- Valetudo -

38 9 25

Hello, Pey! How are you?

Hey! I am fine. What happened? Do you need any help?

Can't I talk to my friend just like that?

You can but I think that there's some other reason. Come on, tell me now.

Okay, maybe there is a reason.

Not maybe. I know that there's absolutely a reason. What's it?

I was wondering as to how you look.


So, tell me how you look, duh *rolling eyes*

Um, I look like a human with four limbs.

I know that! I mean your features and all so that I could recognize you tomorrow without anyone else.

Hm..okay. So, I have green eyes and freckles and I have chestnut brown colored hair. What bout' you?

Interesting...well, I have brown eyes and brown hair, simple. If you don't mind me asking, Pey, what are the names of your parents?

It's alright. No problem. My mother is Mrs. Hazel Gracia and father is Mr. Garrett Gracia. Yours?

My mother's name is Mrs. Grace Nack and my father is Mr. West Nack and let's not forget the youngest member. My sister's name is London Nack. I am sorry, Pey. I have to go now. I'll meet you tomorrow :)

That's something peculiar to see. You sent me a simple smiling emoji? But whatever, go on. Meet you tomorrow.


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