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**Devin's Pov.**

It's been about a month since Urie's boyfriend left for Texas and it's been about two weeks since Urie declared he was single.
Everyone was pretty happy that the kid broke it off with Nathan.
We all knew the relationship between those two never would of worked out.
Yeah sure it was cute seeing them trying to make it work?
But the closer the time got for Nathan's flight.
The more aggravated those two became with each other over it.
Urie was being pretty wishy washy with what he wanted.
And those selfish needs returned so he pretty much started begging Nathan not to leave.
Which lead to this huge argument that blew up in both their faces when Lawson stepped in.
Nathan went alone to the airport that day and a few days after.
Urie broke up with him over the fact he learned quickly that he wouldn't be able to see him as often as he wanted.
Plane tickets weren't cheap.
And uncle wasn't fixing to buy his ticket every time.
Not to mention.
No one wanted to go to Texas.
No offense Texan's.

So Urie was back to his normal high school life with the rest of us and of course I had to keep a sharp watch on him because he started to hang out with a few of the seniors who were far from good news.
Well more along the lines of.
Bad influences on Urie and his innocence.
At least I think Urie is innocent?
I don't think he's done anything...

I got off the couch which only startled Jason who was reading his book before glaring.
"What are you doing jumping up like that?" He hissed.
I stared at the other.
"I need to ask Urie a personal question-"
"You can't ask one of us?" Jackson walked in with a bottled water.
"It's not that kind of personal question, it's about him." I threw my hands up and headed out of the room not even realizing the twins were following behind me due to their curiosity.

I walked up to Urie's door knocking before allowing myself in.

"Urie, I need to know-"
I paused dead in my tracks at the scene before me.
Urie was on his knees in front of one of those guys he brings home to hang out with.
But they were both completely dressed and no one's dick was out.

"Get out!" Urie screamed with his face burning.
The guy in front of him just started laughing hiding his face with his hand.
"This is fucking awkward." He laughed, they were both a blushing mess.

"Are you guys..stuck?" Jason stepped in past me with an arched brow.
"Yes." Urie whined.
"I dropped my phone and when I went to pick it up my shirt got stuck on Ryder's zipper, how that happened, don't fucking ask because we're both still in the dark about it." He groaned tugging.

"Well don't tug you'll ruin your shirt." Jason scolded coming over to the two.
"Don't move." He instructed having no problem getting in the middle of them.
Urie frowned deeply before Jason finally managed to set the two free and Urie got his feet.
"Thanks." He murmured.
Jason glanced to him then to Ryder.

"Are you crashing over here again?" He questioned.
Ryder shook his head.
"Nah my little sister's pretty clingy not to mention she gets jealous if I stay gone longer than promised, I may crash this weekend if you guys don't care." He shot Urie a look who flinched but seemed nervous about something.
My brow arched at that.

"I don't see that being an issue as long as you guys aren't super loud, you know how Rhys is about his sleep." Jason pointed out with crossed arms.
Urie nodded.
"You're basically waking up a demon if he doesn't get his full eight hours." He stated.
Jason nodded as Ryder got to his feet.

"Well now that I'm free, thank you by the way, I think I'm going to head home. Oh yeah Urie," he unzipped his bag before pulling out a white folder.
"These are the notes for Chemistry that you missed out on, just meet me at the lockers tomorrow before the first bell but make sure you study like hell. You know how Mrs.Turner is." He said now.
Urie took the folder with a nod.
"Yeah thanks." He sat it aside as Ryder studied him then met our eyes with a smile.
"See you guys later." He said walking out.

"Alright baby brother, spill." 
I didn't even see Jackson move forward before he was in front of Urie shoving him on the bed looking down at the other.
"What's going on with you two? It's been two weeks since you broke up with dick face and almost a week and a half talking to that fuck boy wanna be. He's not after your ass is he?"
"Dude!" Urie got back up with a scowl.
"No he's not after my ass and if he was it's not your business to begin with." He shot with his face burning now.
"I think it is my business if he has you looking like a damn tomato." Jackson pointed out.

"It's called flirting! Jesus." He walked into the bathroom linked to my bedroom before closing the door and locking it.
"Well what was with that look he gave you earlier when he said he may crash over this weekend? He looked like he was expecting something." I said now.
"God could you guys be a little less observant with things?" Urie pulled the door open with his face still flushed.
"We're just curious about your relationship-"
"We're friends." Urie frowned at Jason.
"Friends who get hung on zippers?" Jackson arched a brow.

"Oh my god, Lawson!" Urie stormed out of his room to only be followed by us.

"Are you guys bullying, Urie?" Quinn stepped out of the kitchen looking to the sixteen year old who frowned at her.
"Yes they won't leave me alone, where's Lawson?" He asked her.
Quinn blinked.
"He had to go close the restaurant, the one who usually does it called in so they're having to rely on Law, he should be back shortly." She told the other.
Urie frowned.

"Why are you guys bullying him?" Quinn arched a brow at us and my god the mom in her came out with that expression.
"We're not." Jackson denied.
"We're just wanting to know his relationship with Ryder." He told her.
Quinn arched a brow.
"But, isn't that his business?" She smirked as Jackson squinted his eyes at her.
"We're his brothers we should be informed about things like that." He argued.

Quinn looked to Urie.
"Just wait til Lawson gets home, he'll settle this." She smiled reassuringly at the other.
Urie only made a face.
"What about uncle-"
"He's at one of his friends house, you know he does have a life as well that doesn't involve being here twenty four seven." Quinn grinned.
Urie's face fell.
"Fuck." He groaned walking away from us now.

Rhys stepped out of his room.
"What's going on?" 
Urie looked at him.
"Thanks for being normal." He walked past the other and back into his room.
Rhys arched a brow.
"What did you guys do?"

"Oh, you're wanting to know if he's dating Ryder." We were in the family room drinking tea while he sat on the couch leaning back.
"They don't really scream a couple to me, in school they're far from it." He shrugged.
Jason made a face.
"So you think we're just reading too much into it?" He questioned.
"That's what I think but I also think you're invading his privacy, if he wanted you guys to know if him and Ryder were dating, I'm pretty sure he'd tell us. But you guys prying like that isn't going to make him want to open up about it, he'll just keep shutting you guys out over news like that." He got up with the tea tray.
"So just back off him some I mean he did just end that relationship with Nathan, and sure after a relationship ends you tend to flirt with others or even go after rebounds, but I think Urie is just looking without acting." He turned to us from the archway.
"But trust me, when he's ready to open up about anything regarding his relationship with anyone, he'll tell you." He told us before leaving the room.

I looked to the others as Jason rubbed the side of his neck.
"He's right." He sighed softly with a smile.
"I thought it'd be nice if Urie was actually moving forward with this Ryder kid, but we are invading his privacy." He got up as Jackson's eyes followed him.
"So we're backing off?"
"We're backing off and apologizing, Devin." Jason looked at me as I groaned.
"See if you two didn't follow me earlier then this wouldn't be so awkward now, but yeah." I got up.
"Let's go apologize."

We were half way to his room when the sound of him talking stopped us all.

{"No if you keep it shallow like that you'll never really feel it, was that literally the only thing you could find in your room?"}
That was Ryder's voice..
"It was but I don't usually do things like this, it feels weird.."
{"It's going to feel weird with you not even having the proper things, this is why you should of just came over here."} He complained.
"The guys aren't really..."

I wasn't even sure why and I felt weird hearing it.
But the sound that escaped from him made my face heat up.
Urie was moaning.

{"Ah see you hit it."}
"I don't like how it feels though." Urie whined.
{"Again if you had just came over-"}

"Alright I can't." Jackson walked past us before his fist hit Urie's door as hard as he could.
My eyes grew wide before watching the other go into his own room.
It got quiet in Urie's room and Jason practically forced me in his room the moment Urie swung his door open.

"What do you fucking want?" He demanded.
No one said anything.
"Jesus fucking..fuck!" He slammed the door shut locking it next.

Jason's chest was against mine with his hand over my mouth looking out the crack of the door.
"Okay, we're good." He opened the door and my face was flushed.
"Were they-"
"Yes and that's our cue to drop this completely." He told me and I could see that his own cheeks were pretty pink from that.
It was far from expected.
And I hated myself for thinking it.
But he sounded cute..

It was awkward as fuck the moment it was time to eat.
We were all present and Urie refused to talk to the three of us.
He had no problem talking to uncle, Lawson or Rhys.
But us?
We were like the plague.

Lawson looked up from his pasta with an arched brow.
"Did you guys have a fight? Why's it so quiet?" He frowned now wiping his mouth looking at us.
Quinn looked up as well before her eyes fell on Urie who was turning into a blushing mess again.
"Can I be excused? I'm not hungry." He pushed his plate forward and uncle looked at him frowning.
"Really? But this is your favorite dish, Urie." He frowned.
Urie frowned.
"I know and thank you for making it uncle, I'm just not hungry." He shrugged frowning.
Lawson's brows knitted.
"Sure Urie." He watched the other get up shyly before making his way out of the room.

"What did you idiots do now?" Lawson asked us glaring now.
"We didn't do crap!" Jackson snapped.
"We just wanted to know about his relationship with Ryder but decided to back off but then we heard him basically having phone sex so now hes-"
"Whoa whoa whoa, he was doing what?" Lawson made a face.
"We really don't need  repeat." Quinn wiped her mouth getting up as well now as he frowned.
"Where are you going?" He asked her.
She looked at us.
"As the only woman in the house we tend to have a talent on talking to kids without making the situation worse, so if you'll excuse me." She thanked uncle for the meal and made her way out of the room.

"You know its serious when Quinn's having to involve herself." Lawson rubbed his temples.
"And now her big news is being put on hold because you guys just had to make it awkward for the kid. You know it's normal to masturbate and stuff like that, so leave him be. If he's quiet about it and no one's hearing him, then don't talk about it. That's awkward as hell." He got up.
"I'll go be her back up support in case it gets bad, thanks uncle." He left the room and those two felt more like parents than anything now.
They were just missing the kid part.

Quinn walked down the hall with her arms crossed before knocking on Urie's door.
"Go away!" She heard him snap but she smiled softly.
"It's just me, Urie." She told him on the other side.
She stepped back when he unlocked the door peeking out.
"What do you want?" He asked her calmly but curiously.
"I just want to talk, can we do that?" She smiled softly.
He frowned hesitating but managed a nod anyway.

She walked in looking around his room.
"So kiddo, can you tell me what's going on? Or well what has you so flustered and irritated today?" She asked.
Urie nibbled his lip as if thinking about telling her.
He ran a hand through his hair.
"It's embarrassing." He told her.
She smiled soflty.
"Trust me I've been told and seen some embarrassing things, I'm almost positive this won't cut the cake." She reassured the other.

His eyes fell on her before sighing.
"I want to have..." his face molted red with embarrassment before grabbing his pillow and shoving his face into it.
She made a face.
"You want to have..?"
It was muffled but she heard him say it clear as day.
He wanted to have sex.
And honestly that was normal for a teenager his age.
They all got urges and wants.
And he finally hit his point of knowing what he wanted.

"That's not embarrassing at all, Urie." She told him as he lifted his head.
"It's not?"
She shook her head smiling.
"Not at all kiddo, it's perfectly normal to want to have sex, but it's also a pretty personal thing. I mean you have to think about it and to make sure it's what you want, you don't want to have sex with just anyone, because giving yourself away to a stranger ruins that exciting moment for you. Because all they're wanting is sex." She explained.
Urie looked at her before nibbling his lip.
"So hooking up is-"
"Urie I can't tell you how to live your life or how to give away your v card but in my opinion? Having sex with someone you really like is more special rather than throwing yourself away like you just don't care." She looked at the other.

"Because once it's gone, that's it. You can't get that moment back, that's why you need to make sure something like that is what you're wanting, you don't need to give yourself away to just anyone." She smiled softly.
"Is Ryder the guy you're wanting to have sex with?" She asked him now.
His face turned red.
"I.. I don't know.. I think I want to-"
"He's not pressuring you is he?" She frowned and he shook his head fast.
"No! It was my idea and that's kind of why he's been over so much.. we've been trying to..prep but the guys keep interrupting us and it's gotten frustrating because I know I want to have sex.. but.." He looked away and her expression softened.
"But you don't know if you're wanting your first time to be with him?" She asked.
His eyes burned.

"I wanted my first time to be with Nathan." He looked at her and the tears slipped.
Her brows knitted.
"Oh kiddo." She reached for him and was grateful he didn't pull away.
He only sobbed as she rubbed the back of his head frowning softly.
"I'm sorry sweetie I know that kind of thing hurts and I'm sure it sucks, but maybe you two didn't have sex for a reason?" She brushed his tears away and he looked so hurt.
"Maybe something was telling you both that you weren't meant to have sex and that's why Nathan left." She explained but the words only hurt him more as the tears fell.

"I miss him,  Quinn." He cried harder and she frowned hugging the other before dialing her fiance's number telling him to come into the room for her back up.

After Lawson got the phone call we were all in Urie's room.
He was still crying before Jackson pulled him off Quinn who got to her feet and crossed her arms.
"The heart break finally hit him, this is up to you guys." She placed her hand on Lawson's chest.
"He really misses Nathan, maybe we could arrange for something so they can see each other? I understand they broke up, but they can still be friends." She told him.
Lawson looked at her then to his youngest brother who's head was in Jason's lap and his legs were on Jackson who wasn't complaining, surprisingly.
"Quinn he needs to let go-"
"Thanks baby." She kissed his cheek and he blinked before groaning.

I sat on the foot of the bed as Urie just lied there.
"I just want Nathan to come back.. I was okay with it at first.. but then everything just started dawning on me, and now everything sucks.." He gripped the sheets frowning deeply with knitted brows.
"He isn't going to fly back here with him starting that job." Lawson crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry Urie but as your older brother I'm going to have to put my foot down about this, I know Quinn suggested a meet up, but don't you think that if he wanted to see you, he'd call you?" He questioned.
Urie's brows knitted as the tears fell.
"Really, Law?" Rhys frowned at him.

Urie wiped his eyes sitting up.
"He has been calling me but I've rejected his call each time because I wanted to m-move on.." He stared at his phone that was shut off.
"Fuck, Urie.." Jason looked at him.
"You can move on and still talk to that person." He told him.

"Especially when they're right here."

No one moved as our eyes grew wide at the door where the guy himself was standing, his bags in hand with his eyes locked on Urie who refused to move with wide teary eyes.
Nathan dropped his bags.
"I couldn't do the job." He laughed.
"I got there and was like, what am I even doing? The greatest thing I was ever given is back in Riverside, but I tried so hard to make that job work. And when you called me telling me it was over, I got so angry that I quit my job and bought a ticket to move back home." He walked right up to Urie who got to his feet trying not to cry.
"You're more worth it to me than some job is and I know that shit's cheesy but fuck, I really do love you and I couldn't let the idea of you go, so here I am. Back to square one." He cupped Urie's cheek who looked at him so confused.

"You moved back for.. me?"
Nathan smirked softly.
"I guess so? I'm here aren't I?" He asked and immediately Urie's arms were wrapping around the other and Nathan was embracing him just as much, neither of them letting the other go.

"Let's give them a minute." Rhys suggested but we all stopped when Urie's door flew open and Quinn stood there grinning widely at all of us.
My eyes fell on this white stick in her hand.

"We're having a baby!" She exclaimed.
Lawson stood there with wide eyes but anyone could tell that he knew.
She was just waiting for the right moment.
And I do believe.
This was the right moment.

Nathan was home.
Quinn was pregnant.
What did that mean for Ryder?
Would he be okay being tossed aside now that Nathan was here?
Or would he step up and fight for Urie as well?

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