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*Eight years later.*

"Is that all of it?" Jackson complained looking around the yard while Jason held the trash bag, this exhausted look on both of their faces.
"I hope." He frowned as his attention fell on the porch where the two younger brothers were.
Devin was sweeping off the porch and Rhys was getting ready to mow the grass.
So where were Urie and Lawson?
Jason frowned deeply but decided not to investigate it.
They wouldn't be getting in trouble for those two.
Like hell were they worth it for that.
It's like Lawson told them.
We couldn't always lean on each other.
And for some reason.
Urie was the only one who ignored that idea.
He always leaned on them.
And always helped them in any way he could.
It was nice but it was also annoying.

Not to mention.
Jackson had a habit of taking advantage of that and forcing more chores on the youngest.
Jason thinks its because he's still holding onto the fact that their mom lost her life because of him.
But Jason was trying to not live in the past.
Urie was a great kid and it was their job as older brothers to protect the younger ones.
Especially Urie.
He was just too pure for this world.

"Damn it's hot." Jackson complained tying the bag up as he wiped the sweat away from his forehead, his eyes on the sky with a tired look.
"What else did that jack ass ask us to do while he was at work?" He frowned.
Jason pulled out the list.
"Well our chores are separated by name so the next thing-"
"Just give it here." Jackson snatched the list from the other scanning over it.

"Washing the car? He doesn't even drive that thing anymore, it broke down. Why the fuck.." Jackson crumbled the paper and tossed it.
"Dude." Jason made a face.
"We're literally picking up trash why the hell would you just throw more in the yard?" He demanded.
Jackson turned to him annoyed.
"Just finish this little bit up, I'll go get some soap and water. God this is fucking stupid." He stormed off towards the back of the house where the water hose would be.

Jason stood there before looking back to the other two.
"Have you seen Urie or Lawson?" He asked them.
Devin stopped sweeping as he ran a hand through his messy blond locks looking around.
"Haven't seen them since earlier when Lawson mentioned laundry." He told the other.
Jason blinked.
"Laundry?" He walked over to the trash can tossing the bag inside before heading up onto the porch.

Rhys turned to the two.
"Apparently Law wants Urie to do the laundry since he can't mow or rake for some reason? Hell if I know, its Law. Jase." He told him.
Jason frowned heading inside the hot house as he looked around.

"Law?" He called out to the oldest.
"On the back porch, Jason." He heard the other tell him.
Crossing his arms he walked through the house before stepping out on the back porch where the other two had been.
And sure enough.
Lawson had Urie washing the laundry in that old bucket.

His ear length brown hair was pushed back by a black band revealing his soft hazel blue eyes.
He looked focused and determined not to rely on anyone with this simple chore.
Sure you may get water blisters at the end of it all.
But it was better than a beating from their old man if they each didn't do a chore.

Lawson looked up from sitting on the steps.
"What's up?" The seventeen year old looked at him with an arched brow.
Jason crossed his arms.
"We were just seeing where you two had been, you do know that if the clothes aren't fully cleaned then dad's going to be pissed, right?" He questioned.
Lawson nodded.
"That's why I'm back here, Jase. Don't worry about that, have you guys finished your chores?" He asked him.
Jason shook his head.
"Jackson is getting the water ready for the car." He told the other.
Lawson made a face.
"So he was being serious about washing that old broken down car?" He frowned.
Jason shrugged.
"I guess, anyway. I have to get back out there before he gets home and beats some ass." He headed back inside.

Urie stared at the bucket full of clothes.
Lawson glanced to him.
"What is it?" He asked.
Urie nibbled his lip.
"It's nothing." He denied the idea of conversation real quick as he went back to scrubbing the clothes.
Lawson watched him for a minute before leaning back on the porch.
"I'm not going to bite your head off it you want to talk, Urie." He told him now.
Urie flinched.
"No, it's not that."
"Then what is it?" Lawson arched a brow looking at him now.
Urie looked down at the water frowning.
"I just feel like you guys don't really like me, is all." He whispered.

Lawson froze and his brows knitted.
"What? Urie you're our brother, of course we like you. Well in a more family sense, we love you." He told the other.
Urie frowned softly he wanted that to make him feel better, but it didn't.
"I think you're only talking for everyone.. I don't think Jackson and Jason are a fan of me." He frowned looking away now.

Lawson stood up and came over to the other.
"Listen to me Urie, I'll tell it to you honestly. Not everyone is as accepting about some things as you may like them to be, that includes being liked. If you want our brothers to like you, you have to get them to like you. Sitting alone and going off to moms grave isn't going to get anyone to like you that way, you have to pull your own weight as our youngest brother by letting them see the effort you make for them to like you. Does that make sense?" He looked at him.

Urie looked to him.
"I..I guess so, so you want me to stop being alone and start being more social towards them?" He questioned.
Lawson smirked softly.
"Yes, exactly. Devin and Rhys both like you because you three are closer in age, but it's also because you talk to them with no problems, that may be what Jackson and Jason both want. Do you think you could handle talking to them socially?" He asked.
Urie thought for a moment before nodding.
"I think I can handle it." He agreed.
Lawson smiled softly.
"Good, now let's finish up the laundry before you know who gets home and starts yelling." He told him.
Urie forced a smile with a nod.

Jason stood up with the rag looking towards the clouds that were coming in, he frowned.
"We need to wrap this up before the rain comes." He stated.
Jackson looked up at the sky with a scowl.
"Are you kidding me? The sky could of washed the car without us if that was the case." He hissed.
Jason smirked.
"Is that a chance you're willing to take though?" He asked his twin.
Jackson made a face.
"No." He grabbed the rag with a groan.

"Hey." The twins turned to the porch where Lawson and Urie was.
Urie looked nervous about something but it intrigued Jason to know what it was.
"Hey?" He smirked softly.
Urie looked to Lawson who nodded with his arms crossed as Urie came down and over to them with a rag of his own.
"Can I help you guys?" He offered.

Jackson blinked looking at the youngest then to Lawson.
"What did you give him to make him want to help?" He asked with crossed arms.
Lawson smirked in response.
"This is the kids doing, it wasn't my idea. How about you let him help you, he's got his own rag." He grinned.
Jackson studied Urie who hesitated on moving but Jason smirked now.
"I'm not going to pass this up, get over here then." He told Urie who's eyes lit up with a nod coming over to the two and began helping them wash the car.

Lawson took a seat on the edge of the porch in which Devin joined him.
"What's that about?" The second youngest questioned.
Lawson glanced to the other.
"I think Urie's trying to be more liked by our brothers so he's trying to be more social, especially towards Jack." He told the other.
Devin made a face.
"I thought we all liked Urie?" He frowned.
Lawson smiled softly.
"He didn't believe me so he's putting in the effort to see it for himself." He looked at the clouds with a frown.
"We do need to finish this up fast though," he thought for a minute before grinning.
"Grab a rag." He told the blond as Devin sighed getting to his feet before following after the other and before they knew it.
All five of them were washing one small car and arguing the entire time.

Rhys continued to mow as his blue eyes fell on the loud noise away from him.
Sighing he shook his head.
"Good grief." He smirked.

"I'm soaked!" Devin whined as Rhys went inside to grab some towels.
Jason grinned at the other.
"That was your own fault for kinking the hose, you know how Jackson gets when he's ready to finish up." He told him.
Devin made a face.
"Yeah but he also sprayed you guys." He pointed out.
"They were in my way." Jackson shrugged removing his shirt.
Jason watched the other before looking to Urie who was down to his briefs waiting for a towel.

"Thanks for the help, Urie." Jason said now as Urie flinched looking up at him as Jason smirked.
"We could of handled it on our own but I appreciate the extra help, it made it more fun I think." He grinned.
Urie blinked but then nodded with a soft yet shy smile.

"Who's showering first?" Rhys asked.
Lawson looked around.
"You three can go first, I need to talk to the twins." He told them.
Rhys arched a brow but didn't question it as Devin took Urie's hand and lead them towards the bathroom.

Jason turned to Lawson clearly confused with an arched brow.
"Why do you need to talk to us?" He asked him.
Jackson frowned as Lawson crossed his arms.
"It's about Urie-"
"Yeah about that." Jackson cut him off with a frown.
"What was that about today? Why did he suddenly want to help out with our chores?" He questioned.
Lawson looked at them.
"He feels like you guys don't like him, so he wanted to help in a way that'll make him look more social." He explained.

Jason made a face.
"I see." He looked to his twin as Jackson rolled his eyes.
"Whatever works for him-"
"Jack." Lawson frowned at him.
"He's trying so the least you can do-"
"The least I can do?" Jackson smirked.
"The least I can do can't bring mom back, try to remember he's the very reason she's dead." He spat storming off.

Lawson pinched the bridge of his nose as Jason frowned.
"You know Jackson is a hot head, Law.. not everyone is as accepting, I'm still trying to accept mom's gone and it's been eight years since then. I know Urie is our brother and I'll always love him." He hesitated on his choice of words.
"But like Jack, I don't know if that small part of me will ever forgive the fact that she's gone because of him.. I know its not his fault, but if he hadn't been.." Jason stopped himself as his eyes began to burn.
"Never mind, I'm going to go find Jackson. See ya." He walked away from the oldest who sighed heavily.
"What a mess.."

"Ow." Urie hissed drying his hair inside the bathroom as Devin popped around the corner with a confused expression.
"Are you okay?" He questioned.
Urie shrugged rubbing his eye but stopped at the feeling of his wrist being pulled away.
Rhys stood there with a blank expression.
"You got soap in your eye." He pointed out grabbing a rag before pouring cold water on it before applying it to the others eye.
"Even as a eight year old, you still can't get properly cleaned without messing this much up." He teased as Urie's brows knitted.
"I thought I got it all." He complained.

Devin grinned.
"You're hopeless, Urie." He told the other.
Urie frowned remaining still.
"There, if it keeps hurting. Get some water and rinse your eye out." Rhys told the other with crossed arms.
Urie nodded.
"Thank you, Rhys." He stepped out of the bathroom to stop.

Both Jackson and Jason were there with towels before their attention fell on him.
"Why is your eye puffy?" Jason frowned with concern in his voice.
Urie went to rub his eye but stopped.
"I got soap in it." He told him.
Jason sighed softly.
"Isn't this the third time you've done that?" He asked.
Urie's cheeks grew warm.
"I-It's not intentional."

"Leave him alone, Jase. Not everyone is a clean freak and good at rinsing soap off." Lawson came up now with his arms crossed as he looked at Urie's eyes.
"Maybe don't apply so much soap next time, alright?" He suggested.
Urie nibbled his lip with a nod before walking past the three.

"What time is Mitchell supposed to get home?" Jackson asked at the dinner table.
Lawson scowled.
"What did I say about calling dad by his first name?" He frowned.
Jackson glared.
"Why does it matter? It's not like he calls us by our first names." He shrugged.
"That's not the point." Lawson frowned at him.
"He's still our dad." He told the other.
Jackson rolled his eyes in response as he stared at the steak and rice.
"Based on how he's treated us?" He looked around.
"I wouldn't call him much of a dad." He frowned.

As if on cue the front door swung open and the room fell silent.
No one dared to speak as the man walked into the kitchen.
His eyes locked on them.

"Just what the hell have you lazy ass kids been doing all day? There's a chore list for a fucking reason." He spat out.
Lawson looked up frowning.
"We did our chores." He defended.
Mitchell arched a brow.
"Oh really? Then why the hell is that car half ass washed and why the fuck is the grass not all the way mowed? Are you brats special huh? Do you need to be sent off to where special kids live?" He asked them.

"Sounds better than this." Jackson murmured quietly.
Mitchell's eyes locked on him.
"What was that?" He glared.
Jackson stared at his plate.
Mitchell came up to him frowning deeply.
"Repeat yourself boy and maybe I'll go easy on that ass beating you're fixing to get." He growled.
"That's what you damned brats never got enough of, ass beatings." Mitchell removed his belt as Jackson frowned at him.
"Yeah because we're just so horrible that's all you think we deserve." He hissed now.

"Get your ass up boy, I didn't work all day to come home to this pigsty for you to run that damned mouth of yours." Mitchell ripped Jackson to his feet who glared harshly.
"You should of died instead of mom." He spat now but only cried in pain falling to the floor after Mitchell's hand connected to his face.
"You'll watch your damn mouth." Mitchell hissed.

Lawson was at his feet glaring at the other.
Mitchell turned to him.
"What? Are you going to do something? Sit your ass down this doesn't concern you." He demanded.
Lawson glared.
"He's my brother of course it concerns me, you came home drunk again and you're only taking out your frustration on Jackson, so be a man and back off him. He's your son, we're your sons!" He snapped.

Mitchell's face had molted red.
"You've got some massive balls talking to your old man like that." He glared before looking down at Jackson.
"Get your ass up and get to your room, I'll be there shortly to deal with you." He told him.
Jackson remained on the ground holding his face as his eyes burned.
"Fuck you." He looked up at the other with so much hatred and anger in his eyes.

"Fuck me? FUCK ME?" Mitchell ripped Jackson off the floor and slammed him into the wall.
"Dad!" Lawson hissed running over to pry the other off the twelve year old.
"You've got a lot of fucking nerve you bitch." He snarled wrapping his hand around the others throat.
Jackson choked digging his nails into the others hands.
"Death would be a gift if it meant I got away from you." He managed to get out.

Mitchell glared squeezing down.
"Then let me end your suffering." He told him.
But came to a stop at the sound of a gun clicking behind him.

He looked over his shoulder and there stood his youngest.
Urie stood there tears streaming down his cheeks as he held the others pistol.
"L-Let Jackson go." He cried as his entire body trembled.
Mitchell watched him before smirking.
"Put the gun down Urie, you'll send yourself flying and get hurt, do you want that?" He asked him.
Urie's brows knitted as the tears fell.
"Y-You're hurting my brother, l-let him go." His hold on the gun tightened as he tried his best to glare but fear was more controlling.

Mitchell glanced to Jackson before finally letting the other go who fell into a coughing and wheezing fit, tears streaming down the others cheeks as he gasped for air.

Mitchell walked over to Urie who stepped back still holding the gun.
"Now Urie, put the gun down and maybe I won't beat yours or your older brothers asses for pissing me off." He told the other.
Urie's chest grew tight but he didn't lower the gun.

"Shoot him, Urie." Jackson demanded holding his throat as he glared harshly.
Urie swallowed hard as his hands began to tremble holding the gun.
"Shoot him!"
"Stop yelling!"

"Give me the gun you little shit." Mitchell reached but pain struck him as the gun went off and a bullet shot into the adults stomach.
Mitchell stood there in shock as Urie dropped the gun and more tears fell.
"I-I-" He stepped backwards stumbling before falling onto the ground as his dad did the same.

No one moved except Devin who called the police soon after.

"Did I kill him?" Urie's eyes were locked on his dads body as he sat in that same spot.
Lawson looked to him.
"No, he's still alive but once the police get here. He'll be going away for a very long time, don't worry." He told him.
Urie's brows knitted as the tears fell before he looked over to the twins.
Jackson's eyes fell on him and Urie relaxed seeing the gratitude in the others eyes.

They all felt relieved hearing the sound of police sirens as they headed to the door to wait outside.
Urie practically cradled himself.
Even if it felt like his brothers didn't like him, they were far better than that man ever was.

"She should of aborted all of you brats when I told her to." They all froze at the sound of Mitchell's voice.
He was back on his feet with the gun Urie had dropped earlier.
They felt like deer caught in headlights as he held the gun aiming it right at Urie.
"And you, I think I'll start with killing you first, you piece of shit." He growled firing the gun.

"Urie!" Urie gasped as Jackson tackled the other knocking him out of the way and immediately two more rounds were heard.
A police officer stood there with wide yet angry eyes as she held the gun looking at Mitchell's body who lost consciousness completely.

"Are you boys okay?" She asked them worried.
They all looked to each other before looking at her in shock.
She frowned walking over to Mitchell's body, handcuffing his hands behind his back.
Two more cops walked in and escorted the boys outside where their uncle had been waiting.

Immediately Devin ran over hugging him as their uncle looked at Lawson.
"You'll be moving in with me." He told them and no one argued, no one complained.
To them this felt like real freedom.

Just hopefully.
It lasts.

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