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**Lawson's Pov.**

"I honestly think this was a good idea for you and your brothers." I heard Quinn comment inside the room the two of us would be sleeping in.
I turned to her with a soft smile.
"You think so?"
She smiled turning her back to me.
"You really love them it's admirable, I was born an only child but if I were to have siblings I'd want to be like you." She came up to me with a soft smile pressing her lips to mine.
"I love how protective you've been over those five, especially over Urie." She smiled.
I blinked but then smiled softly.
"He's the youngest who needs as much guidance as he can get." I shrugged as she grinned but it vanished fast.
Way too fast that I'd like to admit.

"What are you going to do if we ever get married, Law? You know you can't pack them up and bring them along." She pointed out and my chest squeezed tightly.
"You know I could very well try." I joked and she laughed.
"Yeah because stuffing five people into your bag wouldn't look suspicious at all, but I'm serious baby." She cupped my cheek as I frowned now.
"You're twenty four years old still living with your uncle, isn't it about time you stopped playing the over protective role of those five? You know they can take care of themselves, they're smart. You need to have more faith in them." She told me.
I frowned.
"I do."
She didn't look convinced.

Quinn looked at me.
"I love you Lawson James Piece but I need you to start thinking about us as well, I know you love your brothers, I love them too. I practically claimed them as my brothers the moment we started dating." She told me.
I arched a brow.
"That's a little weird Q, wouldn't that make you my sister then?" I grinned.
"Shut up!" She smirked shoving me.
"You know what I mean." She smiled with her hands on my chest.
"I just want to think about us and what kind of life we'll have, we've been dating for almost six years now and we're more married now and you haven't even asked me yet." I could see this sad glint appear in her eyes.
She looked at me with a sad smile.
"You do want to marry me, right?" She asked.

My brows knitted before pressing my lips to hers.
"You know I love you Quinn Marley and I do want to marry you, I didn't know you felt this strongly about it though." I looked at her.
"I feel like I've failed as your boyfriend." I smiled softly.
She bit her lip looking at me.
"You haven't failed me Law, with your job and trying to help your uncle raise those five. I can understand it slips your mind, but if we're still together after the hell and drama we've been through. It's surprising we haven't gotten married yet." She smiled softly.
I looked at her for the longest time and when we have talks like this.
I'm always reminded.
Why I love her so damn much.
Her patience, loyalty and trust in me.

"Quinn, baby. I love you and if you want to get married, we'll get married." I smiled softly.
"I want you to want to marry me Lawson, not because I want us to be married." She looked frustrated and I frowned.
"I do want us to get married." I told her.
She looked at me.
"You're doing it again, Lawson." She walked for the door but I caught her hand.
"What do you mean? I just told you-"

"When I told you I wanted us to try for a relationship, what did you say?" She asked me.
I blinked.
"That was almost six years ago but I'm pretty sure I told you yes-"
"You told me if I wanted us to date, we could." She looked away from me with knitted brows.
My grip on her hand loosened as she smiled softly but her eyes burned.
"You don't know what you want Lawson and I won't let you agree on this marriage idea when not even you know if that's what you want." She pulled open the bedroom door and walked out.

I stood there and watched it close behind her but everything screamed at me to chase after her.
And I did.
I would not lose her over this.
I loved her way too much.
She was my other half.
The part that kept me sane.
She was my best friend.
Who I would trade my life for.
Quinn Marley Walker was the girl I would marry and spend the rest of my life with, even if it meant letting my brothers go so they could start their own lives.
Maybe I was trapped thinking they were still little kids who needed their older brother around.
I mean I made that promise to our mom so long ago and I've held onto it.
But still.
Quinn was my whole life.
And we were only young for so long.

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