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**Jacksons's Pov.**

"You want me to be what?" Jason questioned inside of his bedroom, he had just came home from the mall and his items he had purchased were still inside of the bags, untouched.
I leaned against the wall looking at the other.
"Open minded-"

"About what exactly?" Jason looked uneasy and that just made this so much harder to try to lay out on the table for him.
"About a sibling liking another sibling." I said slowly watching his expression and his brows knitted until his expression turned horrified.
"Oh god you're being serious, aren't you?" He asked me and I nodded frowning at him.
He rubbed his neck not really sure what to say or how to respond, his eyes fixated on me for a moment.
"What siblings? Do we know them?" He questioned.
I sucked in some air before moving away from the wall and looked at him.

"We do-"
"Well who is it-"
"Us." I said tightly and I wanted to scream from the look on his face.
He looked so confused and uncertain before the corners of his mouth twitched into a small smirk.
"Are you serious? Jackson, I'm your twin brother isn't that just a tad dis-"
"I know it's disgusting!" I looked away from him growing irritated the more I thought about it.
"I know it's not normal and I should be thrown in the nut house for even thinking about you like this." I came up to him and much to my relief, he didn't move.
He remained sitting on the bed but still looked uneasy about this conversation.

"So, what are you expecting from me? To go along with this? Jackson-"
"I'm not asking you to go along with anything just to be open minded." I placed my knee on the bed and he watched me.
"Wait, aren't you supposed to be straight?"
"I'm not putting a title on myself." I told him my eyes locked with his.
"I'd rather just see it as me liking someone without their gender mattering, if you're grossed out you should be pushing me away by now." I told him.
His face grew warm.
"Well part of me feels like you're seriously pulling my leg about this." He answered honestly.
My brows knitted.
"Close your eyes, Jason." I told him.
His brows knitted.
"Please."  I actually begged the other and his face turned red fast but with a shaky breath, he closed his eyes.
Inhaling sharply I slowly exhaled before leaning in and pressing my lips to his.

"DISGUSTING!" The room began to shake and crumble as we both broke apart from each other.
My blood ran cold at everyone who appeared in the small room before us.
All of our friends.
And my eyes burned.
Mom was there too.

And she looked the most disappointed.

"How could you do this?" She asked me.
"I thought you were better than this, Jackson!" She screamed and the walls fell down around us placing us out in some field surrounded by many unknown people all whispering with disgusted looks on their faces.
"Jason is your brother, god you're disgusting." Rhys glared at me and my heart began to pound.
No, what is this?
A fucking nightmare!

I looked around.
"I knew there was something wrong with you." I heard Lawson's voice next and it felt like ice burning through me.
"But to go as far as to want a relationship with your own twin brother? I'm lost on words, how could you do something so sick?" He asked me and I fell to my knees covering my ears.
"Shut up! Be quiet!" I screamed.

"Jackson." I looked up and Urie stood there in the center.
"I told you didn't I?" He came up kneeling down with a smile.
"I'd be your number one supporter." He lifted his hand where his index and middle finger were twisted together.
"I lied." He said and his expression turned angry all of a sudden.
I fell back on my ass scooting backwards until I felt legs against my back.
I looked over my shoulder and tears burned seeing Jason standing there crying.

"Our whole family hates us now! Because you wanted me to be open minded! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" He screamed.

I sat up fast drenched in sweat as my heart pounded hard against my chest.
Fuck me.
Why did I have to dream something like that?
I ran a hand through my now nasty hair before groaning in response.
I got out of bed before getting some clothes for the shower.

Today Jason wanted to tell our family our disgusting secret and after that dream?
I honestly didn't want him to tell them.
What happens if they respond like that?
I don't think I could take it.
Just like him, I think I'd want to stop living if they kicked us out of their lives.
But I did this.
I confused Jason and corrupted him into liking me more than a brother.
We were fucking dating because I was sick.
Maybe I need help.
I don't think twins normally date and if they do.
I wonder if they have to battle their inner thoughts like I'm having to do.
God this fucking sucks.
And what made it worse.
Urie fucking found out.
He said he supported us..

"Did you not get any sleep?" Jason questioned at the kitchen table with a casual conversation like this, I knew he was trying to ease the atmosphere between the two of us.
We were both nervous and everyone was present for once.
Even Quinn.
I frowned picking at my eggs.
"Just a real bad dream I guess, I'll probably take a nap later, I mean if we still have a home after this." I spoke lowly.

"Why would you say that?" Lawson asked frowning across from me as I pushed my plate aside and glanced to Jason then to everyone else.
"When we're finished eating there's something we need to talk about." I told them and I was feeling sicker by the minute just thinking about it.
Lawson looked at me confused then looked around.
"Well I think we're all done here? So let's move this conversation to the family room." He got up followed by Quinn.

Jason looked to me nervously and I wanted to hold his hand to try to reassure ourselves that this would all work out.
But I wasn't optimistic, I tried to be.
But it never worked out in my favor.

"So what are you needing to talk to us about?" Uncle Jacob questioned taking a seat and I remained standing while Jason sat on the edge of the couch beside Urie who knew what was going on but remained silent.
I inhaled sharply rubbing the side of my neck.
"So.. I recently found about two months ago, I'm not as straight as I thought I was, but I'm not putting a title on my sexuality so the first one who calls me gay, is getting punched in the mouth." I warned.
No one budged on any comments, they just listened.

I swallowed hard.
"Secondly I realized my head may also not be on as straight as I thought it was." 
"We all kind of knew that, Jackson." Lawson smirked and I wanted to play back like I usually would have, but my frowned told him what was coming out next, wouldn't be pretty.
"You're each going to be grossed out and my bags are already packed in my room because-" I inhaled sharply.
"Because I know no one in this room will support what I'm fixing to announce, no matter how good their heart is." My eyes fell on Urie and he wanted to speak up but Jason placed his hand on the others to silence him.

"What is it?" Uncle questioned frowning at me.
My eyes began to fucking burn and I hated that I was sharing this side of me in front of them.
I opened my hand in hopes that Jason knew that was his cue to take it.
I closed my eyes not ready to see anyone's expressions when I felt my twin take my hand.

"Jason and I are seeing each other as more than brothers, we're dating." I announced.

No one said anything.
The only sound I could hear was my heart pounding against my chest.

"Honestly?" I squinted before letting my eyes open to the sound of Lawson's voice.
He held a blank expression looking at me.
"I want to be more disgusted by this but I kind of saw this was coming?" He looked to the family but no one said anything.
He rubbed the side of his neck.
"You two started acting unnaturally close to each other about a month ago, I mean you were painfully obvious that you were seeing Jason more than a brother, because you don't realize it but when there are more than just you two in a room, we can see your eyes travel." He explained and my face lit on fire.
Lawson smirked but it fell quick.

"I'm not necessarily for this? But I'm not fixing to tell you two to stop seeing each other, even if it is kind of weird?" He looked to uncle who had been staring at us both.
"Is that why you made that comment about being kicked out earlier?" Uncle asked me getting up with his arms crossed.
"You thought I was going to kick you out for dating Jason?" He came up to me and my face burned.
"Shouldn't you be disappointed? Disgusted? Uncle you're a gay christian man who goes to church on Sunday's! Be angry with us, please!" I begged him.

Uncle just stared at me before chuckling.
"Oh Jackson, you're right on that, I am a christian man but I'm also gay who sins every day, I have no right to judge who you like, even if it is Jason." He arched a brow.
"Sure your mom may of said something different about this relationship the two of you fell into, but like your family in this very room. I don't think she would of hated you, or even tossed you out." He smiled softly looking at me.
"Who do you think your mom was up until now?" He asked me and my chest ached painfully as the tears swelled in my eyes.
He pulled the two of us closer and hugged us both.

"She would of made sure you two were absolutely certain this is what you wanted, no one in this room can tell you who you can love, not even God himself, if I'm lying he can strike me down any minute because my word is true when I say this." He looked at us.
"Even though you're not religious, he still loves you. Just like everyone in this room will still love you, and you both still have a roof over your head. I'd like to think if I kicked my sister's sons out for falling in love, she'd come down from Heaven and whack me over the head with her shoe, she was pretty good at that growing up." He pulled back from the embrace.

"I'm supporting the two of you as your uncle and as your guardian, I mean this may take some getting used to, but no one will stop you from seeing each other, so loosen up and go on about your day. You should know by now, this is a very supportive home, and when people find out and start to talk about how I allowed incest in my home? Let them talk because that's all it is, is talk. You're both grown so they can't do anything, and if they try something? Do what's in your blood, punch them in their mouth." He winked at me and I smiled softly.

"Unless of course it's a cop, then don't do that." He grinned as I exhaled slowly but there were two more voices we hadn't heard from.
Rhys and Devin.
And they had both been dead quiet ever since I announced this.

"I don't support it." Rhys looked at us with a shrug.
"I love you both and I won't ever hate you, but what you're doing? I'm sorry but I can't make myself support it, you're free to like who you like and I won't judge you, but please don't shove it down our throats that you're dating." He looked around.
"They may not of said it so I will, what you're doing? It's wrong but I know my opinion won't change how either of you feel, so while you're around me please just act like brothers and not.. partners, I can't stomach the idea of seeing the of you two kissing, I feel like I'd only snap because it's not right to me." He shrugged frowning.

"We understand Rhys and thank you for being actually honest like you always are." Jason looked at him and Rhys nodded looking away.

"Devin? Do you have an opinion?" Lawson questioned.
Devin ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it to be honest? I mean I agree with Rhys that this isn't right what you're doing, but I love you both a ton even if Jackson tries to drown me sometimes, but that's his way to show me he cares-"
"No I really am trying to drown you-"
"But I don't want you two walking around being awkward so if you want to be like that, I'll try to support it but it's really weird to me.. but you're my older brothers and we're supposed to try to support each other in whatever way we can, even if it is wrong." He glanced to Rhys who rolled his eyes looking away.

I relaxed as Devin glanced to Urie.
"What about you?" He asked.
Urie blinked before smirking.
"Oh I already knew, we talked last night." He shrugged and Devin made a face.
"So.. you support it?" He questioned.
Urie looked back to us and my dream was coming back to haunt me.

"Yes." He answered honestly.
"I support them both if they want to date then by all means," he shrugged.
"Like uncle said, no one can tell them they can't date. And as the youngest brother, I want to support them in whatever way I can." He explained crossing his arms looking at us.
"I see them no differently than how I've always seen them, even though Jackson is still a huge jerk." He shrugged.
I smirked softly at that.
"And I'm still not understanding one thing." His brow arched at Jason.

"I know you said he makes you happy, but again. Why Jackson?" He asked and this annoyance rolled over me.
"I would also like to know." Quinn finally spoke up looking at us but I saw no judgement in her eyes looking at us.
"I thought you were seeing Briar?"
"He was a cover up." Jason told her.
She made a face.
"So you'd rather see someone like Jackson than you would someone like Briar?"

"Can we not talk about me like I'm not here?" I asked glaring.
Quinn blinked but she smirked softly.
"I'm sorry I'm just curious to know how this even happened, like everyone in this room I'm not judging I just want to know, how Jason caved into the idea of seeing you as his partner not his brother." She stated.

Jason nibbled his lip.
"Well for starters, he cornered me-"
"Do not say it like that!" I glared.
Jason smiled softly.
"You know I'm joking calm down," his eyes fixated on everyone else.
"It was a month ago and it took a lot of thinking and throwing up, I'm not kidding I got sick over the idea but then.." his face grew warm and I felt myself twitch before my face grew red.
"Okay we don't need the details, anyway." 
He nodded.
"Right, well after a lot of thinking and actually doing, I came to see a different side of him and it's just kind of stuck? I mean we had to be cruel towards Rhys, Devin and Urie." He looked to them.

"I am sorry about yesterday when you asked me out of the blue if we were seeing each other, I got scared and I panicked, you guys could never disappoint me and if I hurt your feelings-"
"I mean I did cry a little." Devin shrugged.
"No big deal."
"It's true." Urie nodded.
"He did cry because he thought you both hated him." He told us and my brows knitted.

Jason frowned deeply.
"I'm sorry Devin."
"It's fine I just wish you would of just came out and told us yeah instead of freaking out like we were going to stone you to death, we all should know by now this is our home and even siblings dating each other is weirdly allowed." He said.

"No one else is into each other are they?" Lawson looked uncomfortable but relieved as soon as the others shook their heads.
"I'm still seeing Ryder." Urie shrugged.
"And we're still seeing Abel and Madison." Rhys told him.
Lawson nodded and relaxed.
"Okay I can handle that then, so was this it?" He questioned getting up.

I nodded as he came over to us and it surprised me when he hugged us both.
"You're both a lot more braver than I am because I honestly don't think I could come out to our family in the way you two have, but you're both still deeply loved and nothing has changed, so you can sleep easier tonight knowing you still have a roof over your heads-"

"However." Uncle stepped back in with his arms crossed.
"Because you two are in fact dating the rule still applies that you'll sleep in your own rooms, just like when Abel, Madison or Ryder are over. There is a guest bedroom for them so you kids don't get any wild ideas, these walls are thin and we can hear everything, so don't think you're sly when it comes to being sneaky. This is a old house after all and I would hate to be the one to lock you in your rooms at night just to make sure that rule still applies, if you want to be cute, get yourselves a hotel room-"
"With what money?" I inquired.
He squinted his eyes at me.
"If you're wanting to be cute come find me and I'll give you my card, but under no circumstances will any of you have sex in this house! That goes for Lawson and Quinn as well, even if they're engaged, this home is pure and it will not be tainted by you horny children, why do you think I leave and don't return until the next day?" He asked us.

I made a face.
"Thanks for sharing." I looked at him.
He shrugged.
"Like I said this is a pure home and although what comes out of your mouths isn't, I will not stand for your bodily fluids being exchanged-"
"Whoa whoa okay uncle we get it." Lawson butted in laughing now at the scowl on our uncles face.
"Sex is forbidden in your home we get it." He rubbed his neck laughing as we all stood there flustered.

Devin blinked.
"Wait so if that's true," he turned to Quinn.
"How did you get pregnant?" He asked her.
She blinked.
"Oh that's.." she looked at Lawson and color drained from his face before nervously looking to uncle who's eyes grew wide.

"Lawson." He spoke lowly.
"Yes uncle?"
"Run." He grabbed his shoe and immediately Lawson bolted out the door laughing.

Leaving us all standing there laughing and I smiled softly as Jason leaned against me, nervously I took his hand and he squeezed it.
We were going to be okay.
And all of those nerves vanished fast.
I could openly see Jason.
And now that just leads to one thing we haven't done yet.
I need uncles card.

But that'll be for another time.
I don't want to be added to his to kill list.
Like Lawson.
The poor jerk.

Still though.
Better him than me.

Brotherhood.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant