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**Urie's Pov.**

"I think our break went a little too fast." I brought my bags into my room followed by Alex who had been quiet the whole ride back.
His arms were crossed sitting his own down.
"I agree I mean it was a good time besides in the beginning or when Nathan kept stealing you and you'd go off for hours at a time." He grabbed his upper arm looking away from me now.
I paused and turned to the other with knitted.
"Whoa, Alex-"
"It's okay." He smirked softly.
"I guess I'm just used to having more time with you and us spending our breaks together but now that you're getting to see Nathan, that means I have to learn to share." He didn't look happy about that idea.

I frowned softly.
"I'll work on that I promise, I didn't mean to be a bad friend this week." I bit my lip as he shook his head smiling softly.
"You weren't being a bad friend dude, I mean I had Devin and the others to hang out with while you were off with him, but it's a normal thing for couples I think? I guess I should also be congratulating you on actually getting with him by the way, I honestly didn't see that coming, especially from Lawson." He said now.

I walked over to my bed pulling my used clothes out and tossed them in the laundry basket.
"I know.. it's pretty shocking and I'm still adjusting to being open with the other with my brothers all knowing about it, I know no one is very supportive of us though." I smiled softly turning to Alex who frowned in response.
"You know I'm going to support you no matter what dude, that's why we're best friends." He offered his fist to me as I smirked softly connecting mine to his.
"And I wouldn't want it any other way, you're the best Alex." I smiled.
He grinned before pulling his phone out.

"Oh, my mom's here. I'll see you tomorrow at school dude." He waved me goodbye before heading out of the room.
I could hear the other telling the guys thanks and goodbye before vanishing.

I folded my bag placing it back in the closet with a sigh.
I should feel happy knowing I could openly see Nathan.
But part of me wasn't feeling that happy.
Sure Alex supporting me was nice.
But I wanted my entire family to support us.
To be okay with the idea of me dating someone older.
But I don't think they'd ever move past that part.
And it bothered me.

"Finished unpacking?" I turned to Jason who was at the door and it felt like deja vue.
I nodded looking at the blond who seemed like he had something he wanted to say.
He thought for a moment before looking at me.
"I just want you to know.." He stopped himself frowning and I stood there looking at the other.
"I just-" He looked lost on his words before he walked up to me.
"I'm proud of you." He said finally.

I wasn't sure why but just those words threw me off my guard completely and my eyes burned.
Jason was always the one who knew what to say especially when you least expected it.
He smiled softly.
"You went after something you were serious about and even though not everyone is happy about it, you didn't back down from your choice. And I wanted you to know that I'm proud that you didn't cave and obeyed our older brother's command, you wanted to be with someone and you fought for that. You ran away." He smirked as my face grew red.
"But it showed everyone how serious you were about him and even though it doesn't look good on the streets, I want you to do what makes you happy, Urie. Even if it feels like your back is against the wall, you have me and Alex in your corner about what ever you do with this life, it's yours to do with the way you want to, no one can live your life except for you. Okay?" I wasn't aware I was crying until his thumbs brushed them away.

"As kids we grew up in fear of our dad, we couldn't do what we wanted or see who we wanted to see, we were slaves to that man. But here." He looked around smiling.
"You're free to do what you want and to see who you want as long as it isn't illegal." He smirked.
I smiled softy.
Jason looked at me.
"I could tell you've had a lot on your mind this past week but I wanted to wait until we got home to actually talk to you and to see how you were doing." He told me.

I blinked but took a seat on the bed as he joined me.
"I mean I'm alright I guess? I'm still adjusting to being able to see Nathan, I mean it's everything I I ever wanted.." I looked down at my lap gripping the sheets.
"I just feel like it's going to be awkward when Nathan comes over and Lawson is here.. I mean it's also going to be rough because Alex was feeling abandoned this week over me being with Nathan, and I don't know how it's going to work with Lawson and Nathan." I ran a hand through my hair frowning.

Jason glanced to me then sighed.
"Well about Alex, he's going to have to adjust to you spending time with your partner, the time you two spend together will mostly be at school and maybe on the weekends, things do tend to change once you start dating someone." He told me.
I bit my gum frowning.
"I just don't want that to ruin our friendship." I murmured.

"The only way it'll ruin your relationship is if you let it."
My blood ran cold for a second seeing Jackson there leaning against the door frame with an annoyed gaze.
Jason looked up at him with an arched brow.
"I thought you didn't want to be apart of this conversation?" He made a face.
Jackson stared at him before his eyes fell on me.

"Lawson won't say it but I will, with this relationship you've created with Nathan? No one's staying the night with the other, if you want to see him. Do it during the day and be home before night hits." He told me.
I made a face.
"You're making a curfew to date him?" I frowned.
Jackson smirked.
"It's the price you get to pay wanting to date someone's best friend who's eight years older than you, if you don't like the idea of seeing him for a few hours a day. Break up." He shrugged.

I glared at him.
"I'm not going to break up with him." I got to my feet with crossed arms.
Jackson smirked in response.
"It'll get old and I should remind you, Jason." He looked to his twin.
"The same works for you, don't think for a second you or Sawyer are sly about seeing each other. I think it's pretty fucking pathetic you both have interests in your brothers friends, there are other guys to look at or get boned by if that's what you're into." He frowned at us both.
"And Lawson won't say this either but the whole thing? Has him furious." He smirked now.
"But you're both pretty great at pissing people off lately, especially you Urie. So this shouldn't phase you in the slightest knowing you're making someone mad based on your actions." He told me.

"Okay Jackson, that's enough. What's with the attitude?" Jason demanded getting to his feet glaring.
"Attitude? I don't have an attitude, not yet at least." Jackson shrugged looking at the other frowning.
"I'm only telling you how it is right now, you're both wanting to see Lawson's friends and the shit's annoying as hell."

"The thing about that is, they're his friends, not yours. So why are you butting in about it?" Jason arched a brow glaring.
"Because Lawson doesn't want anyone to hate him, oh wait. Too late." He smirked at me as I glared.
"I don't hate him-"
"But see little brother you still said it with hatred so, no matter how much you try to justify it or back your own self up about it, that sentence is tattooed in Lawson's head, that out of all his brothers, he managed to get the youngest one to say it first." He looked at me.
"That's why I get to be the bad guy in all of this by telling you what's on his mind and how he feels, he doesn't like you seeing Nathan and if he finds out about Briar?" Jackson looked at Jason annoyed.
"He'll be angry that you two couldn't just find someone else to date, it's fucking annoying-"

"Then ignore Lawson's problems and focus on your own." Jason growled.
"Have you forgotten that we're a fucking family? If one is hurting or bothered by something, we're supposed to be there, but you two are too focused on stealing his friends instead." He jabbed the other in the chest.

I ran over and got between them before glaring at Jackson who glared down at me.
"Don't get in the middle of something unless you're prepared to back yourself up." He warned as I frowned at him.
"I don't want us to fight about this!" I yelled at him.
"I get it's wrong dating Lawson's best friend, trust me I don't like knowing how awkward it's going to be, but I'm not going to break up with him to make someone feel better about it, especially if that someone turned out to be you instead of Lawson." I hissed.

I groaned at how fast Jason ripped me back and how fast Jackson's fist swung but missed Jason's face by an inch.
Jason stood there with wide eyes.
"Cool your head, Jackson! He's only stating facts if Lawson was really upset about this, he'd come to us and we'd deal with it, whether or not it made him the bad guy, this was never your place to butt into anyway, it was between us three. So back the fuck off about it already." He hissed at him glaring.

Jackson stood there glaring at the other.
His eyes locked on me.
"You're both so fucking selfish it's almost difficult being in the same room as you." He growled heading to the bedroom door.
He stood there holding the knob as if thinking about more things to say to us.

Jason stayed in front of me glaring at Jackson who finally clicked his tongue against his teeth ripping the door open then slammed it shut, knocking the picture frame I hung up down, shattering it.

"What a dick." Jason rubbed his temples.
"Don't touch the glass, I'll get a broom." He told me walking out of the room.

I walked over to where the picture was and my heart ached.
It was a picture of us except the side where me, Rhys and Devin were, was a little more whole than the side where the other three were, it was shattered completely.
I pulled the picture from the mess hissing at the feeling of a piece of glass cutting my index finger.
I placed my finger in my mouth not really understanding why people did this to keep the blood from pouring.
But in a weird sense, it helped.

"Stay still you two!" Uncle Jacob hissed behind the camera as he glared at Jason and Jackson who were bickering about something.

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