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**Jackson's Pov.**

"So I've been waiting to ask this for a while now." Nick sat next to me inside Abel's jeep while Nathan drove behind us in his car.
I glanced to the brunet who looked to me.
"What happens once your uncle finds out you completely ignored him and went on this rescue mission? Are we all screwed?" He questioned.
I blinked but smirked.
"Yes dumb ass I already went over this with you before we even left the house, if uncle finds out we left despite his pleas and commands. We are all very much screwed." I told him as his face fell.
"Fuck, I'm not sure you're worth being scolded over especially if the one who's doing the scolding is your uncle." He told me.

I shrugged.
"You can get out at the red light." I said as Abel came to a stop before turning around with a devious grin.
"What's it gonna be? I don't mind kicking anyone out, especially pussies. We're riding or dying in this bitch, if you want out. There's the door but be prepared for a nasty blast on HellBook later." He winked.
Nick frowned deeply as I smirked in response.
"Well?" I looked at the other.
Nick pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Fine, but you bastards owe me a week of tacos and takis." He told us as I grinned.
"That's fair." I shrugged.
Abel turned back around and my attention fell on my twin in the front.

Jason had been quiet ever since we got in the car and drove from the house.
It figures he was the one who really wanted to back out of this.
But he knew if he tried to jump ship.
I'd never let him live it down.
I'm a dick to our younger brothers.
But only I'm allowed to be a dick to them, no one else could treat them like shit except for me.
That was my job.

"I wonder how Cody and Cole are doing riding with Nathan." Briar commented as I looked to the other but it seemed to snap Jason out of whatever trance he was in, because his eyes were on the other and my god.
I wanted to tease the fuck out of him.
But this wasn't the time or place.

"It's probably hella awkward knowing Cody." Abel smirked behind the wheel.
"Nate talks if he needs to but Cody and Cole?" He looked at me in the mirror as I grinned.
"Why do you think I told those two to ride with him? Like hell we're fixing to ride to our old house dealing with those two being dead quiet, I mean they volunteered to come with us to get our brothers back, but I can't deal with them being awkward at the same time."

"The sad thing is, Cole is our friend." Nick smirked as I grinned.
"He is our friend but we rip on him anyway." I shrugged.
"You're not friends if you can't give each other a hard time." Briar added as I nodded.
"Exactly." My eyes fell back on Jason.

"Maybe you should of rode with Nathan, Jason." I said now.
Jason flinched and I saw his face gain color.
"I'm just thinking." He hissed up front as Abel glanced to the blond who was now glaring softly.
"You could think out loud-"
"I don't want to think out loud, Jackson!" Jason snapped and my eyes grew wide.

"Yikes." Nick whistled and I frowned.
"Abel pull over." I told the other.
Abel groaned pulling over as Nathan followed.

"What are we doing?" Nick arched a brow.
"We're not going any where until Jason get's that stick out of his ass, this isn't a ride to be thinking about. We're supposed to-"

"Okay you want me to talk?" Jason ripped the seat belt off and got out.
I didn't even hesitate to follow his movements by getting out but wasn't expecting to be shoved against the jeep.
"I think this whole thing is fucking nuts, Jackie! I think when we get there it's going to cause so many fucking problems and we really will lose our brothers. This is Mitchell, a demon from god damn hell and you want to challenge him thinking if you beat him til hes almost dead, he'll back off us? You think he'll back off Devin and Urie?" He demanded jabbing me in the chest with a harsh look.

I frowned deeply.
"If you want out of this Jason-"
"I don't want out!" He screamed at me.
"But I want you to fucking stop for a god damn second and actually think this through, what happens the moment we get there and Mitchell calls the police? Huh? Are you going to fight those guys to?! Are you going to go to prison over something the court could of fixed ten times easier than what we're fixing to do?" He demanded.

I glared softly.
"I think our brothers are worth spending some years in prison over if the price is right, that shouldn't even be a hard thing to even think about and I have been thinking." I took his hands off my chest as I stared at him.
"I've been thinking this whole entire time how I'm going to go in there with fists swinging and how heroic we're going to look saving Rhys, Devin and Urie." I looked at him frowning softly.
"You've been over thinking everything like usual." I told him and his face molted red.

"If this backfires you'll be the one to blame-"
"I'll fucking take the blame then!" I snapped.
"Why? Why are you so prepared to be thrown away the moment our brothers actually see you being the good guy?!" He yelled at me with knitted brows.
"Why do you want to be put behind bars where they'll never see you? Why do you have to shut yourself out for being good?" He glared at me and my chest grew tight seeing the tears in his eyes.
"Why the hell can't you save yourself the moment you save them?" He asked me.

"Excuse me siblings acting more like a couple? Yeah we're burning daylight." Abel interrupted.
I flashed the other a glare who shrugged getting back in his jeep shutting the door.

"Let's just get there and see where this goes." I brushed his tears away as he glared slapping my hands away.
"Stop acting soft towards me it's actually gross, save that for when we get our brothers back and you're not behind bars for punching a cop." He whipped around and got back in the jeep without anything else said.

I got back into the jeep with Briar and Nick who were looking at me suspiciously but I ignored their looks and focused on the goal ahead of us.
"Does anyone else have any pent up anger they want to release before we get there?" Abel began to drive again and I pushed myself into the seat glaring softly at the floorboard.
"I guess not." He answered continuing to drive ahead.

"We'll stop here for the night." Nathan walked out of the office from a hotel with two cards, he handed Abel one who stashed it in his pocket.
"If those two hadn't had a couples brawl-"
"Stop calling it that!" I growled as Abel smirked.
"Why are you getting so offensive?" He teased and I really wanted to kill him.
But not as bad as I wanted to kill Mitchell.

"Let's just get our rooms and go to sleep, the sooner we sleep the faster we can get to the guys." I stormed inside the hotel looking for our room.

"So who's sleeping with who? There's two bed's in each room and there's eight of us." Nick crossed his arms.
"I mean we're all pretty close so we could snuggle-"
"Please don't say snuggle, some of us are straight and not all of us are into another guys junk on our asses or crotches." Cody glared at Cole who raised his hands in defense.
I smirked softly.

"I have no problem bunking with Briar." Nathan looked to the other who shrugged but Jason looked bothered about it.
I blinked but rolled my eyes.
"Actually Nathan, pouty over here already claimed his boyfriend, you'll have to try again at the grab machine." I told him.
Nathan blinked and Briar looked to Jason who was glaring at me but his expression grew soft looking at Briar who smirked walking over to the other.

"Wait-- you two are dating?!" Cody looked at Jason who looked guilty but he nodded.
"It's a long story-"
"We were drunk-"
"Correction, you were drunk." Jason arched a brow at the other and my god the fucking sass in him ignited with that look.

Cody made a face.
"So Cody get's the couch." Nick smirked his arm falling over my shoulders and I scowled looking at him.
Nick glanced to me smirking.
"What? You don't wanna bunk with me?" He pursed his lips and I smacked the others face.
"Nick's with me." I pulled him into the room followed in by Abel and Cole.

"Alright cool we got the fun group but too bad for you guys, sleep's more important than communicating, goodnight." I threw myself onto the bed and got under the covers.
I pushed my face into the pillow waiting for the lights to turn off.
I lied there until the bed shifted and Nick was laying behind me.
It felt like forever before someone decided to hit the lights and that's when I felt it.

Nick's chest pressed to my back and he pulled me closer.
I dug my nails into the bed.
"Just for tonight." He buried his face in my neck and I tried not to get angry.
Don't look at this like I'm some closeted gay.
I'm not.
I was as straight as they came.
But Nick?
He was a cuddler.
I found that shit out the first night he crashed over and tried to cuddle.
I busted his lip but apologized right after.

If this was a girl's chest on my back it would probably be a lot better.
But it wasn't.
It was my best friends.
I guess that means no sleep for me.
I could really go for some alcohol right about now.

"Did you sleep any last night?" Abel arched a brow as we sat inside the diner right beside the hotel the next morning.
I felt like death and this was Nick's fault.
I let my guard down and he takes advantage of the shit.
This was the absolute worst.

"I mean I got an hour or two but something was keeping me from sleeping so I'll probably shut my eyes in the car." I rubbed them before hissing at the sound of something loud hitting the table.

"Oh sorry darling didn't mean to scare ya." I looked up at the waitress who was smiling apologetically before placing everyone else's meals down.
"It's fine." I looked at my coffee then to her.
"Could I get another refill?" I asked.
She smiled.
"Sure hun I'll bring it right out, is there anything else you'd like?" She questioned.
To be my wife maybe?
"No, that's it. Thanks." I looked down at my eggs and bacon to only feel my stomach twist.

"Jack?" Cole arched a brow looking at me.
"Fuck." I covered my mouth and ran to the back where the restrooms were.
Nothing came up as I bent over the toilet holding my stomach as my eyes burned painfully.
I couldn't stop thinking about last night.
My body was burning and I felt disgusted with myself.
I needed a shower.
A hot one.
I know that wouldn't change the fact I actually let Nick snuggle up against me.
But fuck!
I refused to be haunted by this.

I closed my eyes and everything felt cold.

"You want to what?"
Caleb smirked sitting across from me on the bed.
"I know we're both straight and all but we could at least see the hype on what it's like to kiss a guy, you never know. When we start going to those parties, you might find a cute boy-"
"Fuck off." I smirked at the brunet who grinned deviously.
"Come on Jackie~ it's just a smooch. It's not like it's going to kill you." He bit his lip.
"Are you sure you're straight?" I arched a brow.
His brown eyes flickered.
"As straight as a board." He moved closer and we were inches away from each other.
"It doesn't have to be a long kiss, just a peck." He told me and my stomach twisted.
"This goes to our graves, if you say anything-"
"We'll drag each other down if either of us speak because we won't be innocent and not a lot of people will believe us if it slipped any way but come on, before someone walks in." His eyes fell on my door and my heart was in my throat.
"If this is gross, I'm punching you in the dick." I warned and he smirked.
"Are you sure you're not gay?" He asked and before I could respond his lips were pressing to mine.

Pins and needles shot everywhere but I didn't exactly hate it?
"Wow you're red!" Caleb laughed and I tried to hide my face glaring.
"Shut the fuck up you suck." I spat.
"Oh come on don't be like that, Jackie~ it wasn't that bad." He shrugged and my heart was racing.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Caleb glanced to me and he smirked softly.
"Wanna do it again?" He suggested.

"Jackson? Jackson are you okay?"
My eyes shot open sitting on the toilet and Jason's voice brought me back.
I stepped out and he backed up frowning.
"Cole said you got really pale, are you-"
"I'm fine." I pushed past him and began to wash my hands before splashing my face with the water to cool down.
Why did I have to think about that now?
Especially now of all times?
I frowned deeply turning to him.

"Are they ready?"
"You haven't even touched your food-"
"I'm not hungry." I lied hearing my stomach growl but I wanted to sleep after that.
The lack of it was driving me fucking nuts apparently.

"Don't wake me until we get there." I dropped my shirt over my eyes and was relieved it blocked out the light.
I just needed an hour or two.
Anything that could prepare me for this.

It felt like forever before the jeep's engine turned off and I could hear whispering around me.
"Jackson, we're here." I heard Briar tell me and everything began to ache seeing that old house in my view.
There was two other cars here and it was rubbing me in all the wrong ways.

"Don't tell me.." Jason looked around before hopping out.
"Don't tell me they knew we were coming?" He looked like he was in distress already as I got out next but could hear the unpleasant sound of moaning.
I looked around and everyone seemed bothered by this before a old car drove up and this creep paused next to us.

"Are you guys here for the ad as well?" He asked.
Abel glared softly.
"What ad?"
The man looked at his phone.
"This guy was running low on money and apparently he put these guys up for sale to-"
He was cut off by a pained scream and my eyes grew wide at how fast Abel slammed his door shut.
"That was Devin's scream." He growled then glared at the creep.
"I suggest you drive your ass back from where ever you came from before I pull you out of that god damn piece of shit you call a car and fuck your face up." He headed for the driver side but the creep's eyes widened before he hit the reverse and practically flew out of here.

Abel grabbed his bat from the trunk and looked at us.
"If I go in there and if what I thinks going on, I'll kill Mitchell my god damn self." He came up to me.
"And if you try to stop me Jackson, I won't hesitate to kill you for getting in the way, those are your brothers." He growled heading for the house.

We were all following him but came to a stop the moment the door swung open and I felt sick.
Rodney stepped out zipping his jeans with a cigarette before his eyes fell on us.
"Oh that's sick." He laughed.
"You came to fuck your brothers?" He laughed but my eyes grew wide at how fast Abel ran up and the bat smashed itself into Rodney's ribs who howled in pain being thrown down.
"You sick fuck!" He swung down harder on Rodney's hand who yelled louder and soon enough.

We were surrounded.

"Well this doesn't surprise me." I glared harshly at the door as Mitchell walked out looking at us.
My brows knitted and I really wish I owned a gun.

I heard Urie scream and that was enough.
I ran up the stairs but a fist sent me back down into the yard and blood filled my mouth.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the shock that I just couldn't comprehend.
What sick person would let someone fuck their kids for money?

"Those are your kids!" Cole yelled and no one budged as Mitchell took a swig of the vodka.
"No," he burped.
"They're some sluts and it only took a few tries before they finally stopped screaming, well Rhys did." He shrugged.
The tears burned as I looked around.

"Where's Andy?" Nathan demanded.
Mitchell looked confused.
"Oh! Your spy who thought he was sly?" He looked around before his eyes fell on this hole that had fresh dirt piled on it.

"He was shot and killed last night, I'd apologize but I don't do that much these days." Mitchell shrugged and Nathan pulled out his gun his eyes full of rage.
"You killed my cousin and you don't think you should apologize?" He didn't hesitate before shooting Mitchell in the leg who screamed in pain falling down.
"You don't think you should apologize for practically kidnapping three kids and selling their bodies because you couldn't afford your fucking alcohol?" He shot him in the other leg.

"Fuck!" Mitchell screamed as Nathan towered over him with wide eyes.
"My fucking boyfriend is in that house of yours, the one you called a slut? Yeah no, that doesn't work for me. And I hate to kill you so soon because I'm sure Devin's boyfriend? Would also like to fucking bash your god damn face in." He shoved the gun against Mitchell's face.
"But maybe I'll go on a killing spree and save everyone else the effort of doing it, I don't mind prison, orange is actually my favorite color and if I get the death sentence for killing you fuckers for thinking for even a second, this shit was okay? Then that's the price I'll god damn pay if it means those boys go home to where they're safe and sound and away from pigs like you." He spit on the other glaring daggers and if looks could kill.
Mitchell would be dead.

"Before anyone does anything." Jason stepped up with tears streaming down his face before wiping them away.
"Let's get who we came for out of here." He looked to Nathan.
"If you see anymore of those guys? Beat them to fucking death if you have to." He told him his eyes on me.
Briar and Nick went with Nathan while Abel walked in with us looking around.

"Get out!" My neck nearly snapped hearing Urie before I ran into the room and this guy was on top of him.
My thoughts fell on Caleb and this push shoved me forward before I was ripping the guy off Urie and my fist was meeting his face over and over until there was blood on my knuckles and I was drenched in cold sweat.

I fell back onto my ass trying to breathe before my eyes fell on Urie who had his leg wrapped and the blanket was barely on him.
Tears fell and he wanted to reach but only cried in pain.
I moved first after almost slipping and brought him into an embrace.

"You guys are here, you're fucking here." Urie clung to me and everything ached.
He had bruises all over him.
"You should of known we'd come for you, like hell we're fixing to sit back and let someone like Mitchell steal you from us." I hugged him tighter and the tears burned.
"We're fucking brothers after all and the older ones are always supposed to take care of the younger ones." I told him.

"I came here to scold you." I turned around and there stood Lawson.
Glaring daggers at us but his eyes softened.
"But I'd rather congratulate you and get everyone out of here, the police are on their way, and this time? Mitchell is going away for a very long time, killing a person? That's manslaughter and he'll be in there longer than eight years." He walked up to us but his eyes were on Urie.

"Can you stand?" He asked him.
Urie shook his head.
"Rodney broke my leg when we ran the first day we got here." He told us and Lawson's jaw ticked.
"Well relax, uncle will be here shortly with the police and we'll get you to the hospital, all three of you." He finally hugged the other.

"And once everything is situated and you're okay, we're going home." His eyes fell on me.
"All of us and no one is going to jail over saving their brothers, uncle will make sure of that." He told me and I wanted to relax.
But I couldn't.
Not until I saw Mitchell and those guys walk away in handcuffs.

Lawson lifted Urie up who cried out in pain and I tried to support his left leg but honestly I think that was making it worse.
"It hurts, Lawson." Urie cried and Lawson's brows knitted walking out of the house.

Both Devin and Rhys were out here and they looked almost as bad as Urie did.
Except no bones were broken on either of them.
Devin looked up and immediately he was shooting to his feet and coming over to Urie.
Rhys stayed still and I walked over sitting beside the other in some kind of way for support.

Abel refused to leave Devin's side and the same way was with Nathan once he finished kicking ass and returned to the front to almost collapse seeing his boyfriend.
And soon enough.
The police came.
Following after uncle who came out first and as angry as he looked at us for ignoring him.
He looked so fucking relieved knowing the boys were okay in a sense.

"Mitchell Pierce you're under arrest for the murder of Andy Cross and for the abduction of Rhys, Devin and Urie Pierce. Anything you say can and will be used against you-"
The police officer walked Mitchell towards the car telling him the normal cop stuff before the sheriff walked up to us and removed his hat.

"That man will be going away for a very long time, it's possible it'll be a life sentence." He explained to us but no one looked bothered.
The sheriff cleared his throat.
"Our medic team wants to run a few tests on the three boys before they're brought to the hospital to get properly looked at and if needed, cleaned." He looked uncomfortable for a second.
"I am deeply sorry about all of this and from my understanding, Mitchell had a friend inside the court who stamped those papers declaring he could take them. It wasn't true at all."

"Wait." Jason looked at him.
"So does that mean..our uncle still has custody?" He sounded excited and I smirked softly.
The sheriff looked at our uncle before smiling softly.
"Yes son, your brothers are very much still in your uncles custody, unless the court says otherwise. They won't be leaving ever again." He told us and tears fell fast down my twins face who looked so fucking relieved.

Once we finally go home.
I already knew.
A lot had to change.
Starting with my relationship with my brothers.
And that meant.
Being actually nice to them.
This may be a lot harder than I thought it'd be.

Brotherhood.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang