- Amaltea -

37 7 2

Hey, Peyton! What's up?

Transparent glass.

Huh? Transparent glass?

We have transparent glasses at night as roof on Earth

That's cool.


Hey, what happened? Why do you sound so energetic today?

Your sarcasm won't go now also *rolling eyes*

Yeah, never. And especially ftoda

I don't know. It feels like I am missing a big part of my life. A part which I don't remember anymore.

Oh, it's alright, Pey. Whatever happens, it always happens for good. Just have faith on yourself and everything will make it's way itself :)

You know, taking into view that you are annoying, you give really nice advice Dayton. And you help in bringing smiles on other's faces also.

Aw...did I make Peyton smile. That's cool. Dayton made Peyton smile.

Hm...oh wait, did you notice it ? We both have literally the same sort of names and that too are the names of places on earth.

Yups, I did :)

That's cool...can I ask you something, Day?

Yeah, go on.

Why do you always become so serious whenever I say bye to you.

*Inhales deeply* Because she also said bye to me but she never returned back again.

Oh, okay. May I know, who's the "she" here?

Leave something's for another day, Pey. Have some patience *chuckles*

Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Night ;)

Goodnight, Pey :)



Hey, Pey! What happened suddenly? Why are you so happy today?

Don't you want me to stay happy? *pout*

Oh, no. It's not that, Pey. I want you to tell that to me so that I can also become happy.

Oh, sorry! I am happy because I got to eat donuts today. You know it how donuts aren't made on Earth anymore now *pout*

You are still the same. Donuts will always remain your favourite.

Huh? How do you know about it?

Um, did you forget that you told me that when you came last time?

Huh? Did I? I don't really remember it...

You did but forget about it now. Why are you stressing that little mind yours with all these nonsense things?

Yeah, your right.


You know what, everytime you say something to me , it feels so familiar like it has happened before. I think that I am really turning into a weirdo now, lol.

That's interesting. I think you should just follow that familiarity your feel maybe it may lead you somewhere else. A new place.

Yes, I think you are right. I'll go to sleep now. I have to wake up early tomorrow to come to meet you.

Yeah, yeah. Take your beauty sleep. You need to look beautiful tomorrow.

What do you mean, am I not beautiful?

Oh, sorry. I forgot to add  "as usual " in my last message.

Haha...you are always able to make me smile, Day :)

Omg! It took you so long to know that?

Lmao, yeah :) Okay, now I'll talk to your tomorrow. Night:)

Goodnight to you too, Pey. Sleep tight. Dream about me *wink*


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