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//Hey guys! CkR here so after a lot of thinking and stressing out over it, this story may contain coughincestcough, and I completely understand if you guys stop reading this story afterwards, I just wanted to try something new and it's not like I've heavily implied incest would exist in this story, because for the longest I fought against it and was like, the readers will never be for it. You'll lose them, but I've read stories with incest and the readers seem to enjoy it? I don't know massive mixed messages I guess, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Hey, I'm thinking about throwing in incest because you either go big or you go home, and if you guys hate it.
Then I'm sorry, but if you're wild like me who doesn't care what's thrown in as long as it's entertaining, then sit back and enjoy the rest of this story.

**Jason's Pov.**

"I just want to know who did it?" I held up the white shirt with bleach splotches on the front of it.
Everyone was present except for Lawson, Jackson and Quinn
Rhys made a face.
"Someone who clearly has a death wish?" He grinned as I glared softly.
Devin looked at the shirt.
"Who even poured the stuff for it to get bleached?" He questioned as I studied the shirt before looking back at the three younger brothers.
"I poured my own liquid-"
"So someone else came in behind you and added bleach?" Urie frowned at me and everything suddenly connected.
"I know who did it-"

"Jackson?" Devin arched a brow as I paused fixing to leave but turned to him.
"He's actually not here, he left out a little while ago to go get a few things for the house, under uncles orders." He told me and my brows knitted.
"Oh? Then I guess I'll talk to him later about it." I pulled out my phone hovering over Briar's name.

"Hey, Jason? Can we actually talk to you about something?" Devin asked as I put the phone down and my brows knitted.
"Sure? What's up?" I walked over to the couch and took a seat beside Urie who placed his hands in his lap.
"Okay just don't hate us for even asking this but.." Devin was hesitant on his words before his eyes met mine and I could see the concern.

"Are you and Jackson dating?"
My blood ran cold as I got back to my feet and just stared at the other.
"How could you ask me something like that?" Everything suddenly ached as I looked at the other blond and he looked like he regretted even bringing the subject up.
I looked to Rhys and Urie and they both looked just as guilty over the question and my eyes grew wide before nausea hit me.
"You guys think.. I'm seeing Jackson? He's our brother! My twin!" I screamed glaring now and I've never been one to ever lose my temper on the other three brothers.
But this?
This was new.

"Why would you think we'd ever do something so disgusting? Do you honestly think we'd ever stoop as low as to see each other like that?" I demanded glaring harshly at each of them.
"You guys have just been close lately!" Rhys protested and my eyes locked on him.
"And you thought it would be okay to think that the two of us were seeing each other? We were bonding! Something brothers are supposed to do!" I ran my hands through my hair trying to control the shakiness in my voice.

The front door opened and god I wish I hadn't let it happen.
But the tears slipped the moment Jackson stepped in with some bags, his eyes locked on me and immediately he looked pissed.

"Who made him cry? Jason never fucking cries." Jackson stormed into the room and I wiped my eyes feeling frustrated as Jackson glared at the other three.
"It's okay Jackson, the situation is actually laughable." I placed my hand on his shoulder wiping my eyes as I stared at the three with the blankest look I could give them.
"Our brothers just had it in their head that we were seeing each other behind closed doors, isn't that hilarious? I find it hilarious." I smiled and they all looked worried as Jackson refused to move.
"It's not hilarious, Jason. It's disgusting-"
"I know it is but instead of them just coming to us, they let their minds wander and now look? I'm so fucking disappointed in each of them, I think it's hilarious. All I want to do is laugh." I stepped back and the tears just kept falling.

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