're the reason?" Lawson frowned at me.
I frowned deeply.
"I was trying to help-"
"That's not helping Devin, that's causing drama. You know how Jackson feels about that subject and no matter what you say or how much you try to prove its okay, he will always be against homosexuality. All you've done is pushed those two further away from each other, and to think their relationship wasn't toxic enough." He gripped the steering wheel frowning deeply.

No one said anything else as I stared at my lap.
I made everything so much worse.
Nice going Devin.

"Where could he be?" We were back at the house and everyone looked stumped.
"Have you called Alex?" Lawson asked us pulling out his phone as if going to do it himself.
"They're best friends, I doubt Alex will sell his friend out to his brothers like that." Jason said with crossed arms.
Lawson frowned listening to it ring.

"Hey Alex, have you seen Urie?" He listened to the other.
"I mean he may of came out to everyone in the house and Jackson had a few choice words, it sort of blew up? And Urie ran out." He told the other on the phone.
Lawson frowned deeply.
"Alright yeah, if you see or hear from him. Please call one of us, Urie doesn't usually run out like that unless he's actually hurting and we're all worried." His eyes fell on the archway that lead to the family room where Jackson was.
"And even if he doesn't want to admit it, Jackson is also worried about Urie." He listened for a minute.
"Yeah if we find him before you we'll let you know, thanks Alex." He hung up and brought his face into his hands burying himself with a heavy groan.

"Where is he?" He questioned out loud.

"I wasn't going to say anything but.." Jason hesitated on his words and he seemed frustrated about the idea.
"Try calling Nathan." He said and it felt like the room fell ice cold.
Lawson looked at him.
"Why would I need to call him?" He frowned at me.
"I mean they've been hanging out lately, I just think-"
"No." Lawson shook his head.
"I'm not fixing to involve Nate in this mess, he already has a messy work schedule and the last thing I need is him looking for the other." He rejected the idea and was completely oblivious to what Jason even meant.

I got to my feet.
"Where are you going?" Rhys asked me.
I looked to him.
"I'm going to try his cell again." I scrolled through my contacts until Urie popped up.
I listened to it ring frowning.
{"The number you have dialed-"}
"Nope." I shoved my phone in my pocket running a hand through my hair.

"Well he'll come back or he won't." Jackson shrugged turning around.
"Is that how you feel? Truly?" Jason asked his twin frowning at him.
Jackson looked to the other.
"He wants to act like a little brat-"
"You gave him no choice, Jackson!" Jason snapped.
"Oh so it's my fault he decided to come out as a fa-" he stopped himself as his eyes fell on our uncle who was frowning before getting up.
"I'm going to make another run around the block, you boys keep your phones on you in case he decides to call." He left the room and we all glared at the brunet.

"Nice fucking going!" Jason screamed at him.
"That's our uncle, how the hell are you fixing to call Urie that when you're basically calling uncle that as well?!" He demanded glaring.
Jackson glared.
"I stopped myself-"
"That isn't the god damn point." Jason growled glaring at him.
"Our fucking brother who is sixteen I may add has always and I mean always tried so fucking hard to win your approval over things, more than he tries with Lawson because Lawson actually loves our brother!" He yelled and Jackson glared.
"I do lo-"
"No you don't." Jason shoved him hard in the chest.
"You don't love Urie, if you did you wouldn't act like such a petty ass kid who still blames him for moms death. She fucking died, and yes it sucks and yes we all miss her but do you think she'd be proud knowing that you treat our baby brother like complete shit? So what if he's fucking gay? Shit Jackson, I'm gay!" He screamed at him.

All of our eyes were locked on Jason who stood there trembling.
"You always think about yourself, you always have! You go on and on about how much you can't stand being around Urie, but all that kid has ever done is looked up to you because you're his older brother!" Jason grabbed the others collar before slamming his forehead into the others.
"So stop being such a damn bastard already and own up to the fact, Urie fucking loves you and just wants you to love him!" Jason dropped Jackson to the floor storming out of the house.

I stood there so fucking confused and partially broken.
But it was stuck to me now that I've heard it.

I turned to Lawson and Rhys.
"Jason's gay?" I asked.
They both glared at me.
"Come on, we have a brother to find and questions to ask later. And when we do get back." Lawson looked at us including Jackson.
"We're going to have a very long family discussion so problems like this don't happen again. I made mom a promise that I'd protect you guys, and if I break that promise. Then I lied to moms face and I will never forgive myself if that happens." He headed to the door.

"Let's go." He told us.
And no one argued.
Not even Jackson who had been quiet ever since Jason had came out to the other.
I just hope.

We find Urie.
And that he's okay.

Be okay.

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