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**Urie's Pov.**

"So I ran away.." I murmured sitting in front of the others at the beach house not to far from the one Lawson and uncle rented us.

Brendon and the others looked at me as Brendon leaned back thinking.
My face began to burn.
"I didn't mean to come out of nowhere I mean we did just meet and only played one game." I murmured now.
Josh shook his head with a grin.
"Nah don't worry about it, I mean it did throw us off at first since Brendon hadn't saved your number yet, so we didn't know who was making such a distressed text until he called and you answered but still." He looked bothered about something.

"Does running away usually fix the situation?" Joey asked me frowning.
I frowned at the question with thought.
"Well no not really.. I think it frustrates everyone actually." I confessed now.
Brendon looked at me.
"So why run away?" He  questioned.
I frowned looking down at my lap.
"Because I hate being seen as a kid to them-"
"You are a kid." Brendon laughed.
"You're sixteen right?" He asked me.
I nodded as they all grinned.

"We each have siblings younger and older than us and even if they're a year or two younger, we still see them as the little kids we grew up with. It's not looking down on you or anything like that, its the fact no one likes change. Especially if they're the baby in the family." Zach explained.
"I can understand where your brothers are coming from, I live in a home with three sisters and I'm the middle child but I still see them as kids to me, and if my younger sister starts changing faster than I want her to, sure it'll upset me yeah." Zach shrugged.

"But it's apart of having siblings." He grinned as they all nodded.
"All they're doing is looking out for you, Urie. They're not doing it to be mean, if my sister came home with this guy who was eight years older than her? Oh I'd kill him, because for one. He know's better, and so does she. I can understand you like someone because they're nice and all, but you have to think about the age as well. If you two were in your twenties this wouldn't be anyone's business except for the two of yours." He told me.

Brendon nodded in agreement.
"He's right, so you know what you should do about this?" He looked at me.
I bit my lip.
"Get the lecture over with and go apologize to everyone?" I frowned.
Brendon smirked softly.
"You'll feel better once you do, from what you've told us in the last two hours of you being here. Your brothers really love you Urie, and that's hard to get that kind of connection with anyone, those guys? They treasure you and only want the best for you, they love you Urie." He smiled.
My eyes burned but I rubbed them away before nodding.

"You can stay the night though, I'd hate to bring you home after that. It just gives everyone time to think." Zach told me heading to his room.
I nodded as Brendon tossed a blanket on the couch.
"When it's morning call someone and if they don't answer you, we'll take you." He winked vanishing into the room he was sleeping in.

I lied on the couch frowning.
I knew they'd be angry.
I ran off like a child so they were bound to treat me like one once I got back.
I turned over on my side frowning.
I was just dreading that part.

When the morning came I stared at my phone and the list of contacts.
I ended up dialing Alex's number so he could tell them instead of dealing with a brother first thing this morning.
And of course when he answered.
He didn't sound happy.
Then again he wasn't a morning person to begin with.
But I was positive it was about last night that had him the most upset.
I ran off because things weren't going my way.
And I know I was supposed to try to find someone else closer to my age.
But I really liked Nathan..

So when Lawson and him had that argument and Nathan declared he was leaving.
I panicked and only thought about us..
I ruined everything.

"Hey Urie? A black jeep just drove up." Josh told me looking out the window.
My chest grew tight walking over to where he was and I felt sick.

"That's Abel's jeep." I frowned and of course the windows were tinted so you couldn't see who was inside.
"Friend or foe?" He asked next.
I shrugged.
"Abel has his moments but I wouldn't call him my foe." I rubbed my neck feeling awkward as I pulled the door open and turned to the others.
"Thanks for letting me crash over here."
"Hey any time, Urie. It was cool talking to you." Brendon grinned as I nodded forcing myself to walk out.

The air outside felt thicker the closer I got to the jeep.
I felt light headed as the passenger window rolled down and there sat Jackson.
Just staring at me.
"You must have a thing about worrying people." He frowned.
"Save it and get in." He told me.
I bit my gum crawling into the back where Rhys was.

The ride back was killing me how quiet it was.
Abel was focused on the road but would say something only Jackson could hear who'd only shrug in response.
I stared down at my lap frowning.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.
Rhys glanced to me frowning.
"That's a good start for the rest of us Urie, but we're honestly not the ones you should be apologizing to." He told me.
I flinched.
"How mad is.."

"Let's just save you the long story by telling you he never went to bed last night." Jackson finally told me turning around in his seat.
"Even though you told him you hated him-"
"I didn't mean it!" I snapped.
"Well that's fine and dandy but it doesn't change the fact, you still said it." Jackson turned back around frowning.

"Alright Jackson, lay off him. They're going to talk when we get back." Abel smirked now and my blood ran cold at that idea.
Rhys glanced to me.
"You really did have us all worried Urie, like Jackson said. Law never went to sleep because he was scared if he did, he'd wake up and find out you died or worse." He told me.
I frowned deeply looking away.
"I didn't think he'd care-"
"Stop the car." Jackson ordered as Abel sighed pulling over.

"Get out of the car, Urie." Jackson got out first before ripping my own door open.
My eyes grew wide at how pissed he looked.
"Get out before I get you out myself and then I really beat your ass-"
"You sound like dad! Like hell I'm getting out!" I screamed at him glaring now.
Rhy's eyes grew wide as Abel face palmed and Jackson stood there.
The color drained from his face.

My heart was racing as he stood there.
"Get out, Urie." He told me and the anger was gone in his voice but his eyes showed me he was pissed.
I frowned unbuckling myself before getting out to only yelp being shoved against the jeep.
"If you scratch my jeep I'm kicking your ass!" Abel snapped getting out as Rhys followed him.

"You think Lawson doesn't care when his brother runs away? His youngest brother?" Jackson demanded glaring.
"He isn't a heartless dick Urie, he was pissed because you apparently want some guy far older than you to fuck you or some shit. News flash, that shit's frowned upon no matter where you go. No one likes a predator." He shot as I glared.
"He isn't a predator! He's a-"
"Nice guy?" Jackson smirked.
"Is he just the best Urie? Does he make the butterflies in your stomach just flutter when he looks at you?" He teased as I glared with burning eyes.
"Stop it."
"Don't tell me to stop." Jackson laughed shoving me against the jeep.
"You want to like someone who's eight years older than you without even knowing them, I owe him for saving your ass from Rodney and those bastards but that doesn't mean he gets to bone you as a reward. You're sixteen!" He shoved me hard in the chest.

"You could see anyone you want but you just had to choose Nathan, a twenty four year old guy who is Lawson's best friend, that should of been on your top ten on who NOT to fuck with, but no." He shrugged.
"And then you tried to run away with him, let me ask you something Urie." Jackson glared.
"I'm saving Lawson the breath to do it so how do you feel about a guy who doesn't believe in the vanilla stuff?" He asked as my face began to burn.
"I'm talking about someone who likes getting rough even slapping is involved if you catch my drift, the older you get the wilder your desires become. And all Nathan would do is," my breath hitched at how fast his hand hit my thigh, pain echoing.
"This, are you the type who likes being hit Urie? Was our old man's abuse not enough that you developed a kink for it?" He demanded.

"Hey Jackson, stop-" Rhys frowned but Jackson glared at him.
"Why?" He laughed.
"The kid thinks if he got with Nathan it'd be candyland or some shit where everything's perfect, I mean he almost ran away with the guy who'd tie him up and hit him with things, and do you know who would be there in the end to clean up your mess?" He asked me.

The tears slipped and he glared.
"Don't cry you don't have a reason to cry you're the idiot who wants to hurt everyone else, so answer me. Do you know who would be there?" He asked again.
My brows knitted.
"Lawson!" Jackson grinned at me.
"Because he's the big brother who will let others walk over him, let them cuss him out or even let his baby brother tell him he hates him. But he's always there in the end no matter how wrong you do him, so if you ever think he doesn't care about you?" Jackson glared at me.
"I really will beat your ass next time, now get in the car we have breakfast waiting." He demanded.

My face was flushed after that.
And my mind was wrapped around seeing Lawson now.
I looked out the window before my chest tightened once the house came into view.
And everyone was outside.
But mostly around the grill where Nick was.

"Have fun." Rhys and the other two got out as I sat there.
Lawson's back was to me before I opened my door and he turned around.
The tears fell fast at how quick he stormed up to me.

"Lawson I'm so-"
His arms wrapped around me tightly as he brought us both to the ground and he embraced me.
"Never run away like that again, please. I thought I lost you." He told me and more tears fell as I held onto him.
"I don't hate you." I cried burying my face in his shoulder as he held me.
"I know you don't, I don't hate you either. I'm just so fucking relieved you're okay." He looked at me and his eyes were wet.
"You're so reckless running off like that." He wiped his eyes looking at me.
"You can't run away anymore I can't handle that sort of thing." He laughed looking at me.
My brows knitted.
"You're getting married so doesn't that sort of thing not matter once you're gone?" I asked him frowning deeply.

He frowned.
"I'm not moving out, Quinn agreed to move in with us, maybe in a few years we'll move out but right now I can't. Not until you, Devin and Rhys are moved out or in college taking care of yourselves. You're all still kids to me and I can't abandon you, not right now." He shook his head thinking it over frowning.

I looked around for Nathan's car and frowned which Lawson noticed before frowning as well.
"I don't agree with it and I probably never will, not with the age gap or with the fact he's my best friend. But if it came down to keeping you as my brother and or you hating me forever knowing you could never be with him, I'd rather keep you as my brother." He told me as my brows knitted.
"I'm not understanding-"
"I'm saying don't go nuts, Urie." He told me.
I was still confused.
He glanced to me as he sighed now.
"I did a lot of thinking last night some of it involved math which irritated the hell out of me, but I had to keep reminding myself. We're only young for so long and no matter what I say, you're bound to rebel against me no matter what. We'll bump heads about this but," he looked over me as I heard the sound of a car pulling up.
My face grew warm seeing Nathan's car as he parked it before getting out and his eyes fell on me with relief.

"If you two can keep it away from the public so police don't get involved which would only trigger child services soon after, you two can see each other. I'd rather you happy Urie, and if he means that much where you'll run away from us? Then I want to see where this goes with you two, if you can promise to not run away from us after a fight." He told me getting up as I wiped my eyes getting up now.
"I promise." I told him.
He seemed relieved looking over at Nathan who hadn't budged.

"Just," Lawson looked to me.
"Don't make me come to regret this." He said.

With that I ran past the other and straight over to Nathan.
He smirked softly before his arms wrapped around me and his lips were on mine.

"Okay okay yeah, save that for the room--wait no don't save it for there, ah um." Lawson was looking flustered as I grinned at the other who looked like he already regretted this decision.

Nathan held me smiling softly.
"Looks like it worked out." He told me.
I leaned into his hold smiling softly as well.
"Yeah.. but like Lawson said, we can't go nuts." I took his hand as we walked over to where the grill was.

"I mean if the police or someone did say something, we just have to tell them Urie is an affectionate little muffin like Devin over here." Cody smirked.
Devin rolled his eyes but grinned.
"It's not going to look good, strangers on the street are already nosy as fuck about relationship's."
"Especially the old people." Abel added in as Devin nodded in agreement.

"We're not going to flaunt ourselves." I told them as they all looked my way.
"You're the one who wants this and you should know people will say things if they do see you." Rhys crossed his arms.
"Even we're going to say things but we're your brothers so we're allowed to." He smirked.
I rolled my eyes but they fell on Nathan who was looking at Lawson.

"You're practically screaming you don't like this idea." His eyes fell on the can of biscuits that exploded in his hand from the grip he held on them.
"I'm adjusting." He told the other frowning.
Nathan smirked softly.
"He's your little brother not your little sister and I am a little more restrained than you're pegging me for, he isn't going to vanish the moment you turn your back." He told the other.
Lawson frowned deeply.
"I'll say this once to you Nathan," he came up to him as Nick pulled the food off the grill and turned his attention to the two.

"I'm trusting you with Urie and if you hurt him in any kind of way, it could even be a heart break, I don't care." Lawson glared.
"I'll never forgive you and then I'll beat your ass to a pulp for crushing him, out of all of my brothers. He is the softest one here, so you better think long and hard if you want to try dating my brother because I promise. I'll hurt you if you hurt him." He warned.
Nathan studied the other.
"I wouldn't dream of hurting him, I'm not this monster you're clearly seeing me as, if I wanted to hurt him.I'd hurt him." He shrugged and my brows knitted but I tensed feeling his hand around my waist.
"But I'm not the type to hurt others like that, I'm a bastard sure yeah. I'll wear a shirt that says I'm one, but to this guy? Nah, not ever." He told him frowning.

Lawson frowned at the other before his eyes fell on me.
"Before we eat, I want to talk to you." He took my hand from Nathan's and lead me away from the others and into the house.

We went into his and Quinn's room who was actually in there folding their clothes before her eyes fell on me and they softened.
"I see you're back safely." She came up to me smiling softly.
"That's good, I'm glad." Her eyes fell on Lawson.
"I take it you're fixing to talk?" She asked.
He nodded as she kissed the other heading out of the room, closing the door behind her.

He turned to me.

"Is this what you want? Truly?" He asked me.
I frowned softly.
"I like him, Lawson."
"Okay Urie, liking him and thinking you do are two different things. You need to make sure you actually like him because you'll only hurt yourself saying you like him, when in the end, that isn't true at all." He crossed his arms taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
I frowned at him.
"I do like him, I really like him Lawson." I said now.
Lawson frowned looking at me.
"How long have you liked him?" He questioned.
I bit my lip.
"Since the day you brought him over." I confessed with my face burning.

Lawson's brows knitted.
"Why does it have to be Nathan? Are there no other guys at your school that interest you?" He asked.
I shook my head.
He frowned in response.
"I see." He leaned back on the bed thinking.
"So how long were you two seeing each other behind our backs?" He looked at me as I frowned deeply.

"We never did, I mean he brought me to his house to clean up my face after that fight in the alley.. but that was far as that went." I didn't want to tell him about the make out session, I feel like he would of blown a fuse if he found out.

Lawson watched me frowning.
"I don't want you to run away again, Urie." He changed the subject as my eyes fell on him.
He looked at me.
"When we fight or have moments where anyone gets heated with the other, you go to your room to breathe and to think it out. But from now on, don't run away. It's reckless and dangerous, so many things ran through my mind when we couldn't find you, I haven't done this in some time but I went back to mom's grave after the first time and I prayed we'd find you, we're not a religious family, not like uncle is, but I still believed someone would answer me. And they did, you came home safe and sound." He looked at me.

"But the next time you think you want to run away? Grab a pillow and scream as loud as you can in it, or go to your friends house, but don't go somewhere where not even your own friends can tell us where you might be. If something were to happen to you Urie," Lawson frowned at me.
"I'd never forgive myself." He got up and came up to me.

"You're my baby brother who is a lot more different from us than I realized until last night, if you want to be with Nathan, you can be with him. We don't agree with it, but if you're happy with him. No one can stop you, not even me." He hugged me as I stood there with knitted brows.

"Just.. be smart, and the first time he hurts you? Let me know." He told me.
I nodded as he let go with a small smirk.

"Okay, let's go eat."

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