+ Prologue +

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Peyton Gracia's life took a drastic turn when she and her family met with a terrible accident with Peyton just being twelve years old.

Amongst the trio of her family which consisted of her mother, her father and Peyton herself, the accident took its biggest toll on her , sending her into coma.

Peyton being a lovable girl since the beginning had a place in everyone's heart which made even the darkest eyes shed a tear for her but there was one whose heart didn't shed but shattered into pieces.

Her best friend, Dayton Nack who always stood by her side, no matter what the situation was

Six months passed by and Peyton was still lost in her deep slumber, lying on the bed as if she was lifeless.

Dayton's persistent hope that she would wake up one day and be her former self again began to fade and slowly slowly the world began to forget about her.

Two years later on a casual sunday something happened- her fingers moved, her chest rose, her eyes opened. She was awake.

Peyton was finally awake, remembering nothing about her life except her parents, the accident and the infinite darkness that swallowed her in.

But the biggest change that Peyton woke up to was that the world had changed.

People had changed.

Times had changed.

She had changed.

Even Dayton had shifted.

The world had split and all the eight planets of our solar system were now occupied by humans.

Six years passed since Peyton's accident and through her intelligence and hardwork she was finally able to cope up with her studies.

2070 has begun and with that Peyton's senior year.

Peyton has been given a project.The most important project in her senior year where she would be partnered with a person from some other planet.

And her partner was from Mars.

She is geared up for whatever tasks she has been given to complete the project but what she isn't ready for is, another drastic turn in her life.


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