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**Jackson's Pov.**

*Ten years ago.*

"Bubba look!" Seven year old Urie held up a drawing of a flower as he stood in front of the ten year old Jackson.
Jackson however did not look the least bit impressed.
"Uh huh it looks like you scribbled a bunch of circles together." Jackson shrugged looking away from the drawing now.
Urie frowned.
"I tried my best.. p-plus its for you!" He told the other.
Jackson made a face of disgust.
"You shouldn't give your brothers drawings of flowers, it's creepy." He frowned as Urie's eyes swelled with tears as well his face turning pink.
"I just thought-"
"If that's all you wanted to show me I have yard work to do, something that doesn't exist to you." Jackson walked past the other as Urie looked at the drawing.
His eyes burned as he crumbled it before tossing it in the trash can running in the opposite direction.

*Eight years later.*

"Hey Jackson, check this out!" Urie held a small wood spider in his hands full of fascination as he stood in front of Jackson near the house.
Jackson made a face.
"Gross." He smacked it out of the others hands before stomping on the thing glaring at Urie who's eyes were full of shock.
"What would you of done if it bit you? Huh? Use your brain." Jackson rolled his eyes storming away from the other as Urie stared down at where the dead spider was.
His brows knitted as he knelt down pushing some dirt over it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as his eyes burned.
"You were just trying to exist and I got you killed, I'm sorry." He rubbed his eyes walking away with his hands shoved in his pockets.

*Four years later.*

"Has anyone seen my white shirt?" Urie questioned inside of their uncles house.
He had searched from top to bottom and was beginning to run out of ideas where his shirt could of gone.
Jason won it for him at the fair they had went to and was always wanting to wear it.
"I haven't seen it." Devin told the other on the couch.

"Oh you mean this shirt?" Jackson walked out of the laundry room smirking as he held a white shirt now stained pink.
"I thought it was mine and tossed it in the washer with my colored clothes, whoops." He shrugged dropping it like it was trash.
Urie's brows knitted.
"Jackson that isn't funny!" Jason snarled as he got to his feet glaring at his twin.
Jackson shrugged.
"Shouldn't of been with my clothes." He didn't apologize before walking away.

*One year ago.*

"Why do you hate me?"
The question itself threw Jackson off as he looked up from the kitchen table, his brow arched at the fifteen year old who's arms were crossed as he looked at Jackson who was trying to eat.
"Oh?" Jackson smirked.
"Hate's a strong word Urie, be careful how you use it-"
"You're dodging my question." Urie frowned at him.
"For as long as I can remember you've always disliked me and yet, I've done nothing to deserve any of it, so why?" He looked at the brunet who was glaring now.
"How about you just get lost before you piss me off?" He suggested through gritted teeth.
"Just answer me!" Urie snapped but stepped back at how fast Jackson got to his feet and stormed up to the other grabbing him by the collar.
"You wanna know why that bad?" He demanded.
Urie fought back the tears as he glared.
"I hate you because you killed mom, you're the reason she's fucking dead. If you hadn't been born, she'd still be here. But no instead of being a failed seed, you decided to be born anyway and because of that outcome. She's gone and you're here, I seriously can not stand the sight of you. You piss me off and I wish you'd fucking vanish." He shoved the younger one back who stumbled.
"There, happy?" He shot irritated going back to the table.
"No." Urie answered but walked away not saying anything else about the subject.

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