+ The First Rendezvous +

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Peyton looked around at the airport of Mars. It was something that she didn't even imagined of. She could not help but look around in awe with her mouth open.

It was beautiful. Everything was mostly red but that red looked beautiful. Breath-taking.

The uniforms the people on Mars was wearing, mostly consisted of red and a  dark, navy blue.

The trees or the plants that were growing there were a shade of very different shade. The barks and stems were red while the leaves were a shade of darker red colour with a few light ones in between.

The roads were a shade of very light red, almost pink shade.

In all, everything was just attracting to Peyton. She had been to Neptune and Uranus too but none could be compared to the beauty of Mars.

Dayton had to look at Peyton only for one second and he knew that she was not any Peyton but she was his Peyton.

His best friend.

The person he had grown to love immensely. Peyton Gracia.

No one in the whole universe could have been so happy at the moment as Dayton was.

He was happy to see his friend after six years but it broke his heart that Peyton didn't remember him. Neither him and nor the moments they had  shared together.

Peyton looked at Dayton, who was making his way towards her, and felt a sort of safe feeling circle around her, suddenly.

A different type of safe where she didn't even felt a bit scared. Not even of the spiders also.

She felt as if she had already met Dayton once somewhere.

But Peyton didn't think much about all that and forgot about everything related to Dayton soon and engrossed herself in her project.

While, on the other hand, Dayton wasn't able to take off his eyes off Peyton for the whole day. Having Peyton beside him again made him complete.

He took Peyton to his home and his family was delighted to meet Peyton again even though they didn't really tell her that they already know her.

Just half an hour before her departure, Dayton took Peyton to a park.

They took seats on the two swings and sat there in silence.

But silence has never been Peyton's thing so she said just after one minute of silence,' I loved it here today. On Mars.'

Dayton smirked at her and said,' I also liked it here today even more than I normally do.'

' So, do I have to come here next weekend or you will be coming to Earth?'

' I think we should go and click some normal photographs of Ganymede as it used to be in the past. I have an old camera too.'

Peyton smiled and said,' Yes, that's totally cool. We should. I would love to go and see Ganymede.'

' Okay, then you have to come here next week,' Dayton said while nodding.

Peyton smiled a little and said,' I don't know why but sitting like this on a swing with you feels so familiar. It feels as if this has happened before.'

Dayton's heart started beating fast when Peyton said that. For an instant, he felt like Peyton remembered everything as to who he was but it was just what he felt and not the reality.

The announcement was made just a second later and Peyton and Dayton made their way towards the airport.

Soon Peyton was at her home again and sleeping soundly. Peyton was smiling in her sleep.

Peyton was dreaming about a small twelve year old boy living beside her house, with brown eyes and brown hair, simple.

The little boy made his way towards the little Peyton and Peyton smiled once again in her sleep.


All the things I have written are just an imagination of mine.

I hope that you liked the chapter!!

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