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**Urie's Pov.**

"You will definitely need to stay off your leg for about six to eight weeks, you should be able to use crutches or a cane though." The doctor explained inside of the exam room.
Uncle Jacob was there with his arms crossed.
"What about medicine?" He questioned.
The doctor looked to him.
"I am prescribing him with some painkillers as well as something else for later on in case the pain returns because it will." He handed the slip of paper to my uncle who read over it before placing it inside his wallet.
"He will also be excused from school for at least a week to give his leg time to rest, the fracture wasn't bad but I know how crowded hallways get and if he were to fall on that leg, it is possible he could make it worse." The doctor explained and my chest grew tight frowning deeply.

"What about what those men did to my nephews? Did you find anything with that?" Uncle frowned at him.
The doctor frowned deeply looking over his papers.
"The damage to Rhys? Was more physical than it was sexual and in Devin's case, he was in fact raped, but the tests came back clean so he won't be carrying any kind of disease." His eyes fell on me and I felt sick.
"And Urie, he was more on the physical abuse as well, from my understandings his attacker tried but that was when Jackson was it? He broke in and got the other off of him." He closed his pen looking at my uncle.

"Once we're done running a few more tests on the boys they will be released to go home to recover from what they've gone through, I am sorry this sort of thing happened to you, son. It must be hard." He gave my uncle one more look before walking out.

"He must be new." Uncle crossed his arms watching the other walk out.
I blinked looking to him.
"Do you have the employees here recognized?"
He glanced to me.
"I do actually." He smirked.
"He's also pretty young to be a doctor but not bad looking either." He shrugged.
"Oh my god you were thinking he was cute?" I laughed shaking my head.
He looked to me smirking softly.
"I think I'm single and allowed to look." He shrugged in defense.
I grinned.
"But don't you think you're a little too old for him? He's kind of young." I joked as he stared at me for the longest.
"Keep talking like that and I'll really act my age by grounding you." He warned jokingly.

I covered my mouth but was grinning at him.

"So why did the guys ask us to come home late?" Devin frowned in the back seat with Rhys.
Uncle looked to him.
"They wanted to do something nice for you three but if my house is burned to the ground when we arrive, there will be a lot of grounding going on." He said now looking ahead.
I pulled out my phone going to Nathan's name.

[Me]: Going home, finally.

I leaned back in the seat fighting back a yawn but it won and sleep was something on my mind.
But I didn't want it.
I wanted to walk through our front door and feel back at home.
Safe and sound.

[Nathan]: I'm glad, I'll come by later to see you.
I smiled softly at the message before putting my phone away.
My brows only knitted seeing a few cars parked at our house.

"Um uncle?" Rhys frowned.
Uncle also looked confused.
"Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on." He shrugged getting out coming over to my side.
He helped me out of the car and walked us towards the door but the sound of chatter was throwing me off.
Uncle made a face pushing the door open and confetti was being shot out at us.

"Welcome home!" We heard numerous voices and my eyes grew wide seeing Alex, Chloe and Mateo as well as all of our other friends.
The house was full of people and music was playing on the down low while our three older brothers stood in front of us smiling.
My brows knitted as the tears burned.

Lawson walked up to the three of us.
"Welcome home guys." He hugged us in one try before stepping aside while our friends all came up to us talking about different things.
Mostly how worried they were of us.

I looked back to our uncle who pulled Lawson to the side talking to him before they looked back to us.
"Did you actually know?" I asked.
Uncle glanced to me before smirking and my eyes grew wide.

"Let's get you on the couch." I yelped being lifted off my feet but I relaxed seeing Nathan who held me close before smiling softly at the sight of me.
"Welcome home, Urie." His lips fell on mine sitting me on the couch but he joined me and my cheeks were burning.
"A welcome home party was the last thing on my mind." I wiped my eyes but smiled softly.
He smiled softly.
"Don't be surprised but this was actually Jackson's idea." He told me.
My brows knitted looking to the archway where the other was at talking to Briar and Dylan.

"Him and Jason may of had a moment on our way to come save you guys but, how is Devin doing? He seems fine and dandy but-"
"Devin is handling what happened to him in his own way, he doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that he was raped, he's moving forward with what happened with a lifted head and strong heart." I bit my lip.
"He also really likes Abel and I think he's scared that if he acts out over what happened, it'll ruin the interest that Abel has in him, and he doesn't want that to happen. So he's forcing himself to be okay for his own sake and for everyone else's." I explained.

Nathan frowned at that.
"He's going to face some pretty nasty battles with that later on, I don't think Abel will-"
"Nathan." I cupped his face and pressed my lips to his.
"Let's just talk about something else, please?" I looked at him and his eyes searched mine before sighing softly and smiling.
"Sure." He agreed.

"Are you guys thirsty?" I looked up to Jason who stood there with Aiden at his side.
I shook my head smiling softly.
"I'm alright, thank you for being apart of this party, Jason." I said now.
He blinked but then smiled.
"It was last minute but we managed to make this work in over a days time, I mean its five dollar pizza and soda, but I don't really trust Lawson or Jackson at the stove or the grill.." He looked uneasy about that idea.

Aiden's eyes fell on me.
"How are you doing, Urie?" He asked.
I looked up at the other blond.
"Better now that I'm back home and away from that hell and I'll be able to sleep at night knowing all of those guys are locked up." I frowned softly as Jason looked at me.
"No one will be coming for you guys like that ever again and if they try? Well we'll just do this all over again, save you guys then party." He smirked as I grinned.
"I just hope no one's stupid enough to try that again." I leaned into Nathan's hold who had no problem pulling me closer with caution.

Jason watched us before looking around.
"I'm going to go find Briar." He pulled Aiden away who waved us bye before following after his friend.

"So, I wanted to wait until you were healed to talk about this, that way if you needed to walk away you could." Nathan began and my brows knitted.
"What is it?"
"How do you feel about a long distance relationship?" He asked me.
I pushed off of him frowning.
"How far? Where are you going?" I asked frowning deeply at him.
Nathan sat us up looking at me.
"I got a job offer in Texas to work with this large company." He told me.

I shook my head.
"I'm going to sound so selfish but please turn it down? I just got back and I don't want you to leave." I frowned at him.
He frowned as well.
"It's not temporary unless I make it out to be, but it would help me out a lot and I could eventually afford a real nice house, it may take a year or two but by time that happens, and if we're still dating. Maybe you could move in with me?" He looked hopeful but everything suddenly weighed me down with sadness.
"There's nothing closer?" I frowned.
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Unfortunately not, I wanted to talk to you about it the night we got back from the beach, but then all of this happened and now that your leg is broken. I felt like it would be really bad timing-"
"That's because it is bad timing, Nathan." I frowned wanting to get up.

"Urie your leg-"
"I'm fine!" I snapped getting up with a pained hiss as I lifted myself with the crutches.
"Where are you going? You can't go far Urie, you're on crutches!"
"Don't piss me off more than you already have." I hissed but stopped at the chest in front of me.
I looked up and of course.
More bad timing.

Jackson stood there with a slice of pizza in one hand and his beer can in the other.
"What's the fuss about? We're supposed to be partying, why are you two arguing?" He asked us.
My eyes burned.
"Nathan might be leaving the state." I moved past the other as Jackson finished the last bite of his slice.

"Hold on, you're leaving?" He frowned.
"I might be, I haven't decided but I wanted to talk to Urie about it first." Nathan frowned at him.
"Well dude the fact you're wanting to talk to him just shows him your mind is made but you want his opinion anyway." Jackson crossed his arms.
"It's not like that." Nathan growled.
"It's not? Then how is it? Because usually when you want to talk to someone after already looking into that something, you're bound to convince them to agree or go anyway. So I guess I'll ask the real question to figure out how much longer you two have to date, when's your flight?" He was in the others face with crossed arms.

Nathan glared softly.
"It's in two weeks and our relationship can last if we make it, I don't want to end things with him." He hissed.
Jackson shrugged.
"The longer you're away from your partner the more you fall away from them and sooner or later you're bound to cheat.
"Well aren't you a little love expert?" Nathan stepped up to him as Jackson smirked.
"More like observant-"
"Because you can't land a date no matter what do you because you're toxic and deep down you're scared to get close to anyone because they'll only leave you, like your brothers will once they settle down." Nathan pointed out with crossed arms.

Jackson blinked but frowned.
"I have my own reasons on not wanting to date and being toxic has nothing to do with it but if we're going to point out flaws, maybe after this little rescue mission, you realized how much this relationship isn't even worth it, so you got a job and now you're abandoning my baby brother. The very thing I knew you'd do because just like your past relationships, you got involved but the moment some kind of drama kicked in, you left those and got with someone else. And you want to call me toxic?" Jackson smirked at him.

"Not only are you too old for my brother, you knew you were. And for some reason part of you wanted to mess with his mind and make him like you, god I really hope you two didn't have sex because if Urie lost his virginity to a dick like you? Oh well then I really wouldn't be able to control my fists." Jackson glared at him.

"You really have a thing about your brothers Jackson." Nathan's eyes darkened.
"You get all soft with them and almost make it look like they're your partner, is that a thing with you? Do you have a brother fetish or do you actually like them like that to the point you have to step into their problems like you're the boyfriend?" Nathan asked him.
Jackson's face fell.
"I'm not like that you sick fuck I would never see my brothers as anything more than family, you have to be twisted in the head to see them as anything more than that, I get soft and personal with my brothers because I actually have a god damn heart." He spat.

Nathan's eyes fell on me and he frowned.
"Can we talk-"
"What? You're not talking to him, you've already talked." Jackson was in his face.
"Don't think for a fucking second I'd let you cause any more drama, you want that job so bad? Go ahead and take it, Urie is still young and there are plenty of guys who would be lucky to date him, because he deserves happiness." Jackson's fists tightened.
"And you're far from what he deserves, so leave Nathan. Take your pride with you and don't you dare come back, especially for my brother. Because he can do so much better than end up with someone who's prepared to move states away for a job that will only be a maybe-"

"Jackson." I finally found my voice and I tugged his sleeve looking up at the other who was far from happy about anything that was going on now.
I used him as support and looked at Nathan.

"If this job is something you want and it's worth risking our relationship over even after you stated you wouldn't do anything, then I say go for the job-"
"What? Urie!"
"Jackson, please." I looked at him frowning deeply before looking back at Nathan.
"I don't want you to leave and I want to be selfish by telling you to stay here, but if this job is something you're serious about where you know you'll make something of yourself, then go for it. I won't stop you, but if you do arrive in Texas and you feel like you're going to mess up, just call me and tell me this relationship won't work, and I'll move on." I came up to him frowning softly.

"For years I waited for the day to call you mine, for the day I'd get to say Nathan Hendrix was my boyfriend and I'd be excited to see you, but you're not a teenager." I smiled softly.
"You're turning twenty five next month and I don't want to hold you back from what's driving you to leave, and the same goes for me. When I return to school before and after you leave the state and I start slipping, I will call you as well and tell you the relationship is over. I don't want us to cheat then break up, I want us to be responsible for our actions by acting before doing, if you think you're going to screw up. I want to end it." I looked at him smiling softly still.

"I don't want you to force yourself to live here knowing you could make a mistake living there, but I also don't want you to leave Texas to return here to let go of whatever you were working hard for, just to keep our relationship." My face grew warm.
"We haven't even done it yet and you may not even like what you see or what you hear, I may be too inexperienced for you, I don't want you to turn the job down to turn around a week later mad that you didn't take it. I'm sixteen going on seventeen in October and I have a long way before growing up and I don't want you to wait for me.." My eyes began to burn.

"I want you to take this job, Nathan." I looked up at him as my brows knitted.
"I want you to take it, make something of yourself and buy you that house that could take a year or two to make happen, but I don't want you to stay here working somewhere you're not happy at. If taking this job means you have to let me go and I have to let you go, then I want you to let me go, but on good terms. If I hadn't stepped in just then, you would of stormed out of here and I never would of heard from you again, but that's not what I want." I wiped my eyes.
"I want you to call me every chance you get if possible and let me know how it's going, I know there will be a time change for everything and I'm sure you'll get busy. But I want you to leave here without feeling any guilt." I looked at him.

"And the minute I stop hearing from you? I'll know you moved on and found someone else and that's okay, because I don't want you to hold onto me and it's going to hurt because I really fucking liked you." The tears fell and I wished they hadn't but I had no control over them at this point.
Everything was finally hitting me as they fell looking at him.

"After tonight I want a day or two to myself and once I'm ready I want you to come visit every day if you can, until your flight is ready, and then I'll go with you like any other supportive boyfriend would, I'll walk with you to your gate and we'll kiss and those butterflies will return, but that will be the last time I'll get that feeling." I smiled softly.
"And then you'll let my hand go and you'll start your new journey over in Texas, and I'll be here at school trying to move on with the fact, I probably let the best thing that ever happened to me, go."
"Because believe it or not, Nathan Hendrix. I did in fact, love you." I looked at him.

Nathan reached for me and I didn't move.
I just smiled softly.
"Maybe this is me being the mature one now and I want you to do what's right, so please for my sake. Take the job and become someone powerful over there in Texas, but the moment it happens, I want to know about it." I told him.

He carefully pulled me closer before his lips met mine.
"Why did you have to grow up so fast in just the span of fifteen minutes?" He looked at me frowning.
I smiled softly.
"I didn't want to be someone I'd only hate by being selfish, I want you to be happy, even if that means letting go." I told him.
He brushed the tears away kissing me again.

"I'll call you every chance I get, that's a promise." He told me.
I smiled softly.
"I'll hold onto that promise." I told him as he smirked softly.

"This won't end us, because I have also come to love you, Urie." He said now and my chest ached but I smiled falling into his embrace.
Letting you go.
Will probably be the worst thing I've ever done.
But it'll challenge us.
To see how strong we really are.
Miles apart.

But still.
Part of me hopes.
This works out.
And I don't lose him.
Even though the other part.
Will be okay with that.
And that part.

Hurt's the most. 

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